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 Looking for more stuff to read? Like science fiction?

Try Chronicles of the StarFighters

I’ve mentioned this story before, but now it is making its way to Royal Road to read for free! Go check it out! You have no excuse!

Minor Spoiler:    

There are two main story lines. If one or the other isn’t to your taste, just keep going. They eventually converge, and the point at which they do is SO awesome.



I have enough trouble keeping up with everything I read and now your adding to itttt!!!!


Nice rec, just finished binging it


Honest opinion? This chapter should be a bonus. With the delay between chapters, and the fact that there have been several cliff-hangers recently, I personally don't like taking time away from Rain to see other character's POVs. This chapter would have been fine, if instead of being a whole chapter, little pieces of it were seeded throughout other chapters, or if it was released as a bonus alongside a rain-centric chapter, but right now the most important thing happening is dealing with the barrier, and having to wait another week just to find out more( And likely receive another cliff-hanger...) is frustrating, to be honest. Still great work, but the pace for this story is quite slow, and given that there's only one chapter a week... That kind of sucks, man. I feel like I'll be lucky to know what happens with the barrier in three months, at this rate.