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There is a lot going on in this one. It took quite a bit of work behind the scenes. I hope it isn't too much.

What do you think? Want him to get to the damn mine already, or do you live for this shit?

Edit: Revised version. If you read it again, pleas let me know if I broke anything else due to the changes. Whack-a-mole is fun, no?

Patch notes:

* Cost for Imperial Auras increased to 20mp/s from 2mp/s.

* Tier 2 was already unlocked for magical utility, corrected text.

* Small grammar fixes.

* Added thoughts about why magical utility has so few skills in it


M van Dongen

What can I say ? Moar!

M van Dongen

Some mine activity be nice too. More unlocks too.

Mike G.

I like it, but I suspect it might be a bit too much for a general audience. Maybe a link to really really long footnotes or appendices?


i live for this shit! all the boxes! I'm so glad he could make a screen and a black AND white list... that was my main worry with shear... him accidentally murdering peasants on street level while in the sewers~ youuuuuu~ keeping 1 exp back so we might have hope that he doesn't have cap... xD ... oh god... those imperial auras... I'm so glad the empire looks down on their beacons... they could be terrifying... i see a 'rain goes to war' arc in the future, what with the empire attacking...

Silver Beard

Ready for the mine. The minute details get old fast...find myself starting to skip/skim over it. Reactions from others is good...the bickering not so much.


eh,,, we don't hear much of their bickering anymore... mostly that they're gonna take bets

Andrew Meyers

Let him power-level IFF a bit and just mess around on the cart, it'll be cool to see how much he can get winter to with all modifiers maxed. He can also train IFF on winter, attempting to exclude the others, which would train IFF even more.


I live for leveling skills, its killing me that ice and fire aura arent maxed yet! But loving that he finally got the skill he did this chap.

Critical Hit

I definitely enjoyed it. Its quite entertaining. Also looking forward to their reaction to an 800% increase to mana regen. Especially since that's only going to get even higher as he levels winter, aura synergy, and various auras. Definitely agree with Tallheart though. Waiting is his best bet at the moment. Get all the tier 3 unlocks and get all of his current skills to level 10. That'll give him the most info for skills he can reasonably get. Letting him choose the best stuff.


eh, winter mana cost is by the hour, so while it will level IFF, not by much... he can m make it up by just spamming other things while he's getting rid of mana

Critical Hit

I know right? Hopefully once he can blacklist/whitelist stuff and get 100% effect from it, he'll actually bother to cap both his offensive skills. Hopefully he unlocks some cool stuff once he gets all of his skills to 10.


Good chapter, but big error. He already has tier 2 of magical utility unlocked for magical synergy, chapter 30.


Also would be pretty stupid to delve before he got IFF to at least 8 or 9 considering he really doesnt want to harm his teammates too much and will want to be at least a little useful


Quite right. Corrected like so: Nope, nothing new. It’s so lame that Magical Synergy was the only thing in tier 2. I have enough experience to unlock tier 3, but… He waved to attract Jamus’s attention. “Sorry to interrupt, Jamus. Quick question. This ‘soulstrain’ thing. How long until I can unlock stuff again without puking my guts out? Oh, and should I be afraid of using mana, now that my soul is already ‘overtaxed’, as you said?” “You should be fine in a few days. Take it slow. You usually won’t know you’re near the edge until it’s already too late. As for excessive mana use, your high Clarity must be protecting you, otherwise...” “Thanks, Jamus. As you were.” Rain looked at the tier 3 unlock button, then sighed and dismissed the window. Not worth it. No fucking way. I still feel a bit queasy. Maybe I’ll risk it tomorrow. Last but not least, Aura Metamagic.

Critical Hit

Well his Winter, Purify, Detection, and Essence Well auras are all pretty helpful.


I worry that Rain is misinterpreting what the defensive auras do. 100% increased resistance sounds more like doubling resistance than 100% reduced damage to me.


