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Edit: Chapter has been renamed (102 is taking the name from 101). Thanks to Bonreu on discord for the new title suggestion!

Edit: I have adjusted the stopping point for this chapter. There are a few more pages which will start off the next chapter, which I will post separately for anyone who wants them. I'd recommend you wait, though. It is really just trading one cliff for another :P

You ever hear of technical debt?

Never thought I'd have any on a creative writing project, but there you go. Interest is paid off, I think. Hopefully, everything in here is consistent with previous chapters. Let me know if it isn't. Remember, Rain isn't always right about stuff, but his memory is great. Mine is less so.

Also, how do you feel about the ending of the chapter? How do you think it will turn out? How do you WANT it to turn out? Two different questions.

No bonus chapter this week, as this was another long one with a lot of work in the background. There is a non-zero chance that next Sunday's will be delayed, but I am trying to avoid that. I just don't want to burn myself out, and thus will take a break if I have to.

Lastly, a poll:


PS: My internet is fixed! Yay!



I put longer chapters for the poll but either is good as long as it's consistent

Michael Hughes

The Watch architected builds is not correct. Designed crafted specialized would work but not architected. Also with more Elm out of it is unclear. Eliminating threats within the parameter should be perimeter.

Valter Anunciação

Way too cliffhangey of an ending to the chapter. The moment he says unknown monster would have been a better stopping point.

Seth Richter

How I want it to turn out: next chapter coming out in 15 min How I think it'll turn out: my fingers start cramping from hanging onto the cliff until next Saturday :'(


I don’t know if anyone else is having this problem but on the Patreon app the way you have the pdf at the bottom makes it unclickable


Val you @#$!ing idiot.

St Chef

What I think would be interesting is finding out if Essence Well can be used to create a blue. If so then a lot of awakened could be created. This weeks chapter was good though I agree Valter that pinging the monster would have been a better cliffhanger.


Thank you. I think the ending was reasonable, seems like a Val move. I dunno what going to happen, I hope Val doesn't die even though I do find him really annoying. Interesting plot things could happen if Val dies but there is lots of interesting plot things with him being alive so I don't think the story is better off with his death. What has happened to him just in this chapter could be seriously emotionally scarring if he actually takes time to reflect on his actions. This being a turning point for him could be a good thing.


“It can’t keep going exponentially; it just can’t. Otherwise, something would have cracked the planet in half by now.” Someone needs to tell Rain about the damage limit. Citizens know about it, I don’t know if silver ranks do. And stopping the chapter in the middle of a fight seems weird. Either when Rain finds an unidentified monster, or when it screams and gets identified, seem like more logical break points, while still being a cliffhanger


I don't know why i didn't realize this sooner, but Val's behavior might have a very clear source aka his father. If his father went out alone to face Fecht out of arrogance and overconfidence in his build, build which by all intents and purposes is pretty OP. It would make a lot of sense why Val is the way he is, cause he pretty much idolizes the man and thinks he is invincible. So when his father pretty much became crestfallen after failing hard. Maybe in the same vein Val failing again would make him realize his own shortcoming, but instead of fully giving up as his father did, he would instead improve on his own shortcomings.

Andrew Gardner

Thanks for the chapter. Don't worry about few/long vs. many/short chapters, either way is fine. #BugReport - “Where the hell happens to her clothes when she does that?" should probably be 'what'


FFS Val, when will he learn

Michael Hughes

Review time. I liked the chapter but it has some errors that I pointed out earlier. Nice description of the current situation with a good amount of rising tension as everyone understands how screwed they are if this keeps up. The Watch guy who thought Rain might be a demon was funny and gave a good description of the state of Rain's soul. Hopefully what he is doing by not increasing his stat cap, opening the training overview frequently, refraining from increasing his total xp, and time will fix his situation. Introducing Reapers and not going into the level that it has shifted on the surface or in the fells makes me think that Rain will level soon. Now about the ending... Fuck Val how could you be so stupid. One handed facepalm is not enough Double facepalm required. Seriously I am down for an epic fight scene but I am not a fan of the cliffhanger. I want them to band together defeat it and level up. I think there will be a lot of death until the citizen shows up though. What would be cool is if they lure it into the bath and then Rain freezes it. Get it cool. I'll see myself out. Hopefully I will see you next week but in any event see you next time. P.S. The Arcane Archer Tilson reminds me of the Magick Archer from Dragon's Dogma. Great game if you haven't played it.


