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Hey everyone, since I'm going to be getting a new cover...

...what should that cover be?

Considering the size limitations, it should be fairly simple, with one or two background objects and one or two characters at most.  Probably one background object and one character.

The first cover was a core crystal and Shayma.

What should this cover be? 

(I might end up getting multiple covers eventually, but just one to start).



How about the palace in the lake. Maybe shayama and inari in a throne room. Or even the Caldera.


Ansae in dragon-form cuddling Shayma


Maybe a blue gem in Shayma’s hand or in the background or something


Maybe Iniri on a throne that looks like it’s made up of blue crystal like blue’s core and space or something along those lines for the background cause stellar infinity an all. Or maybe blues core with a galaxy or something inside of it, Ansae curled around i in dragon form.


Blue needs a sigil to represent him and his stellar affinity. Perhaps a very well done illustration of this sigil idea for the cover of the book?


somthin to do whit the mini sun


blue's audience chamber, with the fractal patterns and wierdness


A couple of ideas: Tellah in front of the tree. The star forge in the middle of activation. Iniri in front of the negotiation facilities. Anase curled up around her tower. The island the meil is on with iniri, tellah, and shayma in the background


I like mirroring the first cover with the crystal, but either a different companion or multiple companions.


standard plus the other cores ?


Dragon form Ainsen with a contain stared in her hand her body around one of blues cores


Well, what's the most significant chain of events in the second book? That's the attack by the mage-kings. That was a conflict that was obviously going to happen from the moment that the first attack on blue failed. So maybe meil and one of the flying castles, with iniri and one of the mage-kings facing off?

Alec Baldwin

Maybe the tree in Blue's village with Shayna, Ansae, and Iniri asleep beneath it's boughs with a blanket of stars twinkling above them?


Maybe a bit to complex but Taelah, Iniri and Shayma next to each other with their respective territory in the background. For example on the left Taelah and village, right Iniri and castle and a bit below and in the center Shayma with Blues authority shining brightly with a stellar background. It wouldn't spoil to much for new readers but would be a nice representation of where we are currently in the story Alternatively just Shayma with Blues authority No Ansae because she is currently no Companion and dragons are a bit overused on covers


GTA style cover of the characters and locations


I might be hard to do, but I think that somehow drawing part of the Caldara would be really cool. maybe a close up of Ansaes tower with the wall in the background or maybe blue putting the rainforest on the walls of the Caldara.


Maybe Iniri using her Star lance skill at one of the flying fortresses


Blue doesn't have a sigil, though. Maybe a fractal motif?


The terraced rainforest cliffs going up one side of the cover with a distant view of Ansaes tower on the opposite side and the horizon line of far distant cliffs or fading to fog/terrain. If I remember correctly there's a water feature around the tower so you could also treat it as a reflecting pool so that the reflection of the tower better balances that side of the cover against the cliffs/rainforest/fog. You could opt to do it in a stylized vector/cutout instead of detailed. I saw this post and I thought that it'd be cool for the first book's cover to simply be a blue crystal/core vector with Shayma's simplified silhouette in front of it with clearly defined fox ears, as if she were being lit from behind by the core.


The star on top of the mountain going off with a silver dragon shadow looking towards it as the star went off, with in the foreground the meeting area they where watching from?


The city of Meil with a vaguely humanoid blue shadow hovering over it. A brilliant Star over one shoulder. With or without a dragon. Basically, Blue watching over the country.


I would like a vista of the Caldera or maybe an aerial view of the summit area. I think one of the most impresive things Blue does is his "crafting" of new landscapes. It could make for a imposing and interesting cover. If you want to mislead the reader a little bit, you could also make a cover of the moment Blue crafts a new Star, maybe with the people of the summit in the forground as shadow against the bright light of the moment of creation? Without context it would look like people about to get blown away by an huge explosion, but in reality it is an impactful moment of creation...


I think the blue sun should feature in some way. Maybe a stylized version of the meeting after his first star forging with everyone gathered around.


Shayma’s cottage with the door open to see one of blue’s cores and shayma outside.


I think the Caldera, with the Audience Chamber under it, to signify "The Territory, and the Power shouldering it" 🤔 The Kingdom is not Blue, at most it can be considered as a long term project that will be given back after 100y, the Silver Whoe is an Ally, she not (yet?) part of Blue. Blue himself in the Caldera, and the mountains under it, and his Audience Chamber is his reception room, where official discussions should happen.

Carl Mason

I like the idea of the line of four floating islands behind the three companions, though that might be a bit... busy. Maybe the Dragon Eye in the sky above the islands.


a girl per cover, so it's time for inari on her throne or amazon dragon flexing muscles.

prentice barry

tealah (blues wife) and the tree of fate


I think Book 2 has been very much politicking and Tarnil's recovery so Iniri on her throne makes sense. Could also put Taelah and Shayma lounging on either armrest.

Awdyr Storm

Maybe Ansae coiled around a blue star?


Dynamo with the contained star in the middle of it


well, considering the first book has his first companion, I think the second book should have his second one. Iniri on her glass throne with a dungeon core placed behind/above her

Carl Mason

Just to be clear, what is covered in book two? Are we still on book two? This feels (current content-wise) like a third book already, so where is the split and what is covered? I would pick a significant event from the book and represent that.

雨宿りAma yadori

I had a thought for having just Blue, but instead of reflections of his surroundings, his facets reflect things he sees with genius loci in "blue-scale". It could quickly get out of control with complexity, but could be compatible with most of the other ideas


Thinking we should save that idea for the book that has blue fully curing Ansae


a faceted core gems with the faces of different cast means showing in it would be cool but complex, alternatively the core gem with Shayma either hugging from behind or hanging over it like shes coming over someones shoulder while hugging them, face turn inwards and slightly down would look nice

Joel Bullock

Definitely something the shows he's become Tarnel maybe the core with his companions around him with a map in the background


Do the caldera with floating islands and stars


Fox gal cluching a mini star while in a big blue crystal with shadowy tentacles blooming from below


Shayma and Iniri standing on one of Blue's weather towers, facing away from the POV, looking at the four flying fortresses in the distance. Blue skies with a few clouds, and distant, scenic landscape of Tarnil visible.


The caldera, viewed from high in the air. Differing, blended biomes visible. Ansae's tower visible near the middle of the cover, but not prominent or close enough to see in detail. Just a few white fluffy clouds visible. Blue sky above. Stone cliff wall of the caldera visible, barely. A silver dragon, flying, visible, but not close enough for much detail beyond being a silver-scaled dragon.


I’d do Ansae and Shayma with a contained star in front of a blue Crystal


I was thinking of a tall blue crystal with the reflections of the three companions in the facets.. Then a dragons tail sorta half curled in front/around the bottom of the crystal.. as if the dragon was walking away off the page/picture.