I'm definitely enjoying the depth you put into the system. Empire of Will sounds incredibly powerful. Adding ten focus gave about a 5% damage increase when he tested with his ring, and Empire of Will could give thousands once he maxes out his current skills. It's expensive, but he'd only need to maintain it briefly while friendly mages fire off a volley.


One of the things I like about this story is that the system doesn't seem to care at all about Rain. It just exists, and Rain has to figure out the details and make the most of it. Too many LitRPGs blatantly shape their systems to give the protagonist an advantage, based on whatever the protagonist just did as a way to advance the story. I.E. "Achievement Unlocked! Defeated a demon lord with 1 health remaining on a Tuesday under a falling star. +100 to all attributes!" But in this story we see Rain fumbling in the dark, damaging himself just to unlock skills that are useless to him or he can't use yet. Even if he does stumble upon some ultimate skill later, thanks to the good writing up to this point it would feel like good luck and the result of hard work instead of a deus ex machina.


I'm dying to know what Tier 3 Aura Metamagic is. Those multipliers are crazy. He also has that tree more filled out than any other, so it has the best chance for a hidden skill reveal.


It is meant to add a percentage resistance, not multiply the flat modifier. I will probably re-word it from Increase dark resistance by 3.564% for all entities to Grant 3.564% dark resistance to all entities That's going to be a pain to do though as it is in previous chapters as well


Yeah, that's one of the reasons I don't particularly like reading LitRPGs, this one is great though.


Tier 3 skills are meant to be really strong, but I may tweak this one a bit. I'm not sure the mana cost is high enough.


I think just skim over him leveling IFF and get too the mine, imo. Boxes and leveling skills are fun and all but after so many chapters of them it is getting old.


I love this stuff way more than I should. Not sure why, but I find it way more interesting than in other stories I've seen it done. Still, any more system focused chapters in a row would probably be too much for most people.


I’d like to see them post up and mine for a day while rain levels skills. With rain providing mana and ameliah providing stamina, tallheart could smith them stuff all day with the only bottleneck being metal. I’d like to see rain use a shield with his build because keeping the hounds off him til they freeze will be key.


three second tier skill trees(Defensive, offensive & utility auras,) only 22749 experience for use. Not enough for three second tiers & two third tiers. Was this a mistake or did Rain simply miscalculate? :p


... i don't know what you mean, he only unlocked one 3rd tier before puking his guts up and taking a break from unlocks


I would like to suggest a possible tier 3 or 4 offensive aura: [Wither] - temporarily decrease a chosen base stat of all entities at a rate of 1 stat point per minute. Once out of the aura's aoe, the stats return at a rate of 1 stat point per minute [at rank 10] The idea here is that direct damage dealing is already taken care of so higher tier offensive auras would need to hurt in other ways. [Wither] can only target one stat at a time and takes a long time before it becomes relevant (especially against high level opponents with lots of stats) but it places a heavy timer on the opponent where every minute puts them at a bigger disadvantage. Their stat multipliers become less powerful, their resource pools shrink, their resistances/damage bonuses fade. If used on a wide enough area for a long enough time [Wither] would be incredibly powerful. I was bored one day and was thinking up random aura effects. [Wither] was my favorite and I'm curious to see what people think. If anyone has any good aura ideas I'd love to hear them!


Excellent chapter! Lots of new skills to theorize about... For his last three skill points I'd avoid the offensive aura tree entirely. [Shear] is the only one worth considering and it doesn't give Rain much more than he already has with his [Refrigerate]/[Incinerate] combo. Plus its crazy expensive. On the defensive tree, [Force Ward] is clearly the best one and the only ward worth considering before [Prismatic Intent]. The utility tree is where things get difficult. [Summer], [Spring], [Fall], [Life Well], [Energy Well], [Acuity], [Precision], [Empire of Will], [Empire of Brawn], and [Empire of Grit] are all within reach and all of them are great. If he wants the strength or endurance Imperials he'll need to spend all three of his points to get one. It's actually not a bad option, especially for Brawn since he'll get [Life Well] for healing which is still something he needs. Given how massive the seasonal buffs get though, [Summer] alone might be enough to fill any health needs in the short term and [Force Ward] would go a long way towards preventing damage in the first place. If he got those two he'd still get to pick between [Spring], [Life Well], [Acuity] and [Empire of Will] for his last point... And all this assumes he doesn't find any crazy good hidden or tier 3 skills in the other trees.