Val is an idiot that endangers others with his stupidity and it is way past time for Rain to dress him down.


Looking forward to some build progress. Its been what, 50 chapters now without a single skill or level up because of the cap?

Tom Clough-Macready

wolves dont have inverted knees... why would the joint reverse itself? the part that looks like its bending the wrong way is just a wolfs ankle not its knee and its bending the same way as ours does. But i enjoyed the rest of it


..... BLUE!!!!!! YES IT'S HERE!

Newguy Roy

I laughed when Rain called Val a lemming. Seemed appropriate.


What makes you say that? Story says its green. No skill progression for us.


Stopping the chapter in the middle of the fight was kinda rough IMO. I feel like just introducing the creature and describing it would have been a better stopping point for this chappy. Loving the fic, I hope Rain gets to raise his cap soon - been too long since he was able to level

Timothy Alexander

Please god make this a blue so we can finally level again... 70 chapters later


There have been skill level ups, but only of Mana Manipulation and that compressing skill.


I’m with everyone else here, I think. It’s time for Rain to stop stagnating and start progressing again. As always, the chapter is high quality and I really appreciate the technical excellence and attention to detail. The story is just dragging on to a ridiculous extent at this point. How long has he been locked in this city? How long has he been stuck at Level 18? How long until he starts growing again? Agh.


Thanks for the chapter, and looking forward to the next one! That said, don't burn yourself out. As much as I (selfishly) want moar, I want want more and more and more for a long time to come! If letting a chapter brew for an extra week helps keep you going in the long run, then do it.


Unreliable narration. /They/ may not know that’s just the ankle and not the knee. Plus, in the process of transformation, what was her knee may very well become the ankle joint. We don’t know.

Stephen Pearson

Everyone seems to be hating on Val's reckless overconfidence and stupidity, but I'm wondering if he's actually doing a good job controlling the fight and giving Rain some breathing space, knowing that the armor can't take that endlessly. Specifically we know his father had the ability to make and control illusions based on his lunar orb (which Val summoned at the beginning of battle). Getting the monster to waste time and mana / stamina is actively helpful. The tricksy author probably ended the cliff there specifically for that surprise... tune in *next week* to find out!


The joint part of Wolf is just plain wrong. What seems like inverted knee is equivalent of human heel: https://kylehallnationaltrust.weebly.com/part-3---animation-production/-differences-similarities-human-animal-anatomy EDIT: Love your work, sorry for my first comment to be a nit.

M van Dongen

The Cliff is real !

Atlas Dwarf

Well either Velika steps in or Rain and the gang is in a fight for their lives here. Also I wonder if that monster can sense Rain's oversoul with how it backed off from his swing. If monsters can sense oversoul that would imply that you don't necessarily need that soul veil to function with the system. Maybe Blues are monsters that figured out absorb stuff around/into their 'soul' without that veil.


Starting to bump up against the spot where the hard limit on spells and levels is bumming me out. The fact that he hasn't gotten any benefit from using his skills in this emergency is sorta lame. In most stories, keeping an entire city alive is when you'd learn how to use magic in new and interesting ways, or power level, or fuse or upgrade or whatever. The lack of flexibility is really showing. This sounds like a complaint, it really isn't I know what the story is, I just wanted to get my observation down in writing.


