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Hello everyone! *unrolls a huge piece of parchment* A-AHEM! Thank you for your attention! I come to everyone to communicate that the DA and Patreon pages will undergo some changes, specifically in the drawings!

First of all, I'm developing my own style (YES, FINALLY *fireworks explodes as an old man shouts "it's about time"*). I think it's time to reorganize my ideas and create my own brand. The real Jake, you know? I've dropped a lot of ideas in the year I've been drawing... Time to really move on! If everything had gone well, I would have been posting new stuff, but last week my grandmother was hospitalized with covid, and that destabilized me A LOT, mainly because my father died last year for the same cause, so it delayed things a bit. But I can guarantee that next month we will have new projects and content.

Speaking of content, the first thing that will come straight from the ashes will be the comics, I miss them a lot! Not exactly Industrial Becca (there's even a post just talking
about it: www.patreon.com/posts/updates-…), but something more like the routine of Becca and her friends! Both for the individual illustrations, commissions and for the comics,
I will bet more on dynamics and simplicity! So don't expect a level of detail similar to the current one! But that's it *closes the scroll*, I hope you're looking forward to it, because I am! I just ask for your understanding and patience during this style transition! Good week everyone and see you there!



Sorry to hear that about your grandmother and father. I hope your grandmother makes a safe recovery.


Oh my, very happy to hear the comics return!! And while i still wanna see industrial becca continue sometime i do want to see what new ideas you've came up with ^^


And very sorry about the sad part of the post >w< i hope everything will turn out well and good!


Take the time you need to get everything sorted out. No rush. We will wait patiently


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you’re grandmother recovers quickly. Take as much time as you need.