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The leftovers are still there in the kitchen, it's time to make yourself a big turkey sandwich wrap yourself up in a comfy bathrobe and listen to us discuss these microscopic issues.

Tesla Truck Haters
Loitering Groups
Reminding People About Your Embarrassing Stories
Thin Dip

Tesla has a new truck, and apparently it's not a truck because even though it's got a bed, big tires, and will be bought by suburban dads who play carpenter on the weekends, it's not a real truck. There are 6 million ugly cars on the road, not individual cars, I mean brands of cars. So here is one more, why does it hurt your feelings so much?

Ah we've just finished a day out, now it is time to stand here with everyone you know and just be in the way. Look I get it, it takes a second to get people moving the right direction, but fuck sake don't stand in front of the door while you're doing it.

Hey remember that time I did an embarrassing thing in the past? No, well let me tell you the whole story so you can make fun of me again. Why did I think this would be a fun experience? Probably because I'm a fuckin idiot.

You need substance when you're dipping your chips during a meal. Anything less than true concrete is unacceptable to Tim. He has insulted my families honor in this episode, so now he must be destroyed.

Well that's it for November. Now, NOW, if you're such a fucking faggot that you want to play christmas music, NOW it's ok to start playing it. Everyone would prefer you didn't, maybe instead you could play a trumpet solo off a 12-gauge this year. Right after you VOTE FOR DECEMBER'S MOVIE COMMENTARY!!!



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