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So... I'm a little pissed right now, because my tablet crashed again and I lost the ENTIRE PAGE so... yea. 

To be blunt, I'm not going to draw anything else today. From tomorrow I'll start over, calmly, and finish until the end of the week. Sorry about that and see ya in a few days.



Awh... Not even a partial save of the thing? Thats a shame


Damn, that sucks! You can’t seem to catch a break, can you? Sorry man. I hope you feel better.


Doing nothing else for today is enough, you know? I'm not exhausted or anything, I just need to relax for now... It was a three day work that crashed. Like, it's not something I can restore, so I just have to raise my head and start all over... But thank you for your concern buddy!

Sum Gie

Shit happens man, take the time you gotta to do what you gotta. Patience is a virtue, fingers crossed for ya


Wow, everything that can happen when you are without internet for 1 week and a half and you don't find out anything XD To begin with, my condolences for your comic page, if I were you, I would not send it to settle with the charlatan that you "fixed" your tablet take your time and enjoy the holidays I know you don't like to take months off but if you feel very pressured don't hesitate to say you want to take a break every artist deserves it all of us who support you I'm sure they will understand