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Day 108 - Annit

It was difficult to believe that she was helping the infamous “Slicer Joe” Calloway, who was well on his way to becoming a fourth-tier blademaster. Not because she was far less experienced than him at combat, though that was quite true, but because she was helping him knead dough. It was, as these things often were, Keri’s fault, though even she wasn’t sure whether it was a good or a bad thing.

“Gently, gently,” he told her, hands coated in flour. “You have to be firm, but not rough. It gets harder as you level up, the finesse.”

She was almost certain Calloway wasn’t using any Skills, but only almost. Maybe it was just long practice that made his fingers so clever. She shot Keri a glance, but the healer was deep in conversation about caster things with another member of Piping Hot Pies. Annit wasn’t entirely certain how she was the one who ended up making pie crusts, but Calloway at least seemed serious about how useful making dough was as an exercise.

“Now, when you cut fat in, it has to stay cold, so you have to be quick and you want to use the fewest number of movements,” he instructed her. Despite the enchanted equipment that he had for everything else, for this he used mundane, if finely-crafted, knives. He also had a small ball of butter that had been, until then, immersed in the chill waters of one of the streams in a waterproof bag. They must have brought it all the way from Wildwood.

She wasn’t entirely certain that the cutting-in practice applied to her, given her chosen weapon and Affinity, but he was so serious about it that she didn’t dare object. His level was also far above hers, so he probably had some idea of what he was talking about. She tried to follow his lead with her own dough until she spotted another member of Piping Hot Pies approaching with a basket full of those blue fruits that could occasionally be seen on the weird trees Blue had.

“Uh.” She interrupted Calloway’s monologue. “Did you ask Blue about using those?” If nothing else, she wanted to be clear of the blast radius if they hadn’t. It was hard to forget the image of thousands of ashed monsters and acres of charred forest. Though Shayma had been convincing enough that he didn’t mean them any harm, it was still a little overwhelming.

“They can use them, so long as they make a couple extra pies,” Shayma said, appearing from nowhere in particular. “He’s curious how the pies turn out actually. Not that he can eat, but even Ansae likes them raw so maybe they can be an export.”

“Ansae?” Not that she was familiar with everyone in their refuge, but the way Shayma pronounced the name made Annit think it was someone important.

“Oh, um. Another guest of Blue’s. You might meet her later! Or not. Anyway, when you’re done there I’ll show you and Keri to the new place Blue made for you!” It was clear Shayma was trying to change the subject, and Annit let her.

“Now is fine.” She was still a little uncertain about the dough training, and she’d had more than enough of it for now. Besides, Keri was starting to get a bit of a gleam in her eye so it was time to stop her before she put herself down for three days with mana exhaustion. Again.

Plus she was curious. A house was, in and of itself, a pretty significant gift. But apparently what Blue had in mind was their own chamber, something like what the town was in. Even if it was smaller, it seemed all out of proportion for just the two of them. Then again, Shayma apparently had her own place. There didn’t seem to be any sort of reasonable limit to Blue’s interior, so maybe however many acres of space was no trouble at all.

“Great!” Shayma was as cheerful as usual. It was no wonder she and Keri got along so well.

“Thank you for the training,” she told Calloway politely, and the huge man nodded at her, continuing his focus on the pie crust. It was still a bit weird that the group was actually serious about their name. She then more or less physically hauled Keri away from the heat mage, Cheryl something-or-other, following Shayma to the teleportation area. It was definitely an area now, a large circle outlined with bricks, with the smaller circles leading to the outside, to the farming habitats, and now to somewhere else.

They followed Shayma onto the platform and the world shifted. In an eyeblink, they were surrounded by walls rather than street, in a large vestibule room. There was an absolutely sinful amount of glass, providing a view out onto a garden and letting light in from a faux sky and, to the right, showing a large room full of beds. “It’s also a hospital!” The fox-girl told them. “It’s not large, but Blue figured Keri ought to have a proper place to treat people. Plus there’s plenty of trees and such for you, Annit. Your actual home is through that door.” She pointed to the end of the vestibule, where there was no glass, only a reassuringly ordinary door.

“Oh, this is amazing!” Keri said. “Though, I can’t exactly run a hospital by myself? I’m just one person! Er, and maybe it could use a sign for the door?”

