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Buckle up boys and girls because this episode is a shit show. The tension is Sarek will die, but will he? No because he's alive as late as the 24th Century in an episode of TNG. But we needed to justify the whole Spock's fake sister thing so fuck you here's backstory nobody wanted or needed and most importantly it makes Mary Sue Burnham the most important person in the galaxy. 3/4s through this episode I had to take a break because this show is so terrible. Good news though, I'm going to push through the next three episodes tonight, and then likely kill myself.


Madcucks vs Discuckery Episode 6

Hoo boy is this one rough. Join the crew of the USS Discuckery as they virtue signal across the galaxy to save Sarek. He's in mortal danger of dying, and it is super duper suspenseful. Or rather it isn't because we know he's alive in another hundred years. Take a pause 3/4s through the episode as I outline why this franchise is so important to me and this show such a disappointment.



Tab, pausing the episode and talking about why Star Trek was important to you as a child really gave me the feels dude. Thank you for that real moment. You're right, this show has nothing to it, no substance. I'm really struggling to stick with this show. If it wasn't for you keeping me company I'm not sure I would still be watching.

Heres What I Dont Get

Thank you. I know it is cliche to say "This thing killed my childhood" but I feel like this show is just taking a dump over all this shit that is important to me. You've got a long way to go, and it really doesn't get any better. I'm glad you are finding something keeping you going.