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John is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something you know very little about. I once saw him kill three men in a bar... with a pencil, with a fucking pencil.

And this, is one of the greatest movies ever made. Join Tab, Tim, and Todd in his first time watching this movie in a cinematic experience to rival no other. Witness Todd ask questions about the movie 4 seconds before they happen. Listen to Tab's 4K cross bearing because he isn't sitting in the right spot. Try to guess when Tim starts to fall asleep. Keep your dogs close, and your machine guns closer it's time for John Wick.

Don't forget to submit your movie for May! 



Craig W

The biggest team up of the year arrived this month as Tab, Tim and Todd sat down for one of the greatest actions movies of the modern era. But in a world where every successful male movie star has a rip roaring revenge movie, let's take a moment to think back on the man who made it all possible. Steven Seagal. If he hadn't tried to find out who killed Bobby Lupo, who knows where we'd be today. Not only do we have Triple T, but Ronnie makes a cameo! Ronnie, if Tab still beats you, beep twice on the next episode. We can help you. Todd tries to push one of the greatest TV shows ever on Tab, Miyagi rises from the grave and Tim explains why going back to the gold standard won't work in this stellar commentary that's well worth your ten bucks. So hide the bodies, pick up the phone and make your reservation for John Wick.