Shayma stood, head cocked and ears twitching for a moment. “Well, we don’t have any patients at the moment, thanks to your work earlier. Blue says it’s just planning for the future, and since it’s your hospital, he figures you should decide the signage yourself. Oh, here, his first keys!” Shayma produced a pair of iron keys - no, they were steel - and handed one to each of them. Like usual, they appeared from nowhere, reminding her yet again how ridiculous Shayma was. “Not that he’d let anyone sneak in or take your stuff, but he figures you might like it anyway.”

“We appreciate that.” Annit took her key, stepping forward to unlock the door and open it. The door opened up into what seemed to be a dining room, with even more glass at the far end looking out over a forest with wind-affinity trees clearly visible. Even more doors showed that there were additional rooms, and if the furniture in the dining room was anything to go by, it was just as high-quality as what was in Iniri’s manor.

Apparently they were nobility now.

On the table in the dining room was a blowgun. A brand new one, that looked to be made of steel set with gems. No, that was wrong - the gems seemed to be visible through openings in the steel. Annit crossed the distance in a moment, reaching out to pick it up and examine it closer. She knew this had to be the weapon Blue had promised her.

It awakened. That was the only word that came to mind, because while there was power it wasn’t like she had suddenly become powerful, and while she suddenly felt her skills were more responsive, it wasn’t as though they had gotten any easier. It was, rather, as if it had suddenly made her more. More able, more insightful. If this is what Keri had felt, no wonder she had been able to evolve her Class. For the first time, Annit felt that making it to a third-tier class was actually achievable.

“Oooh, is that Primal Source?” Keri crowded in, peering at the gem, which had suddenly changed color to a deep green, flecks of blue-grey swirling within like motes dancing on the wind.

“Yes.” Shayma said, ears twitching. “Blue says he made it with your Skills in mind.”

“It’s...fantastic.” Annit spun it in her fingers for a moment, holding it like a baton and invoking [Wind Blade]. The Source gem inside it took the Skill without a whisper of complaint, barely-visible distortions extending from the end. [Wind Blade] was something she didn’t really use often because of how tough it was to apply to ordinary wood or metal, never mind the fact that it didn’t have much cutting power at her Skill level. But this felt like it did.

“There’s a place out back for sparring!” Shayma added. “Or for patients who want to sit outside. We won’t be able to make it back to Wildwood until much later, so we’ll have to practice here. I need to get used to suddenly leveling up so much anyway.”

Annit’s fingers itched to test out the blowgun. “Do you mind if I see how well this thing works?”

“I wanna see too!” Keri cheered. “Let’s go outside!”

They proceeded through the sliding glass door at the far end of the room, which had Annit marveling at the absurdity of it. If it weren’t for the fact that this was Blue, a door made entirely of glass would be poorly conceived, at best. Even nobles didn’t do things like that. She didn’t think, anyway.

She pulled a dart from her bandolier, noting that this new blowgun was precisely the same as the old one, so far as the inner tube was concerned, so her darts fit perfectly. Normally her wind Affinity rose about her as she breathed in, but with the Source weapon it stayed confined to her lungs, and [Gust Shot] hummed through her.

The dart smashed straight through three trees before embedding itself in a fourth.


She wasn’t sure if it was she or Keri that said that, or maybe both. She was too busy gaping at her sudden ability to fell timber with just her standard attack.

“Good! Blue says he’s glad it works so well. Especially since he probably can’t do any more alterations on it now.” Shayma was the only one who wasn’t shocked.

Not only was it the best weapon she’d ever touched, it was one that instantly catapulted her up to the higher levels of second-tier power. Now she understood why Keri was so effusive about her own, and she also understood that the weapon was something that she in no way could actually pay off anytime soon. The free house and environs they could just walk away from, but this…

It seemed that there was no getting away from Blue now. But under the circumstances, maybe that wasn’t so bad a thing.

Day 109 - Blue

This was really annoying. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get any of my mana to change using Ansae’s method. And it turned out I was actually kinda sorta illiterate?

Second things first, when asked about the sign I wondered why I’d never thought of that, and a half second later found it was really hard to think about it. I waited until Keri and Annit were settled in, but I still wanted to ask about it.

“Shayma? Why didn’t you ever ask if I could write something on a wall for someone, or the like?”

“I did, but you sort of avoided it.”

Wait, what?

“Wait, what?”

“Well you did!”

