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We here at HWIDG are pleased to announce our new Vice President: Reacher, the cat! Mr. Reacher has all of the qualities a fine podcast like ours is looking for in a vice president. A can-do attitude and a fierce policy against Tim's allergies are just some of the qualifications we used to gauge wether or not he was ready for this high-level job. Now, as Vice President, Mr. Reacher has the ability and duty to establish new podcast guidelines and to help flesh out our squeaky toy collection. Also, he isn't a cop like some other vice presidents. So without further ado, your new Vice President had this to say about his new position:

* Taking the Long Way
* Captain Janeway
* Preorders
* Bugs

Sometimes things must be done, and they must be done in a roundabout way that involves all sorts of converters and cable types and amplifiers and such. Sometimes the things that must be done are not this way and are achieved with the press of a button, or by a previously forgotten input. And then you feel like a moron for not realizing you could have done it the easy way earlier. Alas, life's lessons are so. As technology moves forward into a self-driving, wireless, one-touch, 5G-enabled future, you will no longer have to do things the hard, long way, because you won't even have that option, so enjoy the scenic route while you can.

Captain Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager is a lady, they tell me. She likes coffee I think. And science too. She's got some funny space hair. She eventually becomes an admiral and talks to Picard for a few seconds. These are the things I know about Captain Janeway. Tab probably should have written this section. Anyways, I also know that whatever I think of her when I get around to Voyager, it will be better than any of Alex Kurtzman's anal leakage that he calls current Star Trek.

Remember the high days of preorder bonuses? Where you could preorder at GameStop and get a cool gun, but if you preordered at Best Buy you got a free car, or if you preordered at Wal-Mart you got a free 6 pack of tube socks, and you couldn't buy any of them separately after the game came out. We needed entire graph systems to figure out what preorder bonus came from which store and with what edition of the game, it was maddening. Well, things have changed since then. Sure, some games still give you an incentive for doing it, but it's died down quite a bit. Now they're just wacky. Preorder this game demo and recieve a free 32 oz. Big Gulp with a code for a preorder for the sequel we haven't even announced!

There are good bugs, like butterflies and honeybees, you know the ones that get made into Dreamworks characters. Then there are your average bugs like ants, spiders, house flies, and grasshoppers that are at most a minor annoyance to you. Maybe they freak you out, but they mostly just go about their own thing. Then there are the bad bugs. The ones that belong on death row in bug prison. No parole. Wasps are the 9/11 of bugs. And I don't mean the government is lying to you about them. They deserve all the bug spray/raid/fire you can throw at them. Hate them and don't feel bad about it.

All this and more on this week’s episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT!



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