Good idea for aura but one stat per minute is garbage. Realistically high level fights wont last more than a few minutes anyway, with mages offloading all their mana. It should start at 1 stat per 10 second and get to 1 stat per second at level 10. Its still only 60 stats per minute, rain already has more than double that and so would his enemies. Also it would be probably best if it was split into three skills each dealing with one stat. Finally it should be unable to reduce stats below 10 points.


Something to consider is class selection at level 25, he has currently has 10 skill points until that point. Prismatic Intent requires 15 auras and he has 7 atm. The word intent feels like a key word for specialization and getting a unique class. That leaves 9 skill points and 7 need to be for auras to get 15 for Prismatic Intent. 4 should be for all the remaining rank 0 auras because unlocking and maxing them all provides even more chance for a unique class. There is a lot of forgiveness in picking skills later but a class would have more long term implications. Definitely should ask about that for long term planning.


Please get him to take the skill that lets him use multiple auras. He could have winter on at all times and use auras indefinitely by reducing their costs if needed.


That is a ways away. He has 7 auras atm and he needs 15 to unlock it.

L Pedersen

Much like Mr. Diesel, I too live for this shit.


Anyone have the level exp formula? Thinking about T4 and most likely 100k requirement and what is the earliest level it could be unlocked with the exp present in a single level-1. Since mono classes require more exp it also means they can unlock higher tiers earlier, anyone up for some math? T5 At 1 million exp and the level needed would also be welcomed.


I too live for it but I'd understand if a majority just wanted him to get to the mine and clear it out. The combat sequences are done well so far so I don't mind it at all. I swear the author is screwing with me on purpose by not having him take the Health aura though......


I live for shit


A lot of weird with auras, I'd like to say... Weird how elements in offense and defense do not line up. I would also never had guessed tier 2 utility auras lineup to be like this. Pretty weird effects for auras honestly... Velocity was too tho. How will they work? Increase only vision modifier in the status or all senses? Increase the resolution of his eyes, or increase processing power in the brain that decodes what eyes see? I kinda hope that there will be no fast-thinking type aura and mc will have to go fish for that skill in the completely unrelated skill tree. IFF should not reduce the cost of the skills tho... Because cost does not depend on the number of people in his aura. I do not think that mc should take imperial focus aura for the time being, while force ward is certainly enticing... Anyway, 4 tiers 3 come first, before spending points. There is only one free slot for non-aura(&non-PI) before lvl 25 tho, so... At this point, mc should concern himself(and ask around) with what happens when massive stat bonus disappears. I mean, if STR stat determines how strong you could train your body, what will happen when your limit gets lower than it could be? Suggestions for aura effects: Offense: Root(in place) entities / Reverse Empire debuffs (for tier 4?) / Drain resources effects / slow debuff or/and increase in gravity debuff / decrease resistances debuffs / Storm Aura / Telekinetic aura? Maybe in combination with something from utility tree. It is hard to think of big damage auras. Maybe passives that will increase damage? Maybe mc can open some other skill trees with element-specific bonuses. Defense: Repel entities / Air current (Distort projectile paths in area) Or/And Slow down projectiles Aura / Mana Distortion Field (obstruct immediate spell-casting in area) Utility: Attract entities (Entities are not necessarily humans, right? Mc should think of that when training IFF with offensive auras) / reduced gravity (is air resistance a thing in this world? Velocity making me think no) / Silence Aura for sneaking / Invisibility? Maybe something exotic like weight reduction, weight vector redirection. Meta: Aura Concentration (range: intensity conversation 10% => 100%)(Tier 3) / Something to combine effects of different auras perhaps? Are Immolate&Refrigerate allowed to be activated together normally? Would they cancel out or not? Maybe this skill can create some sort of turbulence that will harmonize incompatible auras (Tier 4) / chain of auras? (make entities in your aura echo them out, echo count 1=>10)(tier 5) / Aura shaping (Tier 6? If such thing allowed by aura physics at all... (slight change of shape on the ground => any shape of the same area)) / Aura Manifestation (Tier 7 make aura material (like layer on the ground or something?) +concentration +Shaping to make summoned magic items I guess, Immolation staff, etc.) / Should imbuing aura onto items be allowed? Probably not. Auras definitely must have limits that cannot be simply dismissed with leveling, what is the meaning of specializing if, at tier 10, everyone would have the same capabilities... We don't know what kind of classes are outside of auras tho, ... can wizards imbue items? Plz SenescentSoul, explore capabilities of mc's teammates during this outing. Utility magic: Idk... I wasted enough time on this.