That was...horrifying, because I couldn’t remember any such question. I’d noticed the general Dungeon biology influencing my mental state before, but not to that extent. Of course, if it was able to get me to ignore things how would I know? Why was I able to parse it now if I couldn’t before? Then again, I was technically only a few months old, so maybe there was a maturation process at play. Still, there could be dozens of things I’d forgotten or was forbidden from thinking of and therefore wouldn’t even know I couldn’t address. “Is there anything else I’ve avoided that way?”

“Not that I can think of…”

“Well, tell me if I do. I’m having a tough time remembering or even thinking about that bit and I don’t like it.”

I was pretty sure this was a Dungeon thing, given that I could usually think clearly, but I had to test it. It didn’t take long to find that I was entirely incapable of making any written words. Reading, yes. Writing, no. It wasn’t a matter of finesse, because I could make random patterns just fine, but when it came to making a squiggle into anything with meaning my mind ran off into a weird sort of void and I had trouble even remembering what I was doing. Which was really frustrating because I could have used writing to communicate with people who weren’t Shayma, as apparently had occurred to everyone but me.

Since I couldn’t do writing, I tried other method of simple communication. Even something like red light, green light was verboten. I tried playing twenty questions with Shayma and found myself stumbling over how to connect the lights to the answers, something that made no sense whatsoever. I could indicate intentions a little, like the light trails and such, but anything complex or prolonged sent me skittering off into that mental void, which was a profoundly unpleasant experience. The best results were instinctual, coarse grained things like opening a door to let someone through, which was a message of a sort but would require a hell of a lot of work to make useful. That was assuming I could keep track of it, and it didn’t just end up in the void.

At least I could still talk to Shayma, which was something that also made no sense considering the former. In fact, just my own thoughts even existing didn’t seem to make sense if I couldn’t communicate. The only thing I could guess was I was running into some hard biological restriction. I’d heard of brain damage that did similar things, so maybe dungeon cores just didn’t have the whatever-it-was.

Then there was my issue with Affinities, which seemed the same sort of problem. I watched Shayma cast as well as spying on people from rank one to four, and of course paid attention to Ansae’s casting since her old lair was within [Genius Loci]. So far as I could tell I was doing everything right but nothing happened. There was nothing there, like I was calling into that same void. It made me wonder when else I’d run into something dungeons simply couldn’t do.

At least I’d found some extra things that I could do. When making Annit’s blowgun I’d managed to unlock [Casting Sphere] under [Fabrication] pretty easily. With [Customization] making a mold from a block of Stonesteel was the work of a moment, and I already had the ability to pipe in molten metal from one of my Alloy Crystals. The only annoyance, to me, was that I had to remake the mold every time, since the [Casting Sphere] consumed it when the object was ready. Not only that, I had to remake them manually. The [Casting Sphere] didn’t have any sort of save function, though maybe I was just too seduced by the digital appearance of the overlay, expecting anything useful like that.

Even [Mana Logic] only let me make, with great difficulty, switches. I knew that electronic computers were built out of such things, but I wasn’t up to even attempting to reproduce binary circuitry with the tools I had. I was pretty sure I was underusing the ability, but at the same time couldn’t think of anything else to use it for. At least with [Fabrication] I had plenty of ideas and projects.

Especially since the [Assembler] turned out to be hilariously potent. The only thing I could do with it was orient objects and place them against each other, no fastening or gluing allowed. But who needed that, when it used the weird pseudo-spatial inventory system so I could fit things together in ways that would be impossible without bending or welding.

That meant I could embed the probably-fragile Source gem I’d made Annit’s blowgun from in a shell of steel, interlocking them by virtue of a perfect fit between the inner and outer portions. Actually I’d put a few holes in the Source portion and filled in the space with steel on the shell, just to keep it from rotating or anything, but it was still a single piece. Since I had access to Annit’s Status, I could see that it needed some Source gem exposed for [Wind Blades] and [Gust Front], but for the future I’d probably want to consult anyone I was going to make a weapon for.

Actually, I should probably keep that in mind for everyone. I could have asked Ansae about what she wanted in her lair, but I just didn’t think of it. She probably should have said something herself, but maybe she was just fine with a larger version of what I made for her before. Compared to her little cave, it was a major improvement. This one was even better.

I’d overhauled my experimental section to build it, placing it deeper in the mountain, and Expanded a dome some half a kilometer in each dimension. It was more vertical than I wanted since I wasn’t sure how pillar supports would work with the magic, and though an enormous central pillar might look awesome I was afraid I’d collapse or something halfway through the Expansion process.

