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Hey guys!

Going to post an expected full changelog for the month up next week; for now, here's a peak at enhancements to the skill selection UI.  Of note in particular is one of the new features coming out in this month's release, that being conditional bonuses for skills, which will display both here and in combat for skills that you currently can't raise.  As an example, the Jump Attack you can use after using Vault to get airborne does a critical hit with bonus damage, armor sundering, and gutcheck* when it hits an enemy that's on the ground.   In particular are various effects that come into play when your current agility is higher than or much higher than your opponent - including bonuses to evasion, tripping effects, or bleeding, as well as straight-up damage.

We've also enhanced class selection and character customization, as well as the character screen, which now displays a lot more info.

Right now in terms of asset generation we're focused on characters and scenarios, but Alis should have some time starting this month to start finalizing some of the smaller assets, and we'll keep you up to speed with those as they come.

We'll be streaming again tomorrow, so see you then!  And for all the newcomers, if you want us to set you up as patrons on the discord server so you can see the Tales of Androgyny chat that we have there, please message us!

*knocking the wind out of the opponent, ie stamina damage




Looking good, pretty good indeed ^^


where do i get current builds of the game? I might be completely oblivious to something obvious but i cannot seem to find it.


Awesome. I look forward to these changes.


I really appreciate the Rakishi stink face that the goblin revived.