Critical Hit

IFF only changed the amount of drain on his mana for Essence Well, which makes sense. Essence Well gives mana back to him, and making it so specific people get only 90% of the benefit of the aura changes how much mana he gets back. It doesn't even have a "cost". Just an amount that is transferred and an efficiency of transfer.


Levels 29 & 45,respectively. Assuming there is no experience changes with class upgrades.

Nathan Emerson

I'm just curious, why dont you post the chapter directly to patreon?


Does anyone think the imperial auras seem almost unusable? No ideas of his future capacity but 1200 mana a min seem just crippling.


Or a end of chapter sum up of his entire skill tree every other chapter with in chapter descriptions being brief and only about what changed.


It's not like they have to be constantly activated - only when attacking for the extra skill damage etc. seems reasonable enough

Andrew Meyers

In version 2, it still says 2 mana a second when he's describing the third tier auras to the group: Twelve points at rank 1, cost is 2 mana a second. Empire of Grit and Empire of Brawn are the same, but for Endurance and Strength.”


I want Rain to ask his buddies about what [mana manipulation] does: *If I designed the System, I would hide a lot of skills behind that as a prerequisite. *Dumping mana into the environment seems like a good way to attract essence monsters, too. *Maybe it's required for using certain magical items? *Plus it might increase the effect of his Clarity, letting him affect how the auras act on a practical level, where Clarity lets him work on a conceptual level. If there's a big breakpoint for Clarity, I would expect it to be at 334, since the dynamo-enhanced number would go above 1000, then. Huh, maybe he'll unlock the [System Admin] Class at level 100 or so... The Imperial auras would be good with [prismatic intent], but not so much without it. The [force ward] is a definite possibility, though. Bummer about [essence well], we had a lot of hopes riding on that one, but eh. Would have been overpowered, AND would have let normal mages get awesome regen without even focusing much on attributes...


I don't think mc can unlock a lot of hidden skills just opening skills in the same 5 trees, from what we saw so far, for hidden skill one needs symbiotic skill from a different tree. I also do not think that mc's current build deserves a 'unique' class, as it seems quite an obvious synergetic choice. One has to remember here that auras are usually are additional skills of tank-type classes. For unique class, one probably has to take a leap of faith with some possibly synergetic trees. Overall, while it is the correct decision to hold onto the points until unlocking all the tier3s, I can't help but feel that once the party will descend into a dungeon, Force majeure situation demanding spending point on something unrelated, will inevitably pop up. Of course, these seemingly unrelated skills will later open an amazing legendary class for mc. Right?... Maximum trope. When adding up auras to 15, if mc will prefer higher tier skills, it will likely positively impact his class choices.


I actually thought the opposite that if he unlocked all the teir zero auras, than that would create a unique class since that would be a leap of faith. He should ask about class selection at level 25 and a lot of general questions about the world just to have a better background of what is standard and what isn’t, also to know what is possible and what isn’t.


I think that unlocking all lower tier skills is actually normal situation. How often can one leap to the 18 lvl cap in one go? normally people sit in lower levels for years and naturally will open lower ties skills.


