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Things are busy over here. Next chapter Sunday.

This might be a good opportunity to join the discord: https://discord.gg/Q5WRvZj

The Wiki could also use some love. It is still pretty bare bones other than the skill summary page: https://bestspellever.fandom.com/wiki/Delve_Wiki 

Maybe someone wants to write a chapter summary for this one?



"Things are busy over here. Next chapter Sunday. This might be a good opportunity to join the discord" I feel attacked.


My favorite chapters tend to be where we're given new frames of reference and/or an illuminating perspective. This appropriately named chapter does so! Knew intellectually that non-awakened had to live something like this. Nice to be shown it, though. And guess we know what Val is doing! Following some cloaked figure running around? Sounds like the Empire is up to no good in Fel Sedanis. At first I felt like Rain should have been more annoyed and angry at Kettle but... being flabbergasted by a naked, angry teen seems pretty reasonable. I know I would be. What, you want my cloak to cover yourself? Um, shit, I guess man just.. put something on. Please.


The last 10 chapters or so it has felt like Rain has just been wandering around kinda lost. The story feels like it lacks a clear goal right now, Rain can't even increase his strength anymore. It's lacked that LitRPG element ever since he hit lvl18 and I think that grind was an important piece of what made this story so enjoyable.


Eh, I agree with you that the progression is one of my favorite parts of the story, but I feel as though these late chapters have fleshed out both Rain and the world significantly. I actually enjoyed this chapter quite a bit - being shown the reality that most people in this wacky litrpg world live in is important.


Typos. Rudely built buildings instead on crudely. And there is a his that should be a her at the end when rain is looking at the girl. Great story

Empty Shelf

Yeah, Rain needs to reconsider his fashion choice. Buy something cheap for wearing around town that also conceals his armor instead of walking around like a freaking Nazgul. Seriously, all he needs to complete the getup is a ludicrously powerful...ring...

Adrian Gorgey

This was a fun interlude. I do agree that I hope the Plot starts to kick in soon. Whether that's the noble, a new dungeon, or something else.


Interesting to see the average peoples view on things, but this sidequest with the old geezer is getting on a bit. If he's going to fuck things up by outing Tallheart or finding the clearing, it can just as easily be done offscreen. All we got out of that is Val i rushing around somewhere, which we already knew, and him being an old fart. Which we knew.

Ole Halvorsen

What does it cost tho? We got an bonus page of the old geezer trying to follow Janus.

Tim Johnson

"Kettel looked nervous as the(y) walked" "was just to make sure he (got) home without getting mugged."


I'm really hoping that the story moves out into the world more. More delving and growing through combat, rather than most everything being in the town or tallhearts camp. Great chapter though. Fun and interesting, while also a bit heart-warming

Ole Halvorsen

the rating system is kind of flawed, because I seem forced to pick up down to see how they are going to rate this chapter, even if I would have rated a 0. So what do we think will happened next? Rain will probably meet up with Janus girlfriend when he sells he's crusts, and it's probably where he will by cement as well? Staavo will maybe get a new prosthetic leg? Then a meeting between Staavo and Rain one that I would think will make Tellhardt happy or irritated based on how much he will enjoy Rains antics. After that more training, Rain will probably meet up with the mystic trader again. Maybe we will get some insight into what Val has been up to. I'm also interested in what happened with Lavarros daughter, it would make sense more sense to me if she stays in the city, I'm still convinced that she will be part of "Rains Team". Don't think we will see to much actions or other plans before after the meeting with the noble. We have the resolve around the stealing form the adventure guild. Also feel like it would be important for Rain to build a good relationship with the guards. Still think the looming war is some months out in the future,

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I think the story is heading towards the next Delve. Once Rain is capped out on skills he'll have nowhere to progress, and by that point (a few days?) he'll hopefully have finished his various tasks and be looking for a group to go blue-hunting with. At which point Rain (in his magnanimity) adds everyone to his party to awaken half the city. Which, it turns out, accelerates the rank shift (which is tied to the number of awakened in an area or something like that) and at the same time the war starts. Pure, baseless speculation, but fun!


I know its late to ask this question but it has been on mind lately. what is Stint level or his top limit? and Val as well, he killed the lvl 5 blue by himself but did he get higher from the dungeon core?


