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Currently on the Pony Tier dropbox link we've got the new update up - we'll be sending out the new Dropbox links later today! 

tl;dr of the changelog - you can now top enemies, we've got a new femboy rival character and associated encounters, and a new Goblin Male variant (seen above) with their own branch of the Goblin encounters.


Version: - "Male Bonanza" update

New features:

  • Can now top!  Offensive stance and erection required, enemy in prone, supine, or kneeling stance
  • Currently, there are two options for each stance, thrust or pull out - more to come, as well as additional dialogue and battle outcomes!
  • Trudy can be defeated by topping him
  • Taunt now increases enemy lust as well as own lust (slightly)
  • Some thrust techniques require
  • High perception will now display, in order 
  •    3: Enemy stability bar
  •    4: Enemy stamina bar
  •    5: Enemy's next stance (!)
  •    7: Enemy's next technique (!!!)
  • Added new perks
  • Made leveling faster

New content:

  • Trudy, rival femboy adventurer! 
  • This is a sequence of encounters longer than any others, potentially ending with a battle
  • Trudy is also the first enemy that can taunt and use spells against you
  • Goblin Male encounter - this extends the existing Goblin encounter, once the fem Gobbo has been encountered once
  • Added Loading screen art
  • Added Innkeeper art

Tweaks and bug fixes:

  • Bleed damage stacking reduced - will be reducing bleed damage per stack in the future
  • Issues where enemy was in erotic stance but player character wasn't and vice versa should be fixed
  • More encounters now give food
  •  Numerous typo fixes
  • Goblins will no longer endlessly mate you, unless you're into that




Hope is not an April Fools


Anybody else getting a weird bug with Patreon saying it's undergoing maintenance but only when you go to the home page or check links?


I am getting this too and only seems to appear on Majalis' page, I can access any other Patreon page just fine.


Well, I guess it kind of goes without mentioning, but the new perks to stats can break the game because they can push stats over 10. Might want to put code in there to prevent putting points in stronger/faster/harder that would push the relevant stat above 10.


Also having large numbers of skills still has issues with the game UI, in that other skills are pushed off screen and inaccessible. It would seem you are currently only able to reliably display 8 skills.


Also, I kinda feel there should be a different outcome for the orc encounter if you make her cum by butt fucking her. THe default 'men jeer at you for losing badly' doesnt make sense at all in that context. You defeated her and buttfucked her till she came hands free. She's the humiliated one in this case.


I kinda agree with that last one, though I doubt she is humiliated all that much. However, conversely, if she is humiliated by this human pipsqueak defeating her in arms, then forcing his prick into her asshole before using her intestines as a cum rag, then what better way for her re-establish dominance than by taking advantage of his after glow to have him clean off her dick from the trap from earlier?


This may seem stupid of me but I have no idea how to download this. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


Hey, we'll be sending out the links in a bit - once you have access to the Dropbox folder, it's just a matter of downloading the right folder for version and extracting it. :D


Yeah, we actually now can differentiate between different causes of cumming - so we'll have her satisfied ending only if she cums while topping.


We'll try to address this in the next version - this is a general problem that we'll need to create the proper interface for.


I think Endurance check somewhere doesn't work. It was Goblin or Orcess encounter, I guess.


Hi I didn't receive my link? Mind resending it please