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This chapter brought to you by: thumbs.


Actual poll result: 86%

(160 responses after chapter was posted)



You're killing me. Saw the username and I went ahhhhhhh! But then...

The Human

Hahaha I don't know how I messed that up. I was thinking 'that's the wrong date, it must have come from today being the 9th' so my brain goes 'better decrease it to 8'


But why though?


Yay! Early chapter! Also AGH YOU TEASE

Critical Hit

You really scared me with that 2020-09-17 you had originally for the expected date.

Empty Shelf

Wait, why is this here? Is this going to be a thing from now on, posting placeholders a week in advance?


I hope not. I read other stuff on here and don't want to dig through them to find the placeholder.


Could you please not do this placeholder thing? It messes with the patreon timeline (already confusing with posts unlocking at a later date for lower tier patreons) and could kill (at least clutter) the great comment threads that this novel has.

Tommy Littlefield

I hope rain can finally raise his level limit in the near future


And on the two thousand twentieth day of the fifth month of the seventeenth year, there was light.

Orion Dye

Praise the sun!!!!!


Im not a big fan of placeholders -_-


Looking forward to more jolly cooperation!


This is annoying. Is there any reason you're doing this?


My prediction, Val is gonna need to wear a face mask from now on if he doesn't get a good healing potion, he was also practically useless in the fight! I think it'll take a long time for Rain's armor to be in good quality again...


It's a way of making sure he's guilting himself/ forcing himself to finish the chapter on time


We have very different definitions of useless. He acted as a tank and pseudo healer, he acted as a distraction multiple times allowing teammates to do damage, and the point blank Immolate took off like a quarter of the monster's health, if not more. Heck, he was given 71% contribution!


oh my heart. SenescentSoul is doing jumpscares now. yay. xP


This is just annoying. Coupled with having to read the story on PDF Format, this is just a pain on mobile. Your content is fantastic, but the presentation is lacking. Thanks for the story, and I hope you continue writing. I will be reading from RoyalRoad.


Thank you for that useless declaration. All of our lives are no doubt more full for having read it.

M van Dongen

Dodgy post after a bloody cliffhanger YOU FIEND.


...so do we only get 3 chapters this month?


Check the previous post for this weeks chapter. No cliffhangers, I promise.


maybe do placeholder once every 5 chapters or something to counter the bots/piracy (if that is the reason why anyway), since it kind of messes up the upvoting and downvoting for the chapter. or maybe do placeholders closer to the new chapter instead of a week in advance? im not sure, im just a guy spouting nonsense. idm the placeholders, but seems like a lot of people don't like them for some reason


Predictions: 1. The Fells level will rise along with the rank shift of the whole area. Since there was a level 17 reaper, that means potentially the Fells could also raise by 17 levels from 11 (chapter 84) to 28. Rain will convince Velika to power level him in the Fells to address the food problem by getting the Fall aura and the associated well aura to provide sustenance. or 2. Rain speaks with Tallheart and finds out the stumpers are edible. Then it's a looooooooong slog convincing the populace to eat monster meat. Then digging the shield controls up and Rain learning alien code to hack and break the shield's containment. They'll have to juggle getting everyone out of the Lee before dropping the shield. or 3. A wild blue appears but it's under Rains cap. The whole ordeal turns into a massacre but once it's over 5-8 people will get the essence. Then Rain will suggest builds to them including getting the Fall season aura.


Oo predictions? Alright. SS sneakily showed us Tallheart looking for wood for "leverage" for some reason. I predict he's trying to lift up or take down the barrier somehow. We all think Rain is going to take down the barrier, but it will end up being too complicated or etc in spite of our expectations. It was all a red herring. After Rain admits he can't "hack" it, in the moment of his despair, Tallheart goes, "lol barrier boes brrr" and somehow rescues the people of Fel Sedanis.


I predict that rain moves the whole town to Velika's house so she is forced to help.


I'd rather expect Tallheart to be building some sort of fortification so that people can sleep at night rather than trying to get through the barrier. After the army failed to get through he'd know he couldn't do it.


rain discovers a mana drain aura, drains everybody, shield goes down!