Okay, here's my prediction on how Rain ups his lvl cap. It has been hinted multiple times that a horde of those imps is going to attack somewhat soon, so even though nothing about a leader has been mentioned, I can't help but think there will be a stronger one, maybe evolved into an incubus or something, that is at least a few levels higher than Rain that will require him to band with the silver ranks in the city to take down (assuming the gold boi has left for some reason). That's in addition to the fact Rain can absolutely trash a whole horde of weaker enemies with his auras, then clean up and find all the tel.


I think its only blue kill lvls that count towards your limit. Killing the dungeon gets you Accolades.


It could pan out like that but I strongly suspect not. Remember the blue that originally got killed and gave Rain his current cap was already unusually high for the area going by others comments. A crowd of mobs known for being individually weak but mass swarmers probably won't have a high lvl blue mob among them. My WAG is Rain is going to have to leave the area and go dungeoning in a much higher lvl zone to get a high lvl blue to kill and raise his cap. Blues seem to be pretty rare to encounter outside of dungeons and aren't even terribly common in most dungeons either going by comments from others in story. I wouldn't be surprised to see if a small horde of mobs did attack the city and Rain participates in some significant fashion in the defense of it though.


As you should 😛 I mean, if you actually *like* the Patreon comment interface, that's one thing, but wow, I have to click like 30 times to see all the comments on here 0_o.


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The Golem Crafter

Why do all of your characters overreact to anything and everything? They live in a world of monsters and men that can destroy whoever's they want. I imagine they would be a lot more respectful in any type of situation when dealing with adventurers, not horribly disrespectful like that kid was to a heavily armed adventurer like rain. It seems contradictory and likely to cause problems for his family who hes trying to feed.

Tommy Littlefield

Awaken the kid a corrupt him with your aura master build and be aura buddies for life haha 😂


I mean people are still disrespectful toward the police who have a gun and usually kill you without a reason

The Golem Crafter

Dude if a police man did that. It would literally ruin they're life. Adventurers on the other hand can likely hurt the peasantry without too much hassle from the watch. I imagine the watch would look away because fighting a threat level 3 adventurer over some poor peasants probably isn't worth it. I just wish he'd be more realistic with the idea that hey your in the middle ages and morality and the constant sight of death are common sights. I honestly dont remember reading about someone getting killed, close calls, yes, but I've never seen Rain have to kill a murderer or thief. It would help build his resolve and give the story some actual depth when it comes to death in a middle age society.


So I was wondering - what happens when Winter users buff each other simultaneously? Like, if there were two Rains next to each other with a 1 meter Winter (all modifiers). Would the benefit stack multiplicatively? Because if so it'd be super easy to get a bunch of Winter users and stack them to create an insane mana battery. But it might just be the most powerful one that takes effect. I say this because stronger Winter feels colder, and it might be that multiple Winter auras would only feel as cold as the strongest one.


They've been caught on camera multiple times doing that duder and nothing happened since the legal bar they have to get over is "will you say that you feared for your safety or others safety?" in a court of law. That is why they're almost never prosecuted. Also its the medevial ages in story so people are gonna behave rather blithely in general to any sort of guard force in general for all kinds of practical reasons (mainly jaw dropping levels of corruption and bribing by modern standards).

L Pedersen

Eh I really didn't like Kettle, maybe he'll grow up but that would take at least 100 chapters to happen. I also think he's unrealistic. This chapter was all about showing how the common poor sods live, but Kettles behavior and interaction with Rain doesn't make sense. If it had been any other adventurer than Rain I doubt it would have ended well for him. In this chapter everyone showed fear of Rain and tried to avoid his notice because they thought he was a noble, everyone except for this one angry teenager who spent a good bit of time insulting him to his face. How would that noble monster we met a while back have reacted to that? And Rain is actually doing him a disservice by ignoring it. It might give Kettle the impression that he can do it again with someone else, someone less understanding than Rain. I like seeing Val and knowing he didn't get himself killed off screen :P

Orion Dye

I think your missing the point of the watch. They’re there to protect the normal citizens from the awakened, so yes they’re very much going to come down like a hammer on any adventurer using their powers against any ordinary person. So the normal citizens can be cheeky, so long as they don’t get physical then they’re probably pretty safe. That being said, the kid is very very stupid, he was in a sewer, a place where if rain wanted to kill him, then no one would ever find out about it, so y’all ya he should have been more respectful.