Why is Val so cocky? I get that he was excited to get his class, and he's got some new toys to play with. But in the grand scheme of things he is still pretty weak, right?And he should know that too. So I don't understand where his attitude is coming from


If that isn't a blue I'm gonna flip my hat


Yes!!! Give Rain more levels. This is starting to get tedious... Being weak for a time is fine, but when the MC is weak for 100+ chapters straight with limit reached almost 50+ chapters ago it just begins to be meaningless. You explain so much about the system but, from the MC point of view, the system is mostly meaningless, just a random tidbit of lore and math instead of powerful tool for progression. :) Also that ending was cliff-y :D ...


Huh? How does Rain think "the system is mostly meaningless, just a random tidbit of lore and math instead of powerful tool for progression", he's literally researching and gathering as much information about the system because he knows how important it is?


Does anyone like Val?


How I think: They will kill the razorback and the watch man will die How I want : the razorback is a level 25 blue they just manage to kill it after Val dies to it


How do I feel about the chapter ending? Val is still an idiot.


Like and should see Val brought low but survive and for Rain not to lament over his friends stupidity. This is that fight where reckless behavior is death... I think SuperNova immolate for the win...and if Val gets burned/hit.. tough love.


personally i don't like it when stories do stuff like that


Fixed, thanks. Architected is non-standard, I will grant you, so I have changed it to "assigned premade"


something went funky with the attachment and I got the folllwing message. {"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 5538783 was not found.","id":"81bd2139-9702-4419-b90f-c3b13cdcf1cc","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}


Time to be a cat 3 threat...shouldn’t be too difficult a fight to write using Nova Immolate...more issue getting Rain/Val out of the holocaust than finishing off reaper


This is just Patreon being Patreon. Whenever I make changes to fix typos, it does this. Refresh and try again. It should fix itself.


I was really hoping this would be 25+ Blue as we have honestly waited too long for it. I guess that can’t be the case since they have seen its name, level and health bar in your edit. I am guessing that Velika is going to show up and crush it since she said last chapter that she was going to go kill things.


Personally, I would like it, if they ended up encountering a blue (not necessarily the Mantis) and Rain gets to impart some of his optimized class-builds to folks who look up to him. That way his theorycrafting finally shows some results, the town is strengthened for it and Rain can start expanding his influence and teamsize. Perhaps he's gonna need a temporary team to delve into the strengthened dungeon some time soon?


Thank you!!


The inverted "knee" is actually an ankle/heel, so it shouldn't need to invert in the transformation.


I'm also yearning for some leveling progression and some Amelia interaction


Thank you for the chapter! :) Really like the story, and am always looking forward to the next chapter. I think you should prioritize yourself, and take a break if need be. I want the story to continue, and would rather wait longer, than having you getting burned out


Don't give in! I too want to see some level progression, but you built a system based on the extreme rarity of breaking the level cap or even awakening at all. Great stories make worlds and stay consistent, you've done a great job here. Rain should only breakthrough assisted by a much stronger team, as he did the first time. I could see them fighting a much stronger monster and Vielka needing to bail him out, outside of that (or the barrier falling), its hard to construct a scenario where Rain fights a lvl 20+ essence monster and wins. It's a testament to your great system that we want to see continued progress, but don't listen to us, listen to the story! You've written like 3 books worth of material here in less than a year, you're doing great!


I am not sure what happened, but my previous comment seem to have vanished with nay a trace. Normally the easiest way to distinquese a power function (b*x^a) from an exponential function (b*a ^x), is to plot them with both axises being logarithmic. On such a plot power functions will form strait lines while exponential functions will still have a curvature. If we assume that Muscus King and Stomper are high health monsters, then it does indeed look like the best fit would be a power function, and the power would likely be close to 2 (in other words a quadric function, or quadric polynomial). The exponential function that Rain calculated out seems to not fit the data all that well, and has generally lower results that the data shows.


