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Welcome back fans to May's Minisode which I am actually remembering to post this month. You know what I also forgot to post? The voting for June's movie commentary. Why? Because my brain has become so riddled with lack of purpose I barely know what days are which! So keep that in mind while we pontificate about these less important issues.

Surprise Messy Food
What Old People Did to Floors
Sappy Gameshow Stories

At a certain point we're supposed to have become adults that accept each other and don't keep acting like high school bitches, but for some reason we stopped becoming adults and cliques still exist in the world post being 14 years old. It pisses me off, as an adult man that other people can't get over themselves.

Man there is nothing worse that not know what you are about to eat is a ticking time bomb of sauce poised to explode over your nice clean shirt during a lunch when you have plans immediately after work that night. That's why we have developed the Splat system. Restaurants and even individual foods will have a warning of how messy it could be so you can prepare your PPE.

Decades ago old people decided to change their homes and offices, but rather than do the real deal and actually replace things. They just laid over the old in favor of the cheap and new. Now decades later we are peeling away all this terrible garbage to find the quality craftsman ship underneath. I literally cannot think of a better metaphor as to why Boomers are a disease.

30 minute regular game shows give you about 10 seconds to meet the contestants unless you have a long run of a returning champ. Prime time games shows though, well they gotta fill that time with something, lord knows the games themselves suck. So what better way to fill it than some lame poorly written personal drama? Yeah no thanks, just play the goddamn plinko already.

Thanks for supporting the show and be sure to go vote for June's movie Commentary.



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