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Empire of Adamant




Chris Mantakounis

Looks like the Gmail app icon that stretched lol!


Needs a lil' more something. An unbroken chain in the middle grasped by a guantleted fist perhaps?


I'm going for minimalist iconography for the Empire. Simple is best, when it comes to flags. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDE066l5FLY


No way an empire would have someting so simple. Empires were all about the pomp


It's good though. Maybe one more line or shape in the center if you're going for the geometric feel. I think it would actually look much cooler in banner form as it is right now than it does in the concept art.

Robert Nolan

Won't work as a banner, at 50 yards you can't distinguish it from a grey sheet, there isn't enough contrast. Also it comes off too on the nose for an evil empire, try changing the lines to white or yellow(silver and gold respectively), it fits better with actual heraldric designs and makes it look a little less like the entire nation claps any time someone calls out, "if you're evil and you know it."

L Pedersen

I think the concept is fine, good point about the colours though, banners need bold stark colours. Black and red has been done to death but there is a reason it's a fan favorite


Needs to be shorter and slightly more colourful


Hm, I can imagine individual commanders putting their own symbols in the middle, especially if they've got a top-to-bottom written language. Would give a cohesive visual theme. Would also work if the commander symbols have bright colours - you could see the colour code even from a fair distance and go "Empire banner, Red dot for Commander Brutal, Yellow-white captain dots - yeah that's Captain Snivelling-bastard." Needs white stripes lining the inside of the black marks, though, for contrast. As a bonus, will make it look more nazi-like.