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This one has numbers in it!


I’ve got some real-world stuff coming up, so I’ll be taking a little break after the next chapter. As of today, it looks like one week should be sufficient.  If that changes, I’ll let you know.

2021-11-07: C178

2021-11-14: Break

2021-11-21: C179

As always, thanks for reading!



Heck yeah! Thanks for the great chapters!


Enjoy your break!! Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for Chapter,


Go Death Zone!

Michael Hughes

The Blue Boxes have returned. The Grind is commencing. Gotta get those skill levels to max. With the added time dilation he should be able to keep repair and essence conversion up so that he can level safely. After getting the multiple aura skill and the mageburn skill he should get mana sight and elemental kata. They just seem like prerequisites for good tier 4 skills which he can get at 29. That one Citizen guy even said that mana sight was needed to be a true wizard or practitioner or whatever. TFTC.

Judah Frankel

Great chapter. Is the unique condition of Aura Synergy a typo or a hint at the future? It’s supposedly maxed at level 15/15, but the number on the left is blue and it’s still displaying an XP-to-next-level dialog.


This chapter was fantastic; clearly Rain has a mana use problem

Tomer Yud

I wanna read more about Val. Shouldnt he be trying to increase his max level???

Conor McGroarty

‘Change isn’t inherently good or bad but what it is for certain is not the same.’ Truly an apt name for Rain considering his ambitions/goals are putting him on a course to upend the current world order. Undermining the Bank by breaking monopoly on crafters and such (would be surprised if they don’t make a quick jaunt to Brightside one day, in far future, and just make some stairs to the surface without teleport, or at least push back the line and make it better). Undermining the Watch by discovering soul stuff (which messes with their readings as you can project untrue things) and just increasing a culture of responsibility in awakened as well as increasing the number of awakened (Watch would need to lower restrictions on their class list to keep up with change, assuming Rain just doesn’t start making a vast compendium of classes, skills and such to sell to the public for cheap). Undermining the Guild by essentially making his own and allowing all races to join. There is also undermining “super-hitler” Fecht and his cult of personality in addition to the DKE which is more like an oligarchy than democracy (though USA is kinda on its way but whatever). Point is, while his threat to the status quo is mostly in the future (potential), he has already made some manner of difference already, albeit on a small scale so keeping his class name discreet is wise. Mana sight would definitely take detection to a new level and let him try to ascertain the nature of the system and such. Well I guess you can’t always have your MC train themselves into unconsciousness and they need to wise up when they have the leeway (especially with dubious metaphysical injuries to souls and such). Shows growth for Rain.

Jeppe Fiig

Ah even if he wants to do it slow he levels up every two days :). Hoping he saves up his skills points until after he unlocks tier 4 skills, like he is apparantly doing with his free stat points. And man have i have been missing all those x leveled up notifications :D


FWIW there were several studies, and numerous articles on those studies, that the US (and most of the West) are already functionally Oligarchies at this point due to a combo of dysfunctional govt. + regulatory capture + rich/powerful interests using political clout to funnel public funds their way. Fairly OT but a interesting subject.


Plus in a few weeks to a couple of months at the longest depending on how long it takes to level up his future skills at become experienced with them is when he really shines. For example the one that boosts clarity combined with his other passive multipliers for his class mean when hits his new cap he will passively recover 2.5 mana per second even without auras an other active multipliers meaning with them he will likely hit 100+ per second even without aura focus combined with being able to use multiple auras at once he will be able to sustain at least upper three digit damage over a wide are indefinitely or do massive area burst damage every couple of minutes sort of like being able call down an air strike a couple dozen times an hour or hundreds of times a day meaning he is now a true walking calamity for any under silver and still a moderate to major threat even to vitality focus silver not nearing gold.


Where the heck is Rain's guide hiding? All the soul information is already downloaded onto Rain's core as evidenced by how it's been teaching him with all the essence metaphors and soul dream visions. Surely he's got some nice templates by now. Heck even Dozer could be a guide since the requirement common to the other guides is that dead and had an emotional attachment to the awakened needing guidance.


