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When two people travel together on a long, lonely journey, it can often happen that they find comfort in each other's company, intimacy in their shared lodgings, and simple pleasure and relief in being with one another. A romantic adventure can lead to romance of a different sort - sometimes fleeting and sometimes enduring, but always memorable.

Kylira's one of our most bottom-predilection characters in ToA, but owing to their sex drive being just a little more... rambunctious than their meek and polite demeanor would imply, and their willingness to act as a service top to fellow bottom characters, they occasionally find themselves using the front bits for lovemaking.

Are there pure bottom characters? We'll see!



Muggo Mad

Love those two. Ky can be top or bottom. But Ky much cuter as a bottom elf.


My favorite character in the game since the day he was introduced


The only bottom feeder in everyone one of my games is Hiro


I love Kylira top


rough missionary action like this animation would be awesome 😁