Orion Dye

The overmana would have all involved rolling on the floor insensate most likely.


My WAG is the stronger aura counts and there is no aura stacking otherwise auras would be looked at very differently by everyone.


People are people. There will always be outliers. Like, say, an unawakened teenager that's willing to fight slimes naked. He's already living life way more dangerously than most unawakened. That he'd yell at Rain in the heat of the moment isn't too surprising.

The Golem Crafter

Are you missing the fact that the police would likely only fire their weapon if they're in danger or the target is moving in to threaten them? I've seen plenty of news stories that painted the police as racism murderers when they clearly leave out the fact that the people the police had to take down were either refusing to go into custody and were trying to kill the policemen or maim them. Not it's not always the case but most policemen who have without justification kill a man, have gone to prison or lost their jobs. They have a dangerous job to do and I believe you should at least show respect to the officers in arms who've died and protected people like you who call the police unjustified murders. They have a dangerous job to do and they do it as best they can. No policeman is perfect and they make mistakes. The question is however, would you be willing to risk your life to help people?


Er Golem, you might not have seen about a dozen + super well known videos of officers needlessly murdering unarmed and non-threatening people. Or the super publicized case recently of a drunk, off duty police officer opening up a guy's apartment and shooting him and the department trying to cover for her. Or some lady getting shot in her own home when a neighbor just called the police to check to make sure nothing weird was going on. There's countless, verified stories like this. Just because some people become officers to help people doesn't mean we don't have to be concerned about the ones that do things like murder people without a good reason. And a lot of these same people get "suspended" or "fired" but just become officers in another district. Which I think we can agree isn't a punishment or "ruining their life" as you claim. Weird and random pro-police rant aside... Given Kettle's background, his behavior isn't too unreasonable for his character. If Rain had happened upon him when he wasn't fighting for his life, he probably would've shown a lot more caution towards Rain in spite of resentment. Going off Lady V's and Lavarro's behavior we've been definitively shown that the powerful often abuse their power to get what they want in this world, and Kettle and his family are 100% justified in being prepared and worried about that outcome. But having already yelled at him, that cat is out of the bag. Kettle acts pretty upset and sullen and seems like he's at the point of, "Well I just yelled at this noble looking guy. He hasn't killed me yet. Either he's about to, or I'm safe, but either way I'm getting his fucking cloak so I'm not standing here naked."


I think Kettle's reaction to Rain makes sense ONLY because Rain comes upon him while he's literally risking his life using his fists to punch slimes while slathered in lard and naked. I can see a fifteen year old teen reacting emotionally in a life or death scenario (understatement) and then the cat's already out of the bag. I imagine Kettle would've reacted similarly to his sisters if Rain would've walked in while he wasn't fighting: Resentful, distrustful, wary, guarded. ...But yeah, hopefully either Rain or his gang wises up and tells Kettle to stop acting like Carten when he can't handle a hit like a turtle lol.

L Pedersen

Sure I can also see this from a 15 year old.. Today. In our society. However in the society we see in this chapter Kettle is basically an adult, he's working as much as he can, he's looking to the future. Yet he still acted like an angry teenager from the 2020s. It's the dichotomy that gets me. However after concidering some I realised that this chapter could be quite brilliant. See Kettle is obviously trying to better himself, he's trying to awaken. Now he either didn't know you can't awaken from white slimes or he's just practicing. My bet is someone told him you could awaken from even slimes if you went without items or naked or some such bullshit. Whatever the case, to succeed and lift himself up he'll need drive and that might have manifested as anger and frustration here. He obviously doesn't think Awakened are better than him, which again marks him as uncommon among his peers. In any case, if this is supposed to introduce another recurring character that is meant to grow and have motivation to grow then yeah, checks out. I stand by my original comment though, Rain basically had to be the first "important" person that Kettle interacted with because his attitude and lack of respect and judgement would absolutely end badly for him. The idea that Kettle only acted like this because he was high on adrenaline, yeah sure but again, that doesn't really change anything. It's still terminally stupid to mouth off and insult someone who you believe could kill you. But yeah, if this is setting up Kettle to become an adventurer then we're not quite there. Motivation and drive is enough to get you there but you still need a brain and good judgement to survive as an adventurer.


