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So on our second feature survey we included an open question relating to general feedback, and a bunch of y'all responded with some great stuff, so we wanted to address them out in the open so everyone can see our answers, rather than the 1 on 1 responses we've been giving, and also in order to encourage these comments being posted in our Patreon feed and in replies.

Hopefully this isn't a breach of confidence - in the future we'll differentiate a question for private feedback and public feedback, just in case.  Regardless, your names have been removed to protect the not-so-innocent, and we've edited them a bit to make them less identifiable. 

In the next encounter survey we'll have a question related to which existing encounters you'd like to see get more love, as well as which goal milestones our Patreon will have now that the game is seeing a lot of love.  By the end of the month we'll be closing out the second surveys, so make sure to fill 'em out now!

On to the feedback, patron comments in italics, our response underneath:

Prompt:  Are there any features that you're looking forward to / have an idea for? Any comments about the direction the game is going in general? Much appreciated! 


Oh yes.

Not for now, let me think.

Take your time.

I'm looking forward to a complete inventory system with backpack, items, clothes, consumables etc.

Yeah - items are going to make a big difference.  Items are going to have pretty profound impact on the combat, whether worn, wielded, or used.  There'll be magical items that will make having enhanced magic as a non-magic character worthwhile.  Worn items will also impact how mid-battle naughty times occur.

I'm really looking forward to more art/animation as well as more combat features.

Aren't we all?

The game is turning out great and has been improving a lot between the test builds you guys have been releasing, so keep up the great work.

Thanks!  Only going to keep getting better, hopefully.

I'm looking forward to everything, really!

Hrm, sounds suspicious.

I generally like where the game is going although I think the bad ends for knotting and harpy seem too early... possibly something to save for a boss/more main antagonist type person. Also now that the game is fleshing out more it makes me ask 2 questions - what is the underlying story of our protagonist? And since there are bad ends what is ultimately the goal? Just to survive? 

Agree about the Game Overs - right now they're just proof of concept.  The first wereslut will likely not actually have the ability to give you a game over, at least not just from being knotted.  

As for the story mode - that will be clear soon.  For non-story modes the goal will be to reach a final boss and defeat them, simple as that.   

Aggressive options while being fucked, maybe. Like, bite cock during oral, which deals damage based on their lust, maybe stuns them, and makes them flaccid? But then they become more aggressive for the rest of the fight, like less likely to choose sex, etc? I like to roleplay the whole resist the nature of the game and slowly degrade them into a proper trap over time, and being able to aggressively resist sex early on fits the scenario for me.

Yeah, you'll definitely have more options during sex stances in due time.  We should probably add that to the features list to vote on next time around.

More futa.

That's impossible, in rational terms.  In absolute terms, absolutely.

Dick visibly gets more erect based on the UI

For the protagonist and the enemies both.  What does that mean?  You'll see.  The harpy has already been animated with a pool noodle.

Perhaps a dragon that mistakes the protagonist as a princess?

But of course!  Can't add that to the encounter voting yet because it'll definitely win.

Peaceful outcomes and party recruitment! Also trap impreg.

Definitely more peaceful encounters/neutral encounters/peaceful resolutions in the future.  It's combat focused right now - that won't be the case as things like item and resource management become more prominent.  Also - butt pregnant.

I enjoy it so far. I can't wait for a big list of kinks to white list/black list honestly. But I know each one takes time. Also weapons if you want to give some people a chance. In a side, how do we access story mode for patreons? If it's available at all for testing yet.

The black/whitelist will come with time.  Need to implement how it's going to flag and skip over related scenes.  The first incarnation of story mode will be generally available to patrons at the end of the month.  We have the current public build of the game up on the Sketches and Finished Images dropbox folder in the "Tales of Androgyny" folder.  

Weapons are definitely going to be sooner rather than later - basically all of items is going to be a whole big piece.

Not sure if you guys have it in the plans but maybe some more character customization and a character window?

Yep, right now the character screen accessed from the world map is it, but it'll be more full featured.  We'll have character customization, but that might be the only place it's reflected - CG like the ones we've shown might assume your character looks a certain way, at least for now.

Thanks again for being our patrons!  This is so awesome!



The games easy mode is obviously black list all the kinks till all that is left is a dryad you can walk by and a slime you can converse with. ;p


As far as the butt pregnancy goes, you could have some egg-laying creatures like that wasp thing you did ages ago. Trap colons are the most fertile environments for incubating.


Wow, there is so much to look forward here


Heh - well, the bad stuff will still happen, it'll just "yadda yadda" over it. :3


Yeah, that's definitely one way it'll go down. We're thinking that a certain enemy might be able to stop you up and fill you with a baby monster, though, as well.