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Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you spot any typos.

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Nathan Emerson

Good chapter, have considered placing some sort of divider when you switch povs? It can get a tad confusing.

Tim Johnson

You got 2 rank ups for aura compression on pg 11, but it only shows as rank 2 on pg 12 on the pdf version. ty for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter! Great stuff. Man, I really love whenever Staavos is onscreen. I'd totally read a side story about his and Rain's misadventures researching magic and science after you finish Delve.


One of the better chapters so far IMO! Keep up the good work. I have to 2nd the divider between POV's though it isn't too bad it can still get confusing if you have a large number of switches to do like happened in this chapter


There's a number typo next to recovery when he pulls up his stats, it says 10 instead of 20. Good chapter though. Edit: Nevermind, just remembered that the parenthesized numbers are the base number instead of mod number.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I love it. Science mixed in a magic world is perfect.


I was really hoping for at least a progress bar to him acclimatising to the Soul Strain.


Thanks for the chapter, in page 23(pdf) Jamus doesn’t say what his friend found in a street (a dog).

L Pedersen

There were dividers? Everytime he switches PoV there is a line across the page.


I can't wait for the next chapter

L Pedersen

I really enjoyed this, this chapter foreshadows the next few chapters real well as well as flesh out some of the side characters.

John Robert Westman

Aura compression ranked up twice, why is it only rank 2 then?


The skill table is correct. It is the training overview dialog that I forgot to update. 1 rank only. Will fix shortly. Thanks.


The skill table is correct. It is the training overview dialog that I forgot to update. 1 rank only. Will fix shortly. Thanks.


So. Looks like Rain and Staavo have discovered how to save Fel Sandaris from the rank shift. Light bulbs


Seems to be an issue with the e-pub. They are there on the PDF. I'll see if I can find a way to fix it, but e-pub is a dumpster fire in terms of software support.


Typos: His fingers felt like overstuffed sausages, thought they looked normal. - *though “About time you admitted it. I don’t know how much ^more^ obvious I could have made it for you. “Think of a good name?” Meloni said - *asked Aura compression shows two level ups, then is shown at level 2 instead of 3. If you adjust it so it's at level 3, you're going to have to recalculate all the formulas you did involving it in the chapter. The hole was about three meters - "the hole was" is a larger typeface I had no idea tungsten was also called wolfram. Not a typo, just a fun fact. He then using the worker to take the jack - *used forced to chose between his monarch and a full line of his workers. - *choose


All fixed, thanks. Let me know on the typeface one. I didn't see it on my end. I cleared and reset the formatting, hopefully that fixed it.


I hadn't received the email for Chapter 68 for some reason. Great chapters!


It kind of feels like the story has lost its direction and momentum.


Why do I have a feeling, that this Staavo will pretend he alone discovered this "mystic Electricity"? ^^ He is still so dismissive of Rain even after he proved himself, that Rain was right...


I wouldn't say that. This story has always been about a awesome litrpg mechanics, math, and a stranger finding his way in a strange land. Now there's much more focus on the people surrounding Rain then there used to be, but he's not a soloist. The people around him are just as important to the story as Rain himself is.


It totally depends on how far Rains knowledge extends but we could see this local area quickly because a proto-industrial society rather rapidly. Just power generation and lights would be insane in this world, keeping monsters from spawning for cheap would be game changing. It's possible Rain may be able to help them skip the earlier weak forms of energy generations and get straight to the good stuff, depending on how much he knows about turbines, batteries and large scale grid infrastructure. Electricity also opens up the real juicy stuff, mass printing / machining / textiles / aluminum forging / long distance communications. The real question though, how much does Rain know about chemical reactions, properties, handling and synthesizing? Oil refining alone would legit be worth a kingdom by itself, not to even consider the implications for automotive and polymerization development. But still, just lightbulbs would make Rain so obscenely rich (if he could get the credit for it and profit off it.) that he wouldn't ever need to earn a single tel in a dungeon again. Sadly for this reason, I think it's better if Rain doesn't go full industrialist and stays at most as an assistant tinkerer/researcher to Staavo who gets the credit (problems) and Rain can keep delving.

Orion Dye

I don’t think the story had an long term direction or momentum from the beginning and I’m fine with that. From the start it’s been mostly about an average person dropping into a magic world and learning to live in it. The recent chapters have just been a continuation of that theme.


It would be better if he did, in this world he would be kidnapped and tortured for information most likely. The last thing Rains wants is to be known a golden goose that poops advanced technology eggs


I think this is on purpose. Rain's physical reaction and Tallheart's thoughts imply it's purposefully confusing. Like him saying his friend found a cloud in the street.