"I can't any scenario" I mean you might want to type a sentence that makes sense instead of being gibberish missing words. Also you're a moron that lacks imagination. No one cares about you or whatever "Wix" is. Bye :-D


Rain gets to the artefact, found out its easy to reprogram, sets the barrier up so that it keeps people affiliated to the empirer out, denies monster spawn, has clima regulation. After that he joins amelia and they have a nice candle light dinner. The end.


Got an Idea: I'll make you lunch twice. Once with a double portion and the other time it's a sirloin made of cardboard addressing the other day.


1: The level of the monsters in an area is not equal to the rank of an area. The mucus or slime king Rain fought was level 7, and it was doing fine in the sewers that are practically an unranked area. I'm assuming the new rank of Fel Sedanis is a few or five ranks, at most. Even if not, we have no reason to think Lairs can "level up". From what we know, they don't change (unless the layout is chaotic or random by nature).


What is the point of this post? We know the release schedule.


I'm goint to predict that this is going to be the first and the last post with predictions. There are no upsides for placeholder chapters. it is much more complicated to get an update to read - instead of picking up the top post in patreon, one needs to jump additional hoops to get content. Bad author, don't do this again, please.


Pretty sure it's an impromptu counter measure against post stealing bots and a commitment to have the chapter done by that day.


Pretty sure it's an impromptu counter measure against post stealing bots and a commitment to have the chapter done by that day.


Pretty sure it's an impromptu counter measure against post stealing bots and a commitment to have the chapter done by that day.


It is mainly because people usually follow their feed. New Update from a creator -> read it... Jumping through individual creator pages to see if you missed something is annoying


No placeholders please! Maybe change title to "102 is Up now"


Placeholder so bots will download patreon content to somewhere is assholeness. If someone already didn't want to pay you for chapters, they will not pay anyway.


On second review of this placeholder idea I do like the predictions game that has spawned in the comments. That being said I have some predictions. First, Stumper meat will be found to be edible, partially solving or extending the food crisis. Second, seeing as there have been 3 recorded appearances of the razorspine monsters at (I think I remember) lvl 15 I believe this makes the rank of the area at least 10+ and I want to say definitively at least 13+. Which means any blues that spawn will be around that level leading to a potential power increase for residents. Third, if Rain is smart he will not surrender his new power to someone else. That is to say he is in a unique position as an asset for defense against monsters, relatively neutral yet also affiliated with all present faction of Guild, Citiczen, Watch, and Dulls. He needs to run for mayor of Fel Sedanis and start pumping unification propaganda into the public. Fourth, when (not if) he hacks the shield artifact he needs to NOT bring it down. Fel Sedanis is in a position to be a unique existence in the world right now. It has a watch captain sympathetic to the new era of standards for the watch. It has a Guild without a powerhouse to look after it. And it has a formal representative of the DKE that has a vendetta against the DKE at large. Fel Sedanis is an asset and when he hacks that shield the absolute worse thing he could do for the safety of himself and his friends is drop it.


Prediction game: what do we think will happen to the shield artifact and the city at large going forward?


Wild speculation, go! I say that Rain gets down to the artifact and manages to work it, but finds out that it will take weeks to lower the shield normally. Out of desperation, he hits an "Emergency Shut Down" that brings down the shield but somehow summons a massive level 70 blue kaiju. Fortunately it's an Emperor Slime, which Rain spends the next three days purifying. Victorious, Rain breaks his cap, and the new Crystal Emperor Slime becomes guardian of the city, and they all live happily ever after.

Alexander Dupree

Shield artifact gives him the following prompt $> so he enters :() { :|: }; :() and the whole thing crashes.


My prediction for next chapter: it will be about recovery and connecting the enclaves of adventures while securing food and water. There will be substantial losses in the supplies and getting out is now more important than ever. Also this was not the only reaper class foe and there has been significant casualties. The temperatures problem is also getting worse. In the end they reach an accord with Velika, as the city is unlikely to stand another night without her help. While she’s doubtful about saving people, fighting high level monsters and challenging herself is what she’s been all about and this is her chance to finally turn the citizenship into something positive. In return the watch leaders offers some help with reaching a solution with vigilance once everyone gets out.


