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With the feedback I've gotten, I'll be adjusting the current Book 3, Chapter One to be Book 2, Chapter 21.  This will not affect posting schedule - chapters will go up on the 3rd and the 6th as usual.  


Killer Pickle

I think it’s fine to leave the book on a cliff hanger but I think it shouldn’t of been right before the operations, it should of been when Lucy was originally kidnapped but I suppose if you ended it there the story would of been extra short


Right when the MC hung up the phone would have been a perfect ending to the book. But yes, it would have been a bit short.


I think you took the wrong conclusion from the 20 chapter book pledge; it should be about having a book resolve itself within 20 chapters, not just arbitrarily ending the book once it's 20 chapters long. One will prevent "sprawling" and create a tighter narrative, and the other just increases the number of books your "sprawling" plot takes place over. If you end the book here and the next one picks up exactly where it left off, with the same goals and plot, how does dividing it into seperate books help reign in the story from meandering? It just changes the header on the page. You're putting the cart before the horse, or making a surface level change rather than adjusting the actual story, or something. A book should tell a story, stories have beginnings, middles, and ends. This book doesn't have an end. Tell a story. Sorry rant over I literally had a dream about different climatic potential endings to book 2, which was weird enough I decided to write this comment.