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Book One: Invading The System

Chapter 1 – System Invasion

Chapter 2 – Dungeon Delve

Chapter 3 – Caves and Ruins

Chapter 4 - Under Land and Sea

Chapter 5 – The Ascent

Chapter 6 - Interregnum 

Chapter 7 – Revive 

Chapter 8 – Choices 

Chapter 9 – Back Down 

Chapter 10 — Complications 

Chapter 11 — A Summit 

Chapter 12 — Four Conversations 

Chapter 13 — New Game Plus 

Chapter 14 — Opponents 

Chapter 15 — High Ground

Chapter 16 — Digital Life

Chapter 17 — Divine Intervention

Chapter 18 — Inflicted Wounds

Chapter 19 — Plans Rarely Survive

Chapter 20 — God-Poking Rounds

Chapter 21 — System Crash

Book One Epilogue

Book Two: Undermining the System

Chapter 1 — Orbital Insertion

Chapter 2 — Redo From Start

Chapter 3 — Unfortunate Encounters

Chapter 4 — First Moves

Chapter 5 — Getting Known

Chapter 6 — Consequences of Getting Known

Chapter 7 — Powerful People

Chapter 8 — Diplomatic Tasks

Chapter 9 — Meddling Gods

Chapter 10 — Spreading Out

Chapter 11 — Digging In

Chapter 12 — Annexation

Chapter 13 — Flashpoint

Chapter 14 — Skirmish

Chapter 15 — Escalation



the eager reader tier does not seem to have access to chap 1, is that intentional?


Eager reader won't have access to these for a few weeks, there's some interim content to get through, but it'll be up for them eventually.


okay, thanks. I thought it might have been an oversight but wasn't sure since there are multiple ways of interpreting "4 chapters ahead" and "10 chapters ahead"(next tier up) when there are only 4 new chapters available. (I've also run into issues on certain patreons before where I just kinda AFK'd for an extra year or two in a tier and ended up in a tier that had no particular benefits because it was a relic). I suppose this does make sense in the "exclusivity of higher tiers" interpretation as opposed to the "common english meaning" interpretation. Hopefully this will be as interesting as the title/chapter titles sound!

Caleb Reusser

Why is Four spelled out instead of 4?


Yeah it's 4/10 ahead of the public postings on RR/Scribblehub. Since Chasing Sunlight is still releasing on RR, that includes both CS chapters, the interim chapters, and SDE chapters in the 4/10 content queue.

Carter Schonwald

Revive link doesn’t seem to work yet?

Ben Vail

Amazing story :)


Thanks for maintaining these, it's made it a lot easier to catch up when I've been away for a while <3