That’s my unnecessary specific set of predictions. Now to see how wrong I am. :)


Depending how long next chapter is, there could be multiple topics or just a small amount. Rain could definitely try to get Velikas help by giving her a purpose and some type of hope. This could be that people need her to survive as long as possible, so that they have more time to figure a way out, or it could be that he needs help getting to the device, and he'd probably have to tell her about his build and that it makes him extremely smart and efficient at testing and extrapolating things. Could also be forced help, by him trying to guilt trip her, because she doesnt even want to be there and neither do the people. There are other ways, but those are the obvious. Along with that, the watch will very likely see rain in a new light. Yes, they were getting along, but he was actively tanking shots for their people, as an Auramancer. This could lead to cooperation between the guild and the watch, if Rain is able to unify them, and they can start figuring out ways to either get down to the control panel for the bubble, or/and for dealing with the aftermath of this event. They'll likely have a triage center, a rescue team which rain can use detection to assist, as well as force ward, and they'll likely know that many of the monsters are edible, so they'll set up a place for rain to purify the food to make it more.. appetizing. It was said that there are guards watching the fells, and that could have been a foreshadow at something happening there, as well, such as the level of the dungeon increasing, which would give rain a chance at increasing in level(although at this point, I've nearly given up on Rain ever increasing in level, so it'll probably be used to awaken more people to assist in the survival of the town). I'm also sure we'll see what tallheart was up to last time. Oh, also, there's a chance that (since we've not heard from Halgrave ((was that his name, it's been a while)) in a bit) something could happen involving Halgrave and the citizens, who are the people who are most likely to know how the bubble works.


On the idea of Rain increasing in level I think it is overlooked that he has 28 extra levels worth of stats right now that he can’t even fully utilize. He IS gaining power each chapter but he is not gaining skill points. I also agree with Rain being in a unique position to unify 3 of the 4 factions in this city (don’t know how he could connect to nobility). He has Velika’s ear, he is at least known to adventurers, and as you pointed out the Watch will be looking at him in a new light. This is another form of power growth, surrounding yourself with people who will look out for you and support your endeavors.


He charges only 2.50 a month and writes 18+ pages a chapter. His chapters are mostly proofed and he does a shit ton of math in the background. If we are doing a price to value comparison you as the customer are making out. Also I think people are misunderstanding this current rank shift/isolationist arc. He’s trapped in a city wide dungeon with a population of dulls and other factions, that’s defiantly a delve. I don’t disagree with the idea that Fel Sedanis isn’t going anywhere for a long (real) time but I find that enjoyable. I personally want to see a slow and steady progression of power that doesn’t just exist in levels. There has been foreshadowing as to the capabilities of a “true mage” when reading westbridges dialogue, the idea of “growing into your power” even has a stat window now showing how in sync his body is with his soul potential. I think (and hope) Rain doesn’t leave this city and go on rag tag adventures when he could be the mayor of XP town and build a power base in one city that rivals small armies.

Ole Halvorsen

What do I think will happen? I feel like when you ask the question something ominous and surprising is going to happen. So this are some Senarios on top of my head from more likely to surprising. 1. Rain will have a meeting with all the powers in the city, the watch, the adventure guild and the nobles. Half of the adventures will agree to help the other I hope go twist. I can also see Rain dropping the bomb that they are trapped there and stress the need for help to reach the artifact, he might even have a talk with Velika. 2. Velika will have a talk with Lavarro and she will offer protection if she murder everyone in the city in the hopes that it will bring the barrier down. Lavarro will proceed to kill everyone except a few that she will hide in the dungeon 3. Westbridge fakes his death and come strolling in to take control of the city.

Alex Matheny

I stg that new edit needs to be a joke. My heart can't wait


After that last pointless Post I really dont want to know that. It feels like youre trolling me. If theres another post stating the chapter Name and with nothing but"coming soon tm" i will unsubscribe. It's really pissing me off


How would Lavarro kill the people in the barrier, when she is outside of it? Why would Velika even need help doing so?

Paul Jaeger

Jesus people are really getting mad. This patreon is probably the best value for money you can get. High quality and quantity.


People would probably get less mad if they didn’t receive an email for a chapter that doesn’t yet exist. SS could achieve all the value of these posts by putting the predicted next chapter date in the post for the previous chapter instead of posting a blank chapter and its poll. Whether or not people should be mad is one thing but it’s pretty clear that it does make people mad.

