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Warning: contains a dangerous lack of lumbar support.

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Wait, a chapter you don't need a programming degree for?


"He continued studying the schematic of the vessel spread on the table before him. The annotations, written in the latest Imperial Coding, resolved themselves into common before his eyes." It is the schematic of the vessel Temerity? send by a spy with imperial code? honestly they seem to have a lot of infos and all that on Ascension, so a spy, maybe the navigator guy with the part with Val and etc, a cover agent is not out of what i expect the empire to have, hell they can maybe have cover agent who dont know they are cover agent in the firts place, they are unconscious of it (mind magic, spell/mechanisme who transmit auto infos or wathever, activation when specific condition or another people come and get the packet of infos) magic world and when you have soul stuff is scary in the possibility


I want a Dust side story!


As promised, not even a mention of lumbar support. 10/10 would read again.

Jac Onue

Not a very well informed spy then, since they don't know that Temerity is now using a steam engine and a propeller for movement, rather than a traditional magic core.


I want Dust to get awakened and become a Fire Mage. Imagine getting trampled by a burning horse.


The adamants created the ship so it's not a surprise that they have the schematics.


So many thoughts.... A) Communist-Rome is a TERRIFY idea for an antagonist nation. B) Getting to be very clear that Rain needs more powerful allies. His abilities mean he can make Silver's terrifyingly more powerful than they'd otherwise be. He needs to start talk-ne-jutsu-ing experienced guys like Bakal (and possibly even a certain citizen...) into joining Ascension. C) Character development for the side characters has been great recently. Usually I greatly prefer the POV to stay with Rain, but the side views have been super on point the last few chapters.

Luke Scheffe

For a second, I thought that the break was next week, and was instantly plunged into the deepest pits of despair. Then I saw the calendar.


The Dominus is trying to figure out what's going on with Temerity, formerly known as Fist of the Progress (or whatever). Specifically he mentions they don't understand why they can't activate their failsafe, and wondering how the hell Ascension managed to fix it enough so the magical propulsion works. Because this world doesn't really have any non-magical propulsion, they'd never correctly guess at what Tallheart has done to the ship. They'll just keep incorrectly assuming some magic bullshit. I mean technically, they're using fire magic to help heat up the boiler. So it's not 100% non-magical. But it's not some complete magical nonsense like most everyone uses, it's just a mundane use of physics and engineering + energy.


I'm currently assuming Dust's obsession with Rain's "chest" is foreshadowing. Animals have "half souls" that can't awaken. So they'd need to become a familiar or tamed or something to have any access to magic. Rain's soul is not completely impregnable like every other awakened, so Dust might be feeling something there and/or his connection to Dozer.

Jac Onue

"Behold, Deathzone riding his trusted steed, the Nightmare, Dust." Would be pretty funny, though I doubt Dust would choose a fire spec (as she hates fire), and going by the name, some sort of wind or disintegration magic would align better.


Haha oh sweet summer child. Dust is a total pyromaniac. We've gotten first person POV segments of them obsessing over flames both magical and mundane, and we get anecdotes like them chasing Ava around when they're on fire because they love that shit.


Ya know...Citizen Stroudwater does have a certain ring to it...

JC Silver

Oh god, you KNOW Rain would end up saying "Ponyta, I choose you!" if that happened.


Legends say in the stygian darkness of the witching hour, you can almost hear the tapping of hooves on cobblestone as the Night Cleaner makes his rounds. Scouring the world clean of bad little boys and girls who don't finish all their vegetables.


The narration referred to Bakal as the 'Sea King' rather than 'Barge King'. Was that a mistake or did we hear that alias before?


If I recall correctly, the sea kings were the various pirate captains that ruled 3 cliffs, of which Bakal was one.

Conor McGroarty

Could Minds be Dynamos with skills geared toward memory (they capitalized Memory) and information processing? They mentioned that they are burdened by the weight of their knowledge and the restrictions placed on them (whatever Adamant regulations or skills are used to keep them chained makes it worse) which sounds a lot like clarity to me. Though even if they aren’t Dynamos, they should be some kind of Class that mains in Clarity. Point is they aren’t nearly as well adjusted as modern man Rain over there since he has various tips and tricks (plus gear) and isn’t suffering under the boot of a tyrannical and mind shackling regime.


Nah ungeared Dynamo is way too weak to build a specialized class around. My guess would be the Eyes have a Clairvoyance specialized class, and the Minds have a Diviniation specialized class. Both classes based around Focus as their main stat like 99.9% of mages. The Mind's Threat Assessment probably identified Rain as low silver. The expectation that the Knives and meteor would kill him seems appropriate for that level, seeing as the knives took out our boy Gavin with zero difficulty.


This is what happens when you introduce steampunk into a world of magic. What is this sorcery and why does it require headlight fluid?


While it's true that animals have half-souls, extended time spent exposed to powerful Winter and the resulting overmana have made Ascension's animals scarily intelligent. We've seen Dozer developing sapience to the point that other monsters attacked him. Given enough Winter exposure, Dust could very well reach the point where the system considers him sapient. I could totally picture him ending up in some low-level blue fight and some time later someone going "Why is the horse shooting Firebolts?"


I like this theory. We know the system includes purely support stuff like crafting skills and auras like detection. A class in the vein of administration/logistics wouldn't be that weird, aside from it not being brought up before. Could even be one of those weird hidden classes like Val has that takes stuff from the mental trees and some other stuff and reorganizes it. And going all in or at least heavily into clarity and overmana to facilitate that further makes sense.

Kendelle Trotter

You're overthinking. Dust is at Rain's chest looking for boobs. He thought Rain was a girl this entire time as shown in earlier chapters so he was looking for the fleshy masses that are on every other girl.

Jac Onue

"Memory" being capitalized makes me wonder about the theory that Minds have access to the System and are able to search through it. Hence the Mind in this case says that a Dynamo like Rain is unprecedented according to the System's Memory that this Mind has access to. I mean, we know the System was artificially created by the Majistrals, and has some programming elements to it. It isn't that big of a stretch to think the System would log the various skill information and store it in memory fragments. Otherwise saying that a Dynamo of such level is unprecedented according to her memory doesn't mean much unless the Mind is either very old (and thus has seen a lot of things) or Minds have some sort of shared memory. Although, I don't think we have seen any skills that actually focus on the System itself (except Watch's lie detector skill, though it likely relies on a Soul Link, similar to how Rain can tell the mood of other people).


Memory could be another word for the Guide all awakened are supposed to have.

JC Silver

Based on what we learned from the adamant defector the "academy" that more specialized awakened get trained has a reusable respec accolade. I think that both the eyes and minds are created through combination of high tier skills from different trees to form their pseudo-classes which have performance higher than expected for bronze. Perhaps minds specifically need to be higher-leveled silvers and that explains part of why they have much heavier restrictions placed upon them by the empire.

JC Silver

That's not impossible, but it could also be that minds have high clarity and are forced to memorize information on skills, builds, and statistics of awakened in the empire provided to them by Fecht. Could explain why they get placed under heavy restrictions if they are both extremely specialized clairvoyant awakened with coveted abilities and individuals with intimate knowledge of the Empire Adamant's military secrets.

JC Silver

Towards point 2, narratively you could say the story has had three major arcs and we're entering a new arc now: 1) Rain was a stranger in a new world learning to survive, then 2) Rain unlocked soulscripts, learning how to utilize that and leading the survivors of the rank shift through Ascension, and lastly 3) Rain hits a wall in Vestvall against Crimson Gar and his plate hunters that pushes him to dive with Ameliah and Tallheart to grow his own personal strength. I think the next big step is for Rain to finally develop the "support" aspect of his build, the original intention he had when he chose it, by demonstrating its potency and convincing other awakened to join/further strengthening Ascension members with higher level Blues.


Building a class around memorising things seems like a waste of resources. You could just write all the info about classes/skills down in a book, put it in a secured location, and restict access to it.


Have the information collected in people has a lot of advantages though. First; they can protect the knowledge themselves. It's harder to steal a brain than a book. Second; speed of access. Looking up information in an encyclopedia takes a while. Not what you want in a battle. Third; Having information in a book is only helpful if you know it's in the book. Nobody in this party except the mind could have identified Prismatic Intent because they didn't even know that was a thing. This is why we have doctors instead of people who just consult a book. Fourth; Books are harder to update. The Mind here now has information about Rain, and someone with clarity and memory skills will have as accurate an account as possible, without being limited by language. Much better than the Dominus writing some report where he just assumes Rain can't be a beacon because those suck and can't use multiple auras.


Yeah if you don't care about your citizens/soldiers' wellbeing? A build solely around knowing information like that would be great. They could analyze situations with all the details, and quickly let commanders know if they see something pertinent from their wealth of memorized information. Having that shit locked in some book instead would have your army flailing around in total ignorance, as they (very purposefully) do not have all the details. It also makes it easier to keep everyone else in purposeful ignorance when you have all that information confined to only a select few. Especially when those select few are obviously not very high in rank, to where the dominus can easily discipline them or order the mind mages to go to work on them.


That's true. A dude who could analyse an evolving situation on the fly would be better than a book.


I still think they have some sort of Diviner build. Threat Assessment, Identify Weakness, those kinds of skills. Then combine that with whatever Memory is, some sort of skill, or the imperial mind mages just dumped a skill library into their heads. Fecht can use mind magic and probably knows more about the skill trees than anyone else. He could have created a memory package and every Mind has it put in their heads. Then put certain restrictions on it. There probably aren't that many Minds, low to mid double digits, he could have done it by himself.


Correction: "The man was silver. He could take it." Should be:🏅"The man was GOLD. He could take it."