to be honest, the level cap seems to be a typical nerf introduced to stories where the main character can grow quickly in some way. They come in the form of some limit to the way they have been using to power up quickly, such as other caps hehind it (like here), or so kind of "get used to the power"/"not good to do too much of" (like the buffed stats oversoul and effects). Usually such limits are imposed because the author recognise that it would be overpowered if not (think about how quickly Rain could get to very high levels if there was no such thing as level cap). They would then have a periode where they got used to their new power level before resuming more reasonably paced progression. The problem with this series is that he have plataued on his current power level for what would equiate to 2-3 normal length books. While a lot of stories can deal with that, this story with its very in depth leveling (skill) system and active theorycrafting community kind of begs to have a story with power progression as one of its main pillars. While a story where power progression is not too important can indeed deal with such a long time without power progression, a story build for (or at least seem for the readers to begging to be about) power progression would not really fare well with such a long periode of stagnation.


Without reading the part that was put into the next chapter, Rain isn't in much danger from the monster's magic alone. Totally understandable he doesn't realize it in the heat of the moment. Intimidating monsters flinging dangerous magic at you is scary. Rain can take 10 of those crescent blades before his armor is magically saturated, for starters. If they were all within 15 seconds or so. After that point he can take an 11th, and so on. Now after his armor is magically saturated, I'm assuming it starts damaging the armor. His armor has over 800 hardness with the enchantments, so I'm assuming this means a magic attack that does 1500ish would instead do 700. We don't have any examples yet so I'm obviously just guessing that hardness plays a factor with magic as much as it does with physical attacks. So first the monster has to quickly hit Rain with 10 consecutive crescents to even get past the saturation. Then each crescent would do 700 damage, with them occasionally only adding to the saturation as his armor dissipates the mana. With Rain's armor currently having over 12,000 durability, the monster would have to do another 17 crescents to completely break his armor, on top of the 10+ crescents to completely saturate the armor first. Obviously this doesn't account for the monster hitting the same spot and breaking a piece off so that Rain is vulnerable in that spot even with durability left. Would have to be a big piece considering the spell would be attracted to the remaining armor regardless. And doesn't account for the monster getting to Rain and physically tearing his armor off with strength and sharp claws instead of its spells. But he appears to be in little danger from the spells alone.


I kind of like the idea that the fight will be hard enough that he will lose a lot of durability on his armor to get through it. On the other hand it also points out that even though it is practically a much higher level than him, it is not all that powerful against something only at level 15.


Great chapter, and I agree that moving the last few paragraphs to the next chapter makes a better breaking point. Unfortunately I read it before the edit and now have to live with that terrible cliff... 😢 Sad panda 🐼

His Dad

Rain's mana regen of 1.4 seems high. Whats that mana siphon doing?

His Dad

Whats Bartom doing while this is happening?

Josh Turple

This chapter isn't working for me for some reason?


For the poll. Longer than 9000 words you’ve posted last two weeks? Or shorter than the 7000 words you were posting twice as often?!.


6000 words twice a week is better than 8-10K once a week. For all the math you do in this series- seems to be a lot of retards who can’t count words!!!!

His Dad

nope on adventurer exponential growth. the closest rain has that increases per level is synergy. 0.01 boost per level of auras. with 8 aura that is a 1.80 multiplier. If it had been exponential, 1.01 multiplier per level it would be 2.216. with 16 aura, it will give 2.6, exponential would give 4.91. for 100 aura exponential would give 20,960.


1: Exponential growth isn't JUST aura synergy. There's other multipliers involved like channel mastery, amplify, focus, and compression. 2: When Rain has 16 auras, he'll be silverplate. With 16 auras at level 15 each, and aura synergy at level 15, it will give a 4.6 multiplier on its own before any other modifiers or metamagics. 3: After the multipliers are all added together, Rain is going to take an aura that does only 100 damage for 10 meters at base... to one that can do 15-20k damage for 500 meters in every direction for 150k damage. Easily.