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Hey guys!

Those diligently watching the dropbox have already noticed that the new version is out - now with more story mode.  The first battle, as well as a few other encounters (including the one where you get magic) are now in, and you may notice that the map is starting to take form. 

Like we mentioned last time, there's still a lot that's going to change between now and the final product - this first battle is pretty easy now, but the hope is that without using magic and without a basic grasp of the way the game works, you'll stand a real chance of losing it.  We want each battle to require some amount of thought to get through, as button mash encounters are a waste of everyone's time.  Similarly, some of the stuff we've put into place here will get shifted around or adjusted as time goes on - when it comes to either mode, very little is already set in stone.

That being said, enjoy!

Changelog (short and sweet):


- Story Mode first battle, and a few new encounters! (Patron version)

- Various bugfixes




Got a decent bug! After going to the first town I could go back to the cottage and redo my stats. Skill points weren't reset so I could get every skill by going back again and again.


I would like to play this immediately... is there any way to pledge instantly? @_@


We've been trying to get Patreon to implement that feature - they did it for monthly Patreon campaigns, but not by update ones. ;_;


Thanks for the hard job


Good news! Thank you!! <3


The new content is fun but I'm still failing to win a single fight as an Enchanter. Maybe once additional sexual actions in combat get implemented and polished that'll be a very... rewarding class to play. I caved and made a paladin and found combat far easier, stacking strength and crushing through armor (while still having good charisma). Combat balance aside, the classic Majalis writing and art are titillating as always and I'm really looking forward to where the story mode goes. Great job! Can't wait to see what gets added with each update. :)


With enchanters I found agility to be a good stat, since I can get in more, albeit weaker, attacks without losing balance. Mages with 9 magic are my favorite though. They blow everything away... until they run out of mana and can do literally nothing


Hey so ran into a typo that keeps calling the centaur a unicorn


I don't mean to be rude, and am a huge fan of your game! but just became a patron, is there any way to download the latest version?