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The lovely merchant who sells you all those lