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inverted velocity to slow the meteor until it stop + inverted flamme aura would do the trick. my money on our antler blacksmith getting killed by the last 3 knives.


Argh, another cliff and the chapters are so short, the release only 3 times a month. Lets find SS and chain him to the chair to force him to write more. xD


Solid chapter! The fights are getting better written IMO. Great balance of shifting POV's and such!


lol, if the last three Knives can even get close to Tallheart, they'll get obliterated. He's not dumb enough to take of his armor and they'd fare about as well as Anton would have in close quarters. I'd give them less than ten seconds against Tallheart in the ship.


That black fabric all the knives were wearing should make a good Detection target. Previously the only thing linking all the Adamants together was their generic, metal gear, which woulden't make a good search target. Nice to see something to mitigate OP bow builds. Arcane resistance forces the bow user to aim manually, which means they need to actually get good at archery rather than rely on the free auto-pilot bow skills. Though, on that note, I've just realized that nothing has ever resisted Purify. It goes straight through Bronze, Silver, and high Silver without the slightest bit of difficulty.


Yeah Tallheart has effectively.. what, over 2k or 4k strength, when we were told ages ago? So he already has 40k health minimum before anything else. Then he has his OP armor that's probably even better than Rain's, then he has who knows how many accolades as well. I would enjoy seeing them try lol.


Purify is a "beneficial" type where it only gets put up against their resistance if they're purposefully resisting it and have their guard up. Like how Velocity worked at first on Hegar, but if the person has their guard up, it has to punch through their resistance.

Osamaru Ta

attachments are broken for me.

Ole Halvorsen

@Thenais Velocity will not work on objects so Inverted Velocity will have no effect on the meteor.


Working fine for me. Assuming refreshing the page didn't work, you can try another browser or the Patreon app. Let me know if that still doesn't fix it.

Osamaru Ta

After playing with it, for some reason it won't link properly from my "home" but I works if I go directly to the chapter and then click on the link.


Arcane resistance countering Seeker Shot is great since it prevents mages from being completely trivialized by some random archer. It makes dodging, evasion skills and avoiding line of sight important. I just really hate auto-aim.


Im a bit confused with his inverted aura who give "def" (and did he double use fulmination here? one for damage and one with inverted channel mastery to give def? or i missed something how it work) guess i need a refresh of how inverted aura with channel mastery work And with the normal def aura, what exactly the difference with inverted aura? seem because of channel mastery the defensive aura are quite "useless" now, seem a waste of point if they are not notable difference with inverted aura (and did he can double the two for same element? (inverted aura and def aura) so double def)


The inversion works via the Aura IFF skill. Currently, it maxes out at -50%. So to give 9.9k resistance from an attack aura, he has to do 20k damage. Even if the area damage limit is only 9.9k and the extra 10k damage is "wasted." The inverted attack auras giving resistance versus the wards have very different use cases. The attack auras have an ongoing cost and aren't very mana efficient. But he can cover 100 or however many people are in range at once in exchange for a static mana cost. So it's good for defending a large group against one damage type. The wards are way more mana efficient. They also cost zero ongoing mana until they're triggered so he can run them constantly, and they can go over 100% coverage to protect against piercing attack types. If Rain is going solo or in a small group, wards are generally way better than the inverse attack aura's resistance. They're also good as a preventative measure with no ongoing cost unless attacked. Rain can eventually run all 8 wards 24/7.

Forrest Minter

Damn, too bad about the translocationist. I can understand him providing too much utility for story continuity, but it's really too bad because he could have been really useful


Its that who throw me out here Fulmination (15/15) 19998.00-22854.86 arcane (fcs) damage per second to foes and environment 9999.00-11427.43 arcane (fcs) mitigation per second to friends Sufficient damage causes paralysis And that after "He swayed, then caught himself, the gray that had crept into his thoughts from simultaneously using Fulmination and Force Ward slowly beginning to fade." Making me confuse about the number of aura he used and how channel mastery and aura iff work to get this new line of mitigation here So he need only Aura IFF to do this if i understand what you said? and use only one offensive aura with it to get the damage and the inverse of it at the same time for friend? What channel mastery do so on all this? was thinking he needed to use it to up the damage and drop it down to get the inversion on friend and so cant do it with only one aura active and need to use the same aura two time simultanously to get the two effect at the same time Was it not Channel mastery that get him Inverted skill/aura effect like Detection? and not IFF Aura? Gonna need to search and find and reread the chapter when all this stuff happen and the differenciation happen, im lost and missed/forgotten thing on all that


@Ziggy Exactly. You always get that one freebee. It's a """"beneficial"""" spell that only needs to be beneficial to Rain in order to activate it's removal effect. You could delete someone's mitochondria(technically a foreign, invasive species living inside human bodies) before the target can react if you catch them by surpirse, killing them in a way that bypasses damage altogether(Fun fact; interpting the mitochondria is also how Cyanide kills things). I'm not even sure arcane resistance would work against Purify. It does not produce an movement/energy/magical effect like other arcane spells, and did not catalyse the arcane mana in the Sparkscale Deep.


Channel mastery allows for the variance of tick time in channeled skills


Hopefully the empire woulden't be dumb enough to try and get through Tallheart's OP armor. My guess for how they would neutralize him is by teleporting him to a containment cell, or to someone who can kill him. Might be why Gavin was such a high priority target. That Stasis spell the Westbridge used would also be an easy way to capture him and transport him to one of the ships. Tallheart has some pretty good specs, but we saw in the Sparkscale deep that he isn't invincible.


Well no. You don't always get the freebie. If you go into battle or stay generally on guard against foreign magic, even typically beneficial magic, it defaults to being put up against resistance. Any smart or seasoned adventurer would know better. It worked against someone like Hegar because he was a moron.


Translocationist may be alive, the scene weirdly avoids giving us anything conclusive on his matter, while trying hard to convince us he is dead. We have that chunks of flesh plop description, but these all could come from that leg of his, whose femur ended up stucked mid-wall. The neutralized term is ambiguous, one of its meanings is just the target becoming unable to interfere with current operation. The eye stab is not conclusive either with silver awakened that can theoretically receive healing in short time, and who could still cast after it.


If Tallheart was up against an an imperial army they could either blast magic at him until enough trickles through or his armor gets overloaded, or alternatively create an Incarn to kill him. He wouldn't stand a chance. But Knives would be almost powerless against him. They just don't have the stats to tangle with him or even get through his armor.


Hegar didn't strike me as unintelligent or unseasoned. He also made a profession out of killing other awakened, so he's probably more knowledgeable about PVP than the average awakened. It probably worked against both Hegar and Thrast when they had their guard up because the mindset required to resist buffs is different from resisting harmful spells.


He was running Force Ward and Fulmination through Prismatic Intent, which got him close to passing out again. Even when inverted, Fulmination and it's arcane damage mitigation only count as one aura, since it's the metamagic Aura IFF producing that effect. His macros only apply it to friends though, while every other target in range gets fried. So basically, the offensive auras produce an active damage resistance when inverted, while the wards cause targets to take more damage when inverted, while consuming mana for every additional point of damage inflicted. So inverted wards become elemental debuffs, allowing Rain to become an Elemental Malefactor. Not very mana efficient, but what does he care?


The description made it pretty clear that he got splattered across and through the wall in a cone. I don't think there's any coming back from that unless he's got a Westbridge-level healer waiting on the other side or the regeneration of a legendary Vivificant.


The description mentions a cone of flesh leading to a wall with femur stuck, nothing that allows to specify if his whole body or only a leg got space-minced.


Most likely he is, but the scene leaves a leeway for his survival, while pushing pretty hard for the he is totally dead interpretation, which is fishy.


It could be a red herring. But uh.. He's a mage. His stats are going to be heavily lopsided towards mental stats. He had enough health to delay his death, but he got stabbed in the eye before he got further minced in the spell. Then the spell was messed up cause of iron, so his destination would be off from wherever he meant to go. Whether he ended up in the middle of nowhere bleeding to death with no spare health, or popped like a balloon, or phased into the ground; he's extremely unlikely to have survived.


Its not like he got a single jump, his manapool allowed for severeal and Rain surely filled it. The guy is silver, kinda paranoid and obviously not poor with such proffesion. He may have some good potion or items on him. Also while his build is definitely specialised to go for such long jumps, its unlikely all his 25+ skills are dedicated only to that, with no other utility that may be of help.


At first I thought the iron dust was a reagent, but the idea of using metal powder as an anti-spell field is super cool.


I agree, seem he died, but the possibility he alive still is here, what if he tp close to hargrave (who have a beacon or shit) or close to the ship of ascension or just in town, (cant tp long range with interference and search the more close help possible) he get maimed hard but can survive if he have item (potion/overhealth) or shit or if he tp in town (somewhere in a house close to his position) after the attack only ascension can heal him and save him if he still survive after some time and persist enough with item he have Maybe its where ascension save is life in some way and get him in If not, the prob after this attac is over is fucking Hargrave gonna stick to them

JC Silver

I believe what SS was referring to with the line about running force ward and fulmination at once is the fact that force ward was automatically activated by Rain's scripts last chapter and there is no mention of him having the time to turn it off before using fulmination this chapter.

JC Silver

Makes me wonder about hidden stats like "interference resistance". We have clear evidence that Rain may have accidentally trained in this thoroughly due to his paranoid 24/7 metal shell. He says that he's just "overwhelming" the metal's influence with volume but honestly his focus is much lower than a mage of similar level and yet he is able to easily bypass metals so I think there's more to it.


We didn't get the iconic accolade waterfall. Methinks Gavin survived.

Jac Onue

The lack of accolades is an interesting point. Surely, someone at silver should have at least 1. Could be just the author forgetting it (the Knives didn't mention the lack of accolades dropping either). Although, story wise, it's probably better if he dies. It forces Halgrave to accompany Ascension (at least to Barstone) and it also means Rain couldn't just teleport into town to resupply.


I'm kinda surprised that iron powder had such a drastic effect. Humans are about 2% metal, with about 4 grams of that being iron. Dumping a small pouch of iron power on someone would not change the relative amount of metal already present all that much. Something SUPER mana absorbent like Valis powder should definitly be able to fuck a mage's day up, but iron seems like a bit of a stretch. Fetch might have to skip a few meals every month to afford the Valis, but I'd reckon I'd be worth it to trivialize silverplate mages.

Newguy Roy

The iron is bound to other molecules though. Pure metal must be different


The dust could be enchanted too, since enchanting pure iron is apparently easy.


Two things that seem off in this chapter. The first is simply a numbers thing: Fulmination shouldn't need to be set that high. It only needs to protect from the mageburn, since the allies are already excluded from the direct damage of the aura. 5k resistance would already be massive overkill, judging by how much resistance was needed to protect from mageburn for other auras. The second thing is the bit about Stint's leg. It's weird for Mereck and Tahir to even be brought up in that context, since Ameliah was the one who healed him and said he'd be fine at the time. The healers were probably like, level 3 at the time.


it would help overcome mana absorbtion of equipment. if a shield can absorb max 10k a second, the rest of the aura can attack the target


A named character has to die in this attack for it to feel real at all and it better not be Tarny.


I'd be ok with the one-dimentional fanboy dying as long as they recover that sweet Ice Bolt accolade. That thing is worth a lot of money.


Seriously, I'm surprised they hadn't already tried using it to unlock some rare classes like the one Mahria got. Using accolades to have more than 5 skills unlocked before your class selection is bonkers. Might let you skip prerequisites too. How has Rain not tested this, they got that back in Essen. And yeah, someone needs to die. The cast in general is kind of balooning out of control at this point. I've seen a lot of stories fall apart that way.

Cal Yager

If Tarny dies I am going to be sad. Also, it is Tarny's Ice Bolt accolade. I think it's pretty reasonable actually that Rain hasn't done testing with it. Same as some of Tallheart's personal accolades that Rain doesn't have access to.


Time to stop reading to escape the endless cliffhangers. I'd wager around 3 months until the conflict is over, I'll wait 4 just to be sure. See y'all on the other side