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Of course, anyone would want to have the hero of the land advertising their shop! After all, with his endorsement and his... "charm"... customers will be attracted from all over the realm! Though they may be more interested in the hero's "charm" than anything else... and what is that outfit...?

A lovely picture courtesy of Alis - we hope to do more fun crossdressing scenarios as well, and properly give it some nice mechanics. We had someone ask recently why hero is crossdressed in his default outfit - which makes sense, we haven't talked about the game's lore in a long time, so people have forgotten. Hiro isn't entirely crossdressed in his default outfit/armor - he's wearing the Enchanter(ess) class outfit, which is typically considered a class taken by women for a reason pretty close to Hiro himself. But... more of that as story mode develops! For now, enjoy the awkward smile~




To be honest i always kind of wished Hiro had a female compagnion who could teach him stuff like crossdressing/make up.


How do you find the sign girl job?