The result was well worth it, a truly massive open area with plenty of room to populate with flora, sculpt in interesting water flow, and otherwise decorate with bits and pieces for Ansae to look at. She’d even have room to fly a bit!

Though it was five kilometers high only in the middle of the dome, that still gave me enough room to raise a few reasonably sized mountains, and for the heck of it plant ice and magma flowers on them to give her snowcaps and a volcano. Plus, I had plenty of green space to populate it with all the mundane plants I’d acquired. None of them had shown any interesting mutations or anything from being plugged into the mana dynamo, but at the very least it gave the landscape more variety than just grass.

I put a dragon-size bed like the last one in the middle of the lair, surrounding it with display pedestals and the like, though on consideration I added glass covers for the displays and routed the streams away from the bed itself. I’d seen paintings among her belongings and those wouldn’t do well in a humid atmosphere, no matter the lack of weather. Dynamic weather, anyway, since storm crystheniums made a few pockets of drizzle here and there about the lair.

And finally, a humanoid-Ansae sized house, made for three meter tall amazons. At first I started making it stately and out of white stone, but then I considered how she slept and ditched the whole thing, going for homey and comfortable well-lit wood with plenty of glass. A triple-width bed, given how she liked to sprawl, and a rocking chair on the porch as well as a conventional sitting room. Then, upon consideration, a kitchen furnished with cast steel items. She didn’t seem to need to eat, but it seemed rude to deny she might want to. Or maybe actually have guests over, or maybe I just wanted an excuse to show off my new metalworking.

Size requirements for level increase met.

Dungeon Level increases by 1.

Trait points increase by 1.

Wait. Trait point? Not a base skill level-up? I flipped through the overlay and found a brand new section. Were the past five levels...the tutorial? I didn’t know if that was encouraging or depressing.

Casting that thought aside, I perused the trait selection. One entire tab was locked out for me, the one labeled ‘Monsters.’ Well, that was only to be expected, and I didn’t much care about it anyway. The only other tab was ‘Core,’ and it had a number of things in it.

Mana Efficiency: Improves flow of mana within the Dungeon. Higher flow provides larger benefits. (1)

Burrowing: Upgrades [Boring Tendril] into [Burrower]. (1)

Material Precision: Reduces size of minimum material increment. (1)

Field Potency: Increases the maximum effect of Fields. (1)

Abstract Ecology: Unlocks the ability to generate abstract Affinities with Dungeon Ecology. (2)

Dungeon Dwellers: Improves the species traits of inhabitants of the Dungeon. (3)

Spawn Core: Allows the Dungeon to generate additional Cores. (20)

Manifest: Allows the Dungeon to condense its mana into physical form. (30)

Oh my. First of all, the question of where new dungeon cores came from was kind of answered, but I couldn’t imagine how long it would take for a normal dungeon to get to level twenty-five and have the points for Spawn Core. I wasn’t interested in it myself, though. I wasn’t interested in Manifest either, which was ridiculously expensive and didn’t sound very useful. But those low point Traits all were very enticing, and I could use all of them!

Mana Efficiency was the least exciting of the bunch but given how much mana I had flowing around, it’d probably be amazing. Burrowing, well, I had a long way to go to Meil still so something like that would help. Material precision meant I could work with some of the stuff Ansae had supplied, where I only had miniscule amounts and I didn’t want to use it for anything large, and Field Potency, hoo boy. I really wanted my spatial fields to be better. The last two reasonable ones were interesting, implying I might be able to make stuff like divination Sources at some point as well as massively boosting any defenders, but I didn’t think they were a priority.

Since everything looked so good, I just went with the trait that I could use immediately. I had plans that Material Precision would make actually possible. I’d started this project for Shayma four or five times but kept running into the limitations of what I could do. With the new [Fabrication] stuff and this trait, I was pretty sure I could manage it now. Plus, if I was figuring this right, I could now work more intricately with the steel I was producing, little locks or just details that didn’t take a full unit of the metal.

Actually, it made [Customization] better and finer, overall, though once I purchased it I did have the annoyance of all my resource counts getting three decimals after them. The overlay was starting to feel a little over-cluttered, but I did have a lot of abilities and things, so it was probably inevitable.