Paul Jaeger

I get that. But it just feels like people have gotten used to the high standard SS has established and get more mad at him for it.


Author's work so far has been top notch. We could give him less crap for trying new things lol. Hope your computer gets fixed soon.

Michael Hughes

So here is hoping that the author is like "I'm making almost 60k a year on this story so I will buy the cheapest laptop I can get and put up the chapter on time. The revenue I would loose on lost subscribers for a couple of months if I fail to meet deadlines would be more than I would spend. Math dictates that this is the only logical course of action". Well I am going to play the final fantasy 7 remake until midnight.


Really should keep a backup computer and a safe cloud backup of your writing with the money you make on this, a netbook is only like $200 and will be able to handle basic functions while being mobile. If you need something better you can get very powerful machines for under $1000, and if that's too much, move out of whatever city you live in currently, as $50,000 is enough to live quite comfortably across most of the united states.


Yeah, that's what happens when you start taking money. People expect to get what they pay for.


It s a bit annoying, especially since a couple of other stories slowed down after the RR promotion thingy finished, and pirateaba from the wandering inn is having a week off as well. That being said, the level of outrage is weird to me. I mean, now that I am a paying patreon, I do feel entitled to the content I am promised, but getting a chapter a couple of days delayed due to unforseen circumstances is not something I'd ever consider unsubscribing for. If we're talking weeks, I would expect him to find a different solution, but for a couple of days, I don't expect him to buy stuff he doesn't otherwise need.

Alexander Dupree

So are the membership tiers not updated with the current rewards. Patreon is telling me I get more access to posts if I increase my membership.


This is a Patreon bug. The only thing higher tiers get is a different color name Discord, plus some warm fuzzies

Max Thomas

Are you seriously saying he should move cities just so you don't have to wait a couple extra days for a chapter? Jesus the entitlement of some people.


Please stop doing this 'post an empty chapter ahead then edit it'. It's needless email spam.


Today is 2020-05-18 already, or something wrong?


RIP computer

Philip Pleiss

I would recommend a viking funeral for the poor thhing, but dumping burning electronics in a lake seems cruel.


Definitely a cruelty to the lake. Don't engage in lake cruelty SS!


The Royal Road chapter this week was such a powerful Cliffhanger that I believe 100 new patrons signed up. However, this chapter 103 post was such a cock up that I think 40 of those new patrons have since unsubscribed. 😂


Another day. Another disappointment.

That One Guy

Hope you are doing well author. As much as I desperately want another chapter, shit happens. Most people understand that sometimes unforseen circumstances happen and won't begrudge you taking some time to fix the problem. That said... wAnT mOr3 nOw pL3As3


Thx for the update! Looking forward to the next entry!


Sorry! Just to clarify my post from midnight last night. YOU’RE NOT A DISAPPOINTMENT! I was disappointed there wasn’t a chapter because I love the work. Thanks for the update SS!


Thanks for the update.


i have... a GREAT need!


Christ I am dense. Old Mazel is Carten's aunt! That took me WAY too long to figure out.


Don't let us wait so long... the cliffhanger really kills me


I recommend using one drive or iCloud Drive (depending on if you’re pc or Mac). It would really save you time since you’d be able to access your notes anywhere


i don't really mind the wait. it's the expectation that's killing me...

Michael Hughes

So are we going to switch to regular releases on Wednesday and bonus chapters on Sunday? I don't want you to rush 104 and have the quality drop as much as I would love to read more content.


Is it not comming today :C


Not sure if he ever said this on Patreon, but his pc was broken and the part didn't arrive until after the weekend, hence the delay.


We got'em boys. Val grew some brain cells


A lightbulb? Oh, Rain. You shouldn't have


I'll be honest, this was not an enjoyable chapter. A third was Val whining, a third was Myth and Reason stretching a single revelation out with their inane antics (it wasn't awful, just a tad boring), and the rest was poorly described science uplift word gumbo that I could barely get through. Still love the story, but my god.


Hard disagree, the science uplift section was really well done. Usually the natives are treated with disdain and are not often seen doing experiments with second hand knowledge and succeeding. While also taking into account the unique rules their world operates on.


Really good chapter. Thank you.


I love your story author but please stop with the hero thing. I know helping people is the right call but it reminds me a lot what people say on the tv but have no actual ground.