This chapter struck me as.. surprisingly ominous? Like nothing overt is happening. But we have Staavo figuring out how electricity works. We have Jamus talking about Rain's mysterious origins to others. More mentions of wondering where Val is at. Mentions of the watch wanting Rain for another "odd request". All of these are fairly innocuous seeming. But all of the above seem like they're hints of things to come. Rain's influence and effects seem to be quickly snowballing. Seems like they could easily culminate and spiral out of any semblance of his control.


Pretty sure the Watch request is just the officers wanting Rain to clean their buildings too. But you're right - a lot of people outside his immediate circle are beginning to know about Rain. And considering his fairly unique and distinctive build, they'll remember him. SensecentSoul is definitely building towards something, but it's super hard to tell what order the various things we know about will happen in.


Omg, I love your characters so much! I almost don't even care what they do anymore. I just love seeing them interact.


Now that entire paragraph is in a different size. Weird. I'm sure if it's a problem you'll see it right away when you upload it to rr. Might just be epub.


I honestly didn't expect Rain to remember enough to tell Staavo how to make a motor. I couldn't tell you how exactly to make one offhand. I think this is one of those "the genie is out of the bottle" deals. Once Staavo starts showing others what electricity is and what it can do, people are going to start experimenting with it and figuring it out all on their own. Rain doesn't even need to know much more than how to make functioning light to have the idea take off on its own. Even if Staavo DOES take the credit, in spite of his crotchety nature, he's very business and money savvy. If he somehow makes a mint off this, I can see him giving Rain a portion out of a sense of fairness or just to keep on the good side of someone with ideas from another world. If he made money off Rain's knowledge and stiffed him, I'd be shocked. Doesn't really strike me as true to his character. Alternatively, Staavo might not give a fuck and the ideas just get out and spread on their own lol.

L Pedersen

I don't think he could get away with it. All he's basically done is follow instructions left by Rain, he has no idea how anything works. If he wants to do something akin to an industrial revolution then he needs Rains active support.

L Pedersen

Staavo doesn't strike me as the most social sort. I think if people want this stuff for the good of mankind then they'll have to pry his old ass out of the tower and force him to help them. Needless to say I don't think he'll be showing off his "great discoveries" far and wide


I'd agree except he said he can't wait to show it to people and they'll understand what it means. He couldn't wait to build it just to show off to Rain he was wrong about electricity. I can totally see him showing off to fellow academics what this means. I imagine he'll get something out of it, but I can't see him keeping this to himself regardless.


Same here, but i got to read two chapters today so that was nice!

Ole Halvorsen

Btw how much force do you need to generate to heat up a copper wire to the point of it melting? I would think that it would be more efficient to just charge up a magic device which radiant light than having force driving a dynamo then use that to light up houses etc. I think we are a long way from being able to make something useful from this revelation. It's more a proof of concept, like a unknown force or magic, but it's not magic. It more tells Staavo that most of what Rain told him is true, and that by itself is worth a lot.

Atlas Dwarf

Have to agree with the ominous vibes. From Ameliah's PoV we learned the strategic importance of Fel Sandaris for the Empire and saw the Watch prepping themselves. Now while the request could be rather innocent from the Watch to just clean, Rain's appearance and actions could be seen as suspicious as hell from the Watch's viewpoint.


It started off sort've like some others with the initially fast lvling and skills but I think that was clearly there to give the MC a chance of making it in his new world and not really a indicator of how things will play out in the long run. Its more of a slower slice of life with a side of lvling in a new world story than a fast pace 'MC EATS THE WORLD' overpowered blowout fight fest.


That depends entirely on the thickness of the wire. Suffice it to say, it wouldn't be very easy to with a hand crank, unless you were using a hair as a wire. You're point it true, the power of electricity vs magic would not be seen until we get into the better ways to generate electricity. On a small scale its useless, but when ramped up the potential is huge.


I thought Rain just has insane hotness resistance, but if the peppers are just habanero levels, people there probably has very little tolerance.


You do an excellent job of blending the convergence of the two cultures. I enjoy reading about Rain stumbling through the new world just as much as reading the other characters' reactions to his outlandish explanations and experiences.


They're just from the upper mid-west United States, where ketchup is considered spicy. :) I know more than a few people who can't handle anything above mild salsa.


Sounds like my family. I eat ghost peppers, but my mom burns her mouth on mild salsa if it's got any kick to it