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"I'll try to make the next one a bit more reasonable," he said.


It is still at least double-length at just over 9000 words.



Thanks for the chapter. I'm starting to prefer the idea of one larger chapter per week, it lets us get some characterization and plot development all at once.


Lol ty for the long chap


These extra long chapters aren't a fail to me. i'm quite enjoying them. Thanks for the chapter

The Human

Life is going to be so cold and sad adjusting back to shorter chapters whenever that happens.

St Chef

Haven't read but I have a feeling that it is going to be good.


When last we left our intrepid hero, the villainous Velinka revealed she could survive her entrapment. All she had to do was murder everyone else trapped in with her. She sounds fun. Let's see how our hero handles this revelation from the (totally sane and healthy) goldplate awakened.


I don't like Uman. People like him in general. I don't have anything against a little bit of teasing. But some people just don't know, when to stop or when it's not the right time in the first place.


I love how everything is finally starting to move in the right direction


This chapter is just adorable. It feels good to see Rain's project grow beyond him.


Thank you!


Not sure how hard it is for you to write the number of words you have but once a week of chapters of these lengths are pretty satisfying to read.

Michael Hughes

Good chapter this week. Lots of filler and necessary transition. I like that the nobles and the watch have started to help out finally. The watch captain complaining about the nobles and the guild as though the watch never do anything wrong right after a good part of them have just died is annoying. Not as annoying as Uman but still. I am glad that he gets to keep the guild accolades and keep the loot like a good adventurer/murderhobo. Still a bit peeved that he gave the equipment money and accolades from the watch members back but he doesn't need money as much since he motivated people to work for free. I wanted him to get a guide to soul reading awareness from the watch after they asked if he needed anything but not now I guess. Hopefully he can heal his soul, claim the accolades, awaken the people, tailor their builds to help the city, interface with the machine, rejoin the party, grow stronger, and survive rank shift. I don't think he could level enough people through the four seasonal auras to have enough fall users to feed the town so hopefully he can figure it out in six weeks. I kind of wanted Rain and the group to have the conversation but I guess that will have to wait for chapter 100. Amazing accomplishment SS. See you next time.


Ha the only reason we don't read a 12,000 word chapter from you everyday is because you don't post them.


Thank you very much! A really enjoyable chapter! Also I do like how this is less fighting and much more solving problems through communication!

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

Went patreon to see rain finally escape his the hole and was not disappointed


Man it makes my day when I see you post. I really like how this is progressing and I’m no expert but I really like the world you’ve made


He said it! He said "hacked"! Rain is gonna hack the barrier controls!

Nick Rodriquez

Man, I love Ame. Maybe Rain and her can wander around together after this is all over.

Michael Hughes

Now all I can think of is the movie Hackers. Come on Rain it's time to "Hack the Planet".


awesome ending :)


You are starting to sound like pirateaba from the wandering inn, complaining about how much you wrote... makes me kind of hopeful that you'll slowly move to bi-weekly posts and 20k-40k words Chapter lengths over the next year or 2 ;)


Btw what chapter described westbridges death? I don't remember reading it, idk if I just skipped the chapter or forgot the scene.


There was a Lavarro POV a few chapters ago in which she was heading towards Westbridge with the intentions to murder him. Their fight and his death happened off-screen though.


I liked this chapter lots of interesting things happening. What I didn't like was the “I was just doing what anyone would.” phrase that Rain likes to repeat. I think it's incredibly annoying when it's clearly not true at all.


I'm pretty sure Rain is quite aware of this. He said as much to Ameliah previously when she insisted helping Rain is what anyone would do. He's just keeping humble, and I really like him that way. The confidence of many litRPG protagonists is far more annoying to me, even when it's justified. It just makes Rain more likeable, IMO.


Great chapter, very meaty. Lots of happenings and some very neat character development. You should know that new Delve chapters are a highlight of my week. You've really written a great story here. I've re-read it recently and have really begun to appreciate how well you've crafted it. Thank you a lot for sharing it with us. [Edit] I almost forgot! Is there any worldbuilding information you would feel comfortable sharing with us? For instance, I find myself really curious about some more of the 144 skill trees that are available to Rain. It'd be lovely to see more examples of the sort of skills people can get, even if those skills are subject to change in the future as the story demands.