Before I got too involved in fiddling with it, I had to pull Shayma away from running around with Keri and Annit. “Shayma, could you go tell Ansae that her new lair is ready? Oh, but get a fresh pie first!” By all accounts, they were delicious. I remembered that visitors ought to bring housewarming gifts, even if I wasn’t sure anyone here followed that custom.

Ansae had returned to the in-between meeting spot, and after a detour to Ansae’s cottage to put the pie on the dining room table, I teleported Shayma into the room. Ansae wasn’t surprised, of course, stretching unhurriedly and rising as Shayma gave her a nervous smile. “Blue says your new lair is ready, if you want to see it.”

“I do.”

“I’ll teleport you there.” I waited for Ansae to actually agree to this, because I was pretty sure she could just cut the teleport field if she wasn’t willing to go along with it.

The pair of them appeared in the front room of the house, and I killed the teleport. I actually had a Link set up for when Ansae wanted to go to the main chambers, because teleporters were two way and I couldn’t turn them off without dissipating the whole construct. I could make a new one for her every time, since the cost wasn’t too bad with my current mana income, but I didn’t think she’d appreciate having to ask.

I was pretty sure she’d watched me make the whole lair, but Ansae peered around the little cottage with interest as she stepped in, regarding the view out the massive windows and running her claws over polished wood. “Blue thought I’d like this? Interesting.”

“Oh. Well, if she doesn’t like it I can change it, it’s her lair after all.”

“No, no, it’s excellent. I just usually go for stone and the like. Once, I even took over a temple because the mana there had made all the marble golden-veined. I never would have thought to make something like this, but for my lesser form it’s...quite comfortable.”

“Good! Also, Blue has a pie for you. It’s made out of tayantan fruit, and he says it’s a housewarming gift.”

“I didn’t know dungeons could cook.” Ansae’s voice was rich with amusement, but she followed Shayma to the table and accepted a slice of pie on one of the plates I’d made for her.

“Well, he got it from Piping Hot Pies, in exchange for letting them have some extra fruits.”

“He needs to learn how to demand service from mortals,” she opined, and I couldn’t tell how much she was joking. But she took a bite of the pie, then, clearly enjoying it, took a second one. Shayma giggled.

Ansae gave her a sharp look and she shook her head. “It’s just...I realized I’m watching a dragon eat pie.” She started to say more, but then shrugged helplessly, letting the moment speak for itself.

The dragon in question started to glare, then snorted herself and took another bite. “Nothing wrong with pie. I haven’t had any sort of pastry for centuries.”

“What do dragons eat, anyway?” She asked curiously. I was kind of wondering that myself, to be honest.

“Mana for the most part. Which is why high-level Classers are so tasty.” Ansae flashed another tooth-filled grin, but Shayma was starting to get used to Ansae’s sense of humor. Even if I was pretty sure she was not entirely joking. “But that’s another reason to like this lair. So much mana.”

She finished off the slice and while she glanced at the remaining pie, she simply set the plate down. “I’m going to go look at the rest of it.”

Shayma trailed her to the front porch. She hadn’t seen the lair much either, and took a moment to appreciate the view with Ansae before the dragon simply stretched and returned to her native, enormous form.

“Gods above!” Shayma gasped, and Ansae twisted her long neck to give Shayma an appropriately massive grin before launching herself into the air, great wings spreading wide as she soared over the artificial valley.

“Oh, I forgot you hadn’t actually seen her in full dragon form.”

“No! I knew she was a dragon, you told me, but seeing her like that is…” Shayma shuddered, reaching down to smooth out the fur of her tail.

“Yeah it scared the Abyss out of me the first time I saw her.” Ansae circled near the top of the dome, apparently just enjoying the chance to stretch her wings, but I doubted she missed any of the details.

“Audience hall,” she rumbled, her normal voice probably loud enough for Shayma to hear. “You’ll need one too. You can’t just have people calling out to you at random, even if you can hear them. Supplicants are not equals.”

Well, that was fair enough. Principles of equality were all well and good but there was no way I was the same as a mortal. I had enormous resources, could create unique magical items, and fend off entire armies all on my own. Not to mention Bargains. If I were a king, I’d have a hall, so as a Power I should have something too.

Well, I’d start with Ansae’s, since I wasn’t sure about mine yet, but while I was working a familiar face came by the regrowing surface. The Shadow guy - well, monster, now that I knew better - appeared from the shade of a small sapling. Like an idiot I hadn’t refreshed all my steam-landmine-and-lava traps. Maybe that was to the best though, since he wasn’t there to make trouble.

