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Guys, I've been a little sick for a few weeks, nothing to stop me from producing content... until yesterday and today. I had a fever, severe headaches and tiredness :/

I'm doing my best so that you don't miss the month-end content, but I'm sorry to inform you that I can't guarantee the delivery of everything... It's sad, because I hate pending issues and I apologize for any inconvenience. 

Always grateful to all of you! ^^ I hope you understand



Awww i had no idea ;w; please take some time off to get well perhaps, don't risk when it comes to your health!

Brandon Del Real

I don’t mind waiting your health comes first 😊


Take care of yourself, a little wait never killed anyone. Hope you feel better soon!


I hope it passes quickly for you! Get well soon!

JakeJaccobus (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-26 14:59:32 Thank you all for the positive messages ^^ <3 It helps me a lot!
2020-11-23 12:17:53 Thank you all for the positive messages ^^ <3 It helps me a lot!

Thank you all for the positive messages ^^ <3 It helps me a lot!