"Weird and random pro-police rant aside..." He keeps doing this stuff in other stories comments too. Out of nowhere he'll post some typical Right rhetoric and try to drag politics into it.

The Golem Crafter

I dont start the damn stuff tibbish but I sure wont just not comment when someone's making a one sided claim.


So Rains a hero. The good thing about it is his morality isnt exclusive to girls. If this was any other RL novel, Kettle would’ve been a girl, the two mages would’ve been girls, the deer guy would’ve been a cat girl, and every guy he meets would’ve been his mortal enemies. The bad thing about his bleeding heart is its going to get him some shit protecting someone or something else.


I mean you seem kinda like Pyro that comments stuff about trump, liberals, and other crazy nonsense on royalroad out of nowhere so I was just assuming you were the same person lol. Comparing a scenario in a story to a real world example to provide a corollary or empathy? On topic. Then ignoring the story to completely argue the person's attempt to make you understand their point? Off topic. If you see something and you respond in a way that's not about the story and you're wholly focusing on the real world example, you've lost the point because you want to prove people wrong on a real world point instead. It's bad conversational skills.


Kettle might have felt there was little chance of survival for him, meeting a "strong" adventurer thats dressed as Rain is, down in the sewers.. Perhaps a little adrenaline from fighting, confusion and then fear by Rains' presence may very well have led to a "what happens, happens/fuck it all" reaction..

Scott Frederiksen

Also, it sounds like rain barely heard him and with his perception boost, it probably wasn't intended to be heard originally...

The Golem Crafter

I'm not trying to beat around the Bush bud but we can have a productive conversation about both sides of an argument. Calling people who talk about trump and liberals crazy nonsense is. Were trying to talk about our own personal beliefs. Now I understand we should probably talk about the story rather than politics but its gonna happen.

Empty Shelf

I for one am also quite happy with the lack of harem bait. Those stories can be fun, but I like that the story is doing its own thing.


...Only if you, the one person that does it, keeps doing it when literally everyone tells you to stop lol

L Pedersen

I mean, we really don't know all that much about Tallhearts people other than that they grow antlers with levels and that they cannot eat meat. You're assuming that Tallheart is male but we don't know what reproduction is like, for all we know Tallheart is a very fine example of a female of the species :P


Are you serious? The author talked and explained that he was married to a woman


Before I had a girlfriend, harems were fun fantasies. Now I'd rather never see another love interest again.

Alexander Dupree

I think that it makes sense from a 15 year old even if they have had to grow up. Growing up means they have learned they have to try to do better not that they know what to do. 15 year olds just don't have a ton of life experience and even if they shouldn't shit talk someone significantly more powerful than them they will simply because they're scared or angry or just learning how not to think with their mouth. I have mets lots of 15 year olds who have had to grow up when I was a street outreach worker for homeless kids and they still acted like 15 year olds even if they did try to deal with their problems as an accountable adult.


Good chapter just not a fan of angsty teenagers. Gets a bit much. Hoping he grows hard to have empathy with that character.


Alright, I spent way too much time adding to that wiki lol. I didn't do any chapter summaries but a lot of the basic mechanic stuff has been fleshed out a lot more. Tried adding known monsters to the monster page but messed up the formatting somehow so they don't pop up how they should on the monsters page. Did a few and got annoyed that they weren't doing what I wanted.


I'm not going to lie I almost dropped this story right here. Kettle acts like a teen of today with today's protection of their rights. And then he's even trying to take advantage of rain. It's totally out of place. Rain going along without getting angry was even worse. Kettle is so intentionally rude it feels like he's trying to commit suicide. And rain just lets it go without a word.


Mc doesn't help anyone by being so soft. Quite tiring to read about him coaxing such rude person.


This chapter was too much. good thing it's not relevant to main plot(so i can skim through it). Rain personality kinda irked me here. It's not that I hate good natured protag in general. But this is not a good guy behavior. He is a saint, straight out of Disney. I LOVE Disney, don't get me wrong, just not in this story context.