“Since you’ve got such good control of this core, I assume you can hear me,” he said, the weird bubbling voice just like I remembered it. “If not, I imagine you’ll notice the missive I’m leaving. Vok Nal’s an idiot but his dad will wreck your place in the Council when he finds out who you are. Or Tor Kot does, for that matter. I advise you to answer before one of them gets permission to visit in person.” The monster planted an iron stake in the ground, which had a little mailbox sort of thing on top of it.

“That was hilarious, by the way,” he added. “Vok Nal was so mad. Never seen anyone burn an army like that. Honestly, Tor Kot won’t be mad that you stole his experiments if you tell him how you did that. Maybe even if you don’t, so long as you keep annoying Vok Nal.”

Wait, what? I’d thought he was Vok Nal’s creature, but apparently not. But if he wasn’t, whose was he? Did he represent the Council folk, or what? I was still goggling at him as he stepped back into the tree’s shadow and vanished. I didn’t much like that he could just appear here at whim, but at least the message meant they still thought I was a mage-king dungeon, and involved in mage-king politics.

With politics, that meant Iniri. Since I’d planted fifty-plus crystals and gotten my mana over twenty-one thousand, I had a message for Iniri anyway.

“Hey Shayma, I have something for Iniri to look at. And also...I can do her Purification now.” I was a little anxious about it, actually. Unlike with Shayma, it was pretty clear that any intimacy with Iniri was purely transactional. She’d made it clear she didn’t much trust me, and that was fair. But I still wanted her to enjoy it. Well, actually I kind of wanted to blow her mind, but that might be a bit too much for her.

“Oh, good! But, um, please be gentle with her.” Shayma said, lowering her voice as if someone might overhear. “I’m pretty sure she’s a virgin.”

Ah, right. Queen. Which actually made this a huge deal, since it hurt her future chances, or at least future value, in political marriages and other such dynastic considerations. Though considering she didn’t exactly have a kingdom right now, that might be less important than usual. “You know her better than I do. What do you think I should do?”


Jeremy Patrick

Awesome. And we made some progress with the sexy dragon. :D

Red Viking

Cheers for the chapter! So good to be rid of that writing question, but that transition from Ansae flying to telling Blue to build an audience hall is very jarring. Feels like it's either a chapter change, or a bit is missing from in between. This combined with the shadow also being abruptly switched to makes for a less polished feel, and it just leaves a "Wha?" feeling.


Oh boy, next week will be fun!


Thanks for the chapter. Haha Annit and Keri can’t escape now that they have been enticed by Blue


Thank you!

Rip Woodham

Good to see Blue has some hard limits. I hope he'll always have some, even after those get resolved. Of course, I suppose there's always the Monster thing. He actually seems to be very weak and vulnerable without his few tricks, though of course, only readers know that. Manifest.... yesssss. But these releases are too short, too seldom! :( C'mon, more!!!


Thanks for the chapter. So there is some sort of effect that prevents him from communicating in a direct way with others. Interesting. If that applies to other dungeons as well, then the question of the intelligence of the dungeons is completely open as well. Ansae thinks normal dungeons are as dumb as rocks, but maybe they just can't communicate as well. The other question is, are there ways around it? The MC of "I Woke Up As a Dungeon, Now What?" has a communication problem as well. The problem is a translation effect so powerful, that it stonewalls any attempt to learn the local language. When someone writes something, the letters and even words change during writing because of differences in the grammar. One time the MC need to write something and gets guided through the question "name?" basically stroke for stroke. Only drawing lines, no words or letters here. It works, but then the MC remembers writing "name?" in English, really slowly and unsure.... The MC also uses a word wall, where the dungeon monster can point at a word to convey some meaning. Maybe something similar would work? A wall with words and phrases, and blue wants has a bunch of lights that can illuminate each word/phrase. He just wants to illuminate that word, no communication here. Thought that would probably require some mental gymnastic. Or maybe thats too similar to his yes/no lights that run into German. Another way: He can read, he can store stuff, and he can transport things around easily. Apparently he can't make a sign, but he would be able to read one. So could he get himself a collection of signs with common phrases and just transport from his inventory?


Thank you for the chapter, can’t wait for next week!

Robert Nolan

I like the fact that there is a limit to the the things he can do. The fact that he was unaware of the fact is great. I wonder if he'll be able to remember it long term.