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Hayooooooooo! New weekly~

Lots of backend work really coming together now, making us able to fix some long-standing issues. Speaking of long-standing "issues", Troja the lovely save-corruption lady has gotten animated, and her encounter expanded. While we were at it we gave the Mermaid some love as well - mostly her giving Hiro her "love" - specifically, her eggs.

We add some new skills, as well, and mousewheel scrolling to select your techniques. Along with that comes a whole bunch of fixes and tweaks - Enrage and Deep Focus and Titan Strength and other buffing moves now either work properly or work better (Titan Strength ranks now increase its power), teasing skills during sex improve lust and arousal has been improved, including in terms of visibility.

A lowkey fix is that the Ablaze status effect wasn't properly destroying armor, which I really personally enjoy seeing, but there's a bunch of other little things in the changelog, so check it out.

We've made some nice breakthroughs on the AI, and I'll talk more about it in the devlog, but for now, a few things: enemy behavior is now entirely controlled separately technique eligibility, which means that whether a given technique is available uses the same logic for the player and enemy... which will lead to fun things with Hypnosis in the future. We're also starting to consolidate the AI logic and make it possible to specify advanced (and less advanced) AI behaviors depending on character and circumstance. In other words, the enemies are going to get smarter and also more predictable as you understand their specific idiosyncrasies and how they respond to things.

Next up, some Phallus-related Fun, and more brothel madam work, along with, of course, more AI. I have a big grab-bag list of little things I'm working on now, so, we'll see~

As always, changelog is below, and convenience download link below that. Thanks for supporting us!

Version: - 2nd October Weekly

New features:

  • Added new skills into Ground Wrestling stance
  • - Sit on It
  • - Grind
  • - Seduce
  • - Mermaid will use all of these
  • Naga (and Quetzal) now have the "Slither" technique
  • Added mousewheel scrolling for combat techniques

New content:

  • Added Troja animation
  • Expanded Troja encounter
  • Expanded Mermaid encounter and egg-hatching/laying scenes
  • - Expanded a bunch of scenes related to oviposition and birthing
  • - Added new Mermaid battle outcome from ejaculating inside of her
  • - Made Mermaid riding take a little longer to end battle, and added dialogue

Tweaks and bug fixes:

  • Major Fix: Fixed skills like Enrage and Deep Focus so that their status effects work, including skills that give Predictable which are now more dangerous to use
  • Major Fix: Teasing skills are now properly enhanced by charisma, including during sex (and Charisma only gives bonuses to teasing you to do to opponents, not to yourself)
  • Fixed Strong Grip perk and grip regeneration
  • Fixed Ablaze status not affecting armor
  • General minor AI fixes and adjustments
  • Fixed enemies that can get into a bottoming mood not doing so when you seduce them into it
  • Only enemies with Blitz stance access use Reckless Attack
  • Fixed AI for curing Frostbite
  • Enemies now properly Erupt in 69 stance and while banging Trudy and Kylira
  • Fixed usage of "Sting" Wasp skill
  • Centaurs no longer Gallop away when erect (hmm...)
  • Added an extra knockdown force tier
  • Made Giantess Plains encounter selectable in the Encounter menu
  • Fixed Break Free in Bondage (Bottom) stance appearing when it shouldn't
  • Fixed Push Off Attempt Reverse leaving you in regular cowgirl stance
  • Fixed Uh-Oh resulting stance
  • Fixed per-turn effects like weather, bleed, and being on fire so that they always apply exactly once per turn
  • Adjustment to arousal display - hover over it to get more info
  • Fixed arousal gain in combat log display bug
  • Fixed Demon King erection both in battle and out of it
  • Fixed Hiro's phallus indicator displaying them as erect when they aren't
  • Fixed enemy item use reporting "You" used an item in the combat log
  • Added Intoxicate VFX to spell
  • Fixed positioning of Forest BG animation
  • Fixed blank background bug
  • Fixed size of Demon King "Topping" image
  • Fixed skins not being applied to Spank animation in battle
  • Fixed Inventory screen tooltips going off the screen when there are many items
  • Major code refactors

Hi-Res Art and Tales of Androgyny Weekly Updates (Bunny Tier+) -


Password: ryefc




Who is troja?


She is in an event that happens when you try to load a save file that has been edited incorrectly. It looks like all she does is tell you that you did it wrong the close the game out while making a backup

Lizzy Locher

It's possible to edit saves?? Dang, now I have to figure out how that works


Holy downward dog, Batman!