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The Evoker isn't afraid of a little face-to-face or chest-to-chest action; on the contrary, it can be a little scary to travel down the same dark road that so many demons have trodden.

We're building up a little stockpile of Evoker images so that when they're playable there'll be art for them in place of Hiro's art. If you want to get a sneak peek at it in-game, the Evoker has a few small encounters in story mode currently!




Oh I didn't understand that the evoker would be playable, I can't wait it looks good already

Johny crag

Does the evoker like masculine demons?


Feel like the evoker's dick should be viewable from this angle lol


Yeah, they're origin is they were a character we created over ten years ago who has sex with big masculine demons!


It's behind their balls! We actually tried drawing it in but without them using their hand to manually move it into view, it looked unnatural.


That's a cute little butthole ♂️🫦


I suppose you could always have it be semi-erect and flopping sideways onto their thigh?


Yeah, we tried having it be erect and being on their thigh, which is a doable position, but the physics of it didn't make sense here. Semi-erect would probably work fine, but then we'd want an erect version, and then... well, same problem.


Awww we can't even see that tiny clitty, it's just too smol! :3