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Now that we have you undivided attention:  

If you haven't already, you can come join us on our Discord server - and if you link your Patreon account to your Discord account, you can gain access to a few exclusive channels (and a frou-frou colorful name) on said server, depending on your Patreon reward tier.  We've got a ToA channel for all patrons, a dragon+ channel, and an angels+ channel, and all tiers bunny+ have their own role.

If you aren't big on voice chat, don't worry - we mainly use the text chat for all of this, although we might eventually start using the voice chat at some point in the future.

We have a channel for programming, pen and paper roleplaying, anime and manga, erotic roleplay, and a popular image dump channel that is filled to the brim with butts, so come join us.  :3

To sync your Patreon and Discord accounts:

Account Settings > Account > Discord (Connect)