I mean who made him responsible of saving everyone. It is like the mc has god complex where he believes that he is obligated to save everyone be it dog or human.


Great chapter! Thanks! I'm one of the people who liked Val the whole time, but I'm hopeful that this gets people feeling better about him and ease up some.


Oh also I liked the light bulb scene and thought it was really well written and handled. I did think the Myth and Reason scene seemed a little random, but maybe I'm just missing something about this moss? Have we seen it before or is this establishing something new for us to worry about?


Oh the chapter is done


Correction: >“Thirty-five days,” Ran said. Should be "Rain".


I hope the story follows up on this. Add in myth and reason and Rain's knowledge could really let everyone have a semblance of protection. Towns with lights to keep the monsters at bay out in regions they couldn't go before has a charm to it.


I loved the Myth and Reason scene. They're fun, quirky characters and add depth to the story.


I was sure Staavo was going to reply "What good is a newborn baby?" I've forgotten everything I ever learned about electricity in school, but somehow that quote stuck with me.


I'm confused. I thought Val was level capped at level 5 still. Wasn't the Blue he killed in the Dungeon to get his Class level 5? Does the essence add up? I thought to up your cap from level 5 to level 10, you had to kill a level 10 Blue. Do you just need to kill another level 5 Blue? How is he level 8 now?


I personally liked this chapter. A story can’t be all action and I certainly liked the interactions at the end. Keep up the good work!


Thank you!!

Michael Hughes

He didn't go to five previously because the class change he wanted required him to solo a blue. That blue was a level 8 which is his new cap. He tried to raise his cap in the dungeon but that blue snake was a six. Presumably he has leveled to his cap of 8 while fighting in the dungeon and the streets.

Michael Hughes

I liked the chapter but I felt like it was two different story lines cut off halfway for each of them. Hopefully some issues will be resolved in the next chapter. The light bulb is interesting but they don't have the industry or skilled labor to properly implement it at this time and certainly not enough to be of use immediately. See you next time.


Correction: Val scoffed. “As if we have time time to even worry about something like that.” Double time

Stephen Pearson

Thanks for the chapter! Loved the interaction with Rain and Val, and Val's character growth.

Ole Halvorsen

could be very important if they later want to "remake" Fel Sadanis. In the city of Light they use lightcrafting classes to solve the issue about lighting up everything. In Fel Sadanis they will use a combination of magic and modern physics. to solve that problem.


For the "actual poll result", you need to consider that people may just not have changed their vote after the new chapter is out, as in they they still think the same after reading it.


You guys know when someone reads a throwaway line and predicts a major feature about the world based on it and almost nothing else? Let's do that: In the part with Myth and Reason it's mentioned that the newly spawned monster were not dropping anything as they were too new, and "had not had time to absorb any essence". So the thing I'm thinking about is, can this be taken to extremes and farm essence mobs? By keeping normal mobs as cattle and hoping they eventually turn into essence mobs? The easy candidate is crystal slimes, however since that almost certainly have been tested, they must be kept in a ranked area to have any chance at all of "evolving" into essence monsters. I still think this falls under "too easy, not possible" but what do you guys think? And any other good candidate monsters?

Atlas Dwarf

Crystal Slimes are a nice candidate monster cause of their non-aggression but Awakening a bunch of lvl 1s isn't all that useful in the city's current situation. Maybe the higher tier slimes like Queens? Also doesn't Rain's Purify damage other monsters than slimes? The essence farm idea would mainly depend on how monsters go from regular monsters with a lot of crysts to being Blues. Like Dungeons are basically 'natural' essence farms but I don't think we have ever heard of them popping out multiple Blues. I do think essence farms are possible though considering that ancient civilization was on a whole other level of system knowledge and had a ton of Awakened. Although I don't think any of the powers today would be happy if an essence farm was created, especially the Watch, Empire, and Guild.


Really liked all the POV for this chapter ! Thanks :)

Mason Bially

I made a particle accelerator in college. It required a magnetic lens. We wrapped it exactly 7404 times, by hand. It required a specific wrapping pattern with relatively precise placement. It took us 3 weeks and over 100 hours. Point is, I can empathize with not wanting to wrap electromagnets.