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The fourth and final installment of the cock series; now everyone's got their glamour shot!

This time we have the Bunny, the Brigand, Cait the Catgirl, the Dryad, the Ettin, the Fire Elemental, the Gadgeteer, the Golem, Vulpa the Kitsune, Merrybelle the Succubus, Lura the Mouth Fiend, the Wasp, and... tentacle.

Now the plan is going to be to do some detail work on these babies and get them animated, along with Hiro's face in the background. We'll also be using them for canonical cock appearances and sizes, though perspective can really change your... perspective.




how do i open the story mode

Kyle Aiken

how do i send the error logs for the game?

Chad Bailey

Kind of in the mood for sausage now. Odd.