L10 Immolate alone uses over 400 mana per second with [Extend aura], [Aura Focus], and [Aura Compression] on for a unresisted/no DR/no skill dps of around 3700 average. When it gets to L15 (which is the new max for it) it'll use lots more. And this is just 1 offensive aura . With 2 offensive auras moderately boosted he could be burning around 900-1000 mps when they get levelled all the way and his dps will pretty much double at that point. So about 7400dps to a target with 0 resistance or DR or other skill to reduce effects. Currently his max Mana is just under 40k. So can he maybe do 40s of run time with 2 Off. auras and no Winter (I don't think we know if he can run 3 or more auras yet)...which is fairly far from indefinitely. Total damage for that runtime with 2 auras (again unresisted no DR etc) is going to be about 300K roughly speaking. According to the Delve Calc 2.0 RR spreadsheet (which just got updated) his new max mana regen with L15 Winter fully boosted comes to about 125mps (slightly rounded up for simplicity's sake). So it'll take about 5m20s for him to fully regen all his mana from nothing. That is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long to do mid fight unless he is going up against someone much lower levelled or has lots of help to take the pressure off of himself. And 'every couple of minutes' to do a burst is also probably overly optimistic. Realistically he'll probably want to have a mana reserve so that he can use his Def. or Velocity auras as needed for safety and maneuverability. So practical damage out put, again without resists or DR or other skills taking effect, will go down a fair amount. To around half or a bit less on avg. Using 1 Off. aura with Winter running all the time is going to be much safer and practical I bet. Unless of course he can use 3+ auras constantly and then yeah sure using Winter + 2x Off. auras is the way to go. He is lots stronger, his auras ability to 'auto hit' while he can dodge or do other stuff and largely ignore mundane metal armor is awesome, and can probably do fine or even good against someone his own level now but it'll still likely be a difficult fight for him. And sure he can murder lots of people below his level....but that was true when he was level 10 vs normies too. Its also true for anyone his level as well. So calling him a "Walking Calamity" at this point is kinda overselling it. Especially when you got Gold tiers out there. When he gets to Gold that'll probably more applicable then. As is "stronger than avg. Silver plate" is probably fair.


The skills I'm really curious about are Aura IFF and to a lesser degree Channel Mastery. How do they develop above rank 10?


My complete and half assed guess is its due to him only existing in that world for a short period of time. I think its still been less than a year at this point right? The guides seem to be somehow related to time (remember how his girlfriend's guide said she was early?) so that is why I'm guessing this.

Daniel Viana Rodrigues

Now that's just teasing. What is Engine of Change's unique class ability?


There isn't one. Its just a rename for his Legendary Dynamo class.


I wonder if purify would work on mosquitoes if he imagined them as filth hard enough.


Guess we'll soon find out if Intrinsic Clarity affects soul time dilation. It should increase the factor to around 6.67 if it does.


Wow for his soul situation, seem he gonna build a aperture in the tear in the end, who open and close as he need more chaos coming in, soon full of pipe and tube (the tear (aperture) to the core like a orbital ascensor) so the chaos dont go everywhere in his soul and can be concentrated and controlled in tube and with filtration/purification station mechanisme man ;P industrial revolution hurrah !! like a oil refinery thing going in the end to the core xD Guess in the end he gonna get a better yield and debit (mana/essence or wathever) if he contruct "futurist" structure here using our earth and scientifique knowledge/idea that when we get only the palling permeable system for exchange the maajistral have done, a mix of the two world idea/concept with a aperture tube controlling debit for when he need a big boost and more yield ;P The more he gonna know and with idea/concept of another world (earth) the more he gonna mix the two at some point and build something amazing, addind idea/concept of earth in the soul maajistral system situation when its gonna be perfected (the mix and synergy betwwen the "two" system) can really change the game and give him a huge huge advantage

Jeppe Fiig

Well then he may have to create Dynamo's Anomynous himself 😆


Oh yea Rain should be careful about spamming AoE like that while the pure essence tanks' valves are open. The overwhelming pressure of the concentrated essence/mana might accidentally deepen the environment and create a biome

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Since Rain apparently acquired a Natural Skill, shouldn't there be a menu option to view them? The UI menu that had Attributes, Skills, Statistics, and Options originally only showed itself when Rain directly asked it to open, so maybe he can ask to see his corrupted natural skill menu the same way. There's probably also a Guide information panel Rain can open too if he specifically asks.

Hampus Steinvall

All the previous discussions about dps and alike are missing the biggest limiter: mageburn. More than anything, Rain is constantly hindered by what level of environmental effect he and his surrounding can withstand.


I love the optimism in this story. Glad I've stayed with it. Good job!


This has nothing to do with the story but I’ve been reading this since it first came out on RR and I just realized Rain experiences heachaches and heartburn with the mana burn. Those two symptoms are the main indicators of the brain tumor and cis I found last February in my head! Didn’t make the connection until I sat in bed suffering from them and read the mention of it just now!