David K. Storrs

I don't *dis*like him, but he definitely went too far this time. Read the room, dude -- when someone is obviously that stressed out and literally tells you to stop, stop. Gah.

David K. Storrs

Great job as always, SenSo. I'm with everyone else -- longer chapters once per week works fine for me. I'm itching to see the artifact, so I hope that happens next chapter. I'm also dreading what happens when Lavarro shows up again. The woman is an entitled, self-absorbed psychotic wrecking ball and I can't imagine anything positive she would contribute except when killing monsters is involved. Still, I'm sure we'll see her again and it will be interesting.


I do hope that the late citizen Westbridge rubbed it in to Lavarro that she was dooming her daughter by killing him, at least. Doesn't seem likely given her behavior when she arrived to Fel Sadanis, but a man can dream.


This is probably as close as you will get https://bestspellever.fandom.com/wiki/Skill_Compendium


Dynamo...curious but I took it for writer’s license...could it be that Dynamo,,,,are dynamite incarnate if they exceed their potential. Thinking that’s what we are about to see. System vs C4....all will change!


I’d happily give you more money $10/mo if you can keep this volume up


Calm... before the storm?

Orion Dye

Liked the chapter, I also feel the longer chapters are better than the shorter ones. If you need to extend the release time so it’s not so stressful, I personally wouldn’t mind. No point in pushing yourself and burning yourself out after all.


Too fucking long winded...where is the ‘down’ arrow?!


Kinda surprised and miffed. Isolation the world is in...thought Patreon or writers would bank but so many have disappeared or gone to volunteer.!!! Thanks for writing...more even. Who benefits most from order to stay at home and produce? Writers...yet a small fraction I support actually do. Sad.

Orion Dye

A dynamo is a power generating machine. It’s pretty fitting considering clarity is basically mana regen. So his soul is an endless generator of mana. Seems like the “chaos” in his soul is probably just the watches skill trying to interpret this into something they can comprehend.


Gamers would, but I just can’t do the time commitment. As an OTR truck driver...in that niche who still has a well paying job...reefer! Envy all you slackers a little

Ole Halvorsen

I think it would hurt the story if he slows down any further, not that I mind if he miss a chapter a week because he did not have time, or because real life.

Eliot Blane

Big fan of this chapter - things are taking off finally! Not begrudging the build-up but I can feel the payoff around the corner and it's great.


Haha, so they can make progress even through a barrier? I find the - lets call it romance - in this story, much better then in most other stories where it feels like some add on or as if hastily painted on the storie to give it some extra pep. It feels... hmmm... natural? Is that a thing?


Thanks for the chapter, it was refreshing with all the other stuff going on irl.


Can’t say I mind the longer chapters! Appreciate you Senescent! <3

Andrew Gardner

Thanks for the chapter, great as usual. I have a #BugReport You are inconsistent with the pronouns for Dozer using both it: "...polite way of saying that it was..." and him: "The monster had completely forgotten that Rain had been the one to lock him up in the first place". Hope that helps and that this is a good place to post such things.


This was really enjoyable, I'm liking this part of the story! Thanks for the hard work!


Excellent chapter! I just subscribed to Patreon. Do any of the people who've been around longer know if the chapters change (and if so, substantially) between here and Royal Road?


No significant changes. I fix typos as people find them, and update the post here. Anything significant, there will be a notification for.


I think that Rain knows that Dozer has no gender, but he sometimes thinks of it as him. I see it as a form of personification.

Michael Hughes

I am excited about chapter 100. It is a milestone in any fiction but particularly anticipated in this case. I can't decide if I would want it to be a bonus chapter tomorrow or a longer chapter on Sunday. All I know is that I want it to be special. I am sure it will be great on whichever day.


Such a good chapter!! I really liked the little details. Like how Ice Fog girl was impatient about Rain's mana sharing ability, and was disappointed that it was slow. And how the watch leader was uncertain given the gravity of a message after Rain sent a messenger and didn't deliver the news himself. Little details like this really help the story. I'm okay that you don't post daily since the quality is high :)


Its really hard to take anything at a level of seriousness/danger when there is a full page or two of a schmuck just taking the piss out of Rain. Constantly. Even after being told multiple times "dude, just give me the message." =/


Got 99 problems but Velika ain't one