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Listen here, punk. My partner was the nice one. You know what that makes me? The bad cop. WHO DID IT?! HUH?! You don’t know, eh? Now why would that be? Would it be because you DIDN’T LISTEN TO THE COMMENTARY LIKE YOU SAID YOU DID?! Ahhh. The truth finally comes loose. You didn’t listen to the commentary like you said you did. Stop crying’ kid. You’re no to use to us anymore, get on out of here. See Frank, told you I’d bust him open. Kid didn’t know nothin’ anyways. Damn. We gotta figure this out.

Who fell asleep during this month’s movie commentary?  Find out, as we watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit? As always, we thank all you MEGA Producers for supporting the podcast. We say we love all our Patrons equally, but we love you all just a little bit more. Don’t forget to submit a movie for next month’s commentary, or we’ll drop you into a vat of the dip! 



Craig W

The Battle Royale is over folks! Tombstone gets the dip and The Other Guys get a piano dropped on them. Better luck next year for those patrons. So Who Framed Roger Rabbit stands tall as your winner for December. Embark on a trip through time with Tab and Tim to take a look at all of these iconic characters before Disney makes live-action replacements for everything. Marvel as Tab discusses the technical side of this movie and quite rightfully savors Bob Hoskins' performance. Little known fact for you Tab! Those vacant blue screens were fully furnished sets until they brought Tim on for some last minute adjustments. Apparently someone told him to just "handle" it. A breaking update on the dark mode problem, Tim drops teasers for future episodes and more as these two private dicks find out Who Framed Roger Rabbit!