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...tomorrow!   Today, just letting y'all know what's coming down the pike.

The patron version of the game/new version (v0.1.14.0) will be up tomorrow, with the release notes below.   This will include the battle UI overhaul (all the text in the game is now actually readable!), the first pass of the centaur encounter, the story mode intro, which is still rough around the edges but is the first scenes as they're currently written, with art/sound/music assets, branching and interfaces like the class selection and shopping interfaces to follow.    

In the month to come, to close out the year, we plan to build out more of story mode, finish up the centaur encounter and start building out the second encounter winner,  finish the harpy animations and start on the slimegirl ones, and implement the next winner of the feature survey, which is going to get a few new entries this month for #3 as well.

We'll be announcing the winners for this month tomorrow, and then putting up the new surveys the day after.    We're going to close out the year and the first four months of development with a bang, and we can't stop thanking you all for helping us make this thing a reality.  



- Battle UI overhaul

- New battle skin

- On hover tooltips in a readable font

- Fill bars for health/stamina/balance/mana with condition icons

- Resulting stance icon affixed to every skill

- Text warnings for when using a skill will cause collapse or tripping

- Battle console text can scroll and is saved, so on reload the last turn still displays

- Battle text is now more consistent with what's occuring; missed attacks because of height now say so, some descriptions were altered

- Game now tracks virginity status and built out a framework for having attributes like that affect encounters (Centaur encounter showcases this)

- World map is now considerably smoother, should no longer be significant slowdown

- Animated character on world map screen

- Improved the options screen UI

- If the game fails to save (your save file is locked, for instance by dropbox) it will no longer crash

- Load times should be shorter

- Changed game icon

- Added some sounds and music (more to come next update)

- Revamp so that position system is now based on true pixels at the default resolution

- Some bug fixes like harpy crashing to the ground because you grabbed her junk



Readable text? Centaur futa? Update tomorrow? You guys just made my day off tomorrow better.


Pretty cool, you are throwing everything into this, many thanks


Stoooooooory and even more awesomeness ahead, I can't wait!