Very true, but the main hold up doesn’t seem to be experience since you can gain experience by doing things and killing monsters. The big hold up is the essence cap or level cap which in turn limits teit unlocks. Big question is if experience can be used on anything else and if unlocking other skill trees will strengthen the soul.


At the very least it will train mc to bear exp loss easily. There is no point in wasting experience either way. MC should unlock all potentially useful skill trees while under level cap. I'd argue that it should be done even if he could bank up exp. No time like now. He should open one tier3 per day and waste the rest of exp on other trees. Who knows, he might discover something amazing :\. Hidden skills related to Auras are 100% would be somewhere. There is no need to show us all the trees he open either, let him do that in the background. 100 tier1 per day :\.


Mana manipulation might be necessary for proper use of enchanted armor... it is certainly a skill with potential.

Thaabit Rivertree

In the tables, it says 20 mp/s for imperial auras, but the text outside of the tables still lists it as 2 mp/s in at least one place, namely pg 18

Thaabit Rivertree

I wish he would focus more on prismatic intent... Using more than one aura at a time is probably the biggest and most useful powerboost he will ever get. He should be giving way more importance to that than anything besides IFF. It should be his next major goal really


Agreed, which means all his remaining skill points need to go into auras.


I was just doing some quick math, and the MC can power up a skill by 12x and the cost would go up 54x(once channel is level 10 next chapter.) Refridge could do 1200 damage for a bit less than 2 seconds. Would there be bleedthrough on that much attack damage? Even though his own auras don’t affect him would there be environmental bleed through or blow back and a reason to get a prot Ward?


Already corrected in my local copy. It is noted elsewhere in the comment pile. Thanks for letting me know though.


Already corrected in my local copy. It is noted elsewhere in the comment pile. Thanks for letting me know though.


How did you get x54 cost? It is either x27, or x81 with extend. All modifiers give x3 increase.


Channel mastery when it ranks up next chapter. So amplify, extend, and focus are 3x each so 27x then channel mastery 2x for 54x.


Here's a typo: Empire of Will is a flat boost to Focus for everyone in range. Twelve points at rank 1, cost is (2)-->20 mana a second.


Damn... I could swear it was x3 before... but checking now it really seems to be x2... in previous chapters too...


That'd be cool to see that huge damage, but I'm wondering how Overcharge will work exactly. If he can delay the activation indefinitely, I wonder just how much damage he could do with a big wave of 1 or even 2 auras at once? Not too good with math, but if he could overcharge an aura, tuned to his mana regen indefinitely, he could start charging on his way to a monster lair, walk in, activate velocity, run through pulling mob aggro, release it, and maybe just kill everything in range instantly?


I got question regarding Prismatic intent, will it increase the number of simultaneously usable aura as it progress in level? or will it only stay at 2 auras at the same time but with additional skill effect later?

Critical Hit

So, it seems higher class rarities are particularly powerful. Not only do they give bigger bonuses, but they also require more Exp per level. That means that skill tier unlocks require lower levels than lower rarity classes. Having higher tier skills at lower levels increases the potential to get better classes as you meet higher end requirements. I'm not sure what the actual calculations are per level. But I find it likely that by the time Rain reaches level 48-49 he'll need 100,000 xp per level. If that's the case, he'll be able to get tier 4 skills, something that just wouldn't be available until a much higher level for other classes. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this all works out.


From what we seen so far, it will increase to 11. Of course we cannot exclude possibility of author getting all creative on us.


you mean 1,000,000 for level 49 maybe? I think someone calculated 100,000 for about 26 level.

Critical Hit

Did they? It doesn't seem like Rain's level requirements are growing quite that fast. But I could easily be mistaken. Though if he only reaches 100,000 at 26, it doesn't really effect his ability to get a better class since he'd need it by 24 for that to help.


First, I asked on the previous chapter comments, but think you missed it. Do you have a Discord server set up? Second, Rain's mana has been bugging me for a while. I cannot seem to figure out why it is so high; what am I missing? ( 10 [focus] + (200*.25) [clarity w/ synergy] ) * 20 = 1,200 base *3 [intrinsic focus] = 3,600 total I cannot find anything else that should be modifying it, and the few things that would feasibly apply (Dynamo's bonus amplifying the Clarity aspect, for example), result in significantly higher than what he currently has. Edit: The Empire auras are essentially unusable at 20/second base cost, if that cost scales with the level like *every other skill*. At a cost of 10/second, I would consider them worth taking, but of low priority (level ~30 kind of priority). While they can potentially be very strong, anything higher makes them not worth the cost, and I would argue for as low as 5/second to actually be *good*.


Mana formula from chapter 30: Mana = ((20*Focus*3) + (10*Clarity*3*3*0.025)) mp I do not have a discord set up as of yet. I may look into it. I'm busy trying to transfer the story from LibreOffice into Scriviner. Having the mana cost high makes them more interesting to write. Does he use full power only for a short time, or low power in the background? Remember that he can do that with channel mastery.


I asked the same question above, lvl 29 for 100k and 45 for 1M exp. if somebody wants to post the level equation that would be nice


So some more quick napkin math, if we remove the range boost aura we can get 18x cost to 12x power. Or at rank 10 of refridge 900 mana/s to 1200 dmg/s for about 5.5 s for 6600 total. Assuming a 2x boost to health from passive skills from any opponent or monster with half stat points put into strength we get the ability to kill things up to level 31 approximately in a single aura burst with all mana in 5.5 seconds.


Has it been stated that he needs to pay it all at once? Could this change when he has more control over the interface?


Honestly, it's a bit weird that with Magical Synergy a point of Focus gives half as much daily regen as a point of Clarity. while a point of Clarity only gives a quarter as much mana capacity as a point of Focus. Setting aside other bonuses like Intrinsic Clarity/Focus... 1 Focus: 20 mana, 5 mp/day 1 Clarity: 5 mana, 10 mp/day It almost feels like the system is a bit biased towards Focus?


I think it is because clarity has many hidden perks such as increasing your rate of learning capability, mental calculation and increasing your familiarity in interacting with system UI.


Having seen too many OP story lines to count, I'm glad you're holding your stance on the high mana cost. Struggle and adversity always make for a more interesting story


Not counting armor and endurance... but those are currently unknown mechanics and hard to predict.


We cannot have any idea if the system is actually balanced. Too small sample size. On other hand I do get it, 1000 of stat is a hundred levels.. It is undoubtedly a killer move.


I wonder if +STR baff will come with full health? That would be a bit cheaty. Not to mention mana.


That is why I gave a 2x bonus to enemy health to account for passives and armor.


One of the best things about this novel is that at any moment rain could totally look into a new tree and find something useful. Or hidden trees. "System Utility" Tree maybe?


I had missed that. Very strange that the multiplier (x10, x20) is a characteristic of the primary attribute, rather than the derived attribute. I still say the cost for the Empire auras makes sense *exclusively* for Rain's heavily focused Dynamo regen build, and even then, if I were in his position, I would not consider them until *at least* level 25, and likely far later than that. The combined mana cost + skill point is not worth it. @8Psycho As demonstrated by the rings, increasing an attribute will increase the maximum derived attribute, but not the current value. 200/200 health will become 200/2200 health.


Not really. Mere increase in stats would not suddenly make use of empire easier. Considering potential of empire, even flashing FOCUS+100 for a few seconds can turn the flow of battle, and mc can do that now as easily as he will in dozen levels. To ran the skill more or less constantly mc will need a hundred time increase in mp regen at least, few level will not do that.


Hmmm... Focus increases mana regen, so as his [aura synergy] grows, eventually the increase in Focus would pay for itself, in theory. What would he have to have for that to be the case, though, something like 500 auras? Well, if there are multiple cost-reducing skills, like maybe [aura mastery], [aura efficiency] or [mana efficiency], it could be cut down to something manageable, I suppose...


I live for the grind, I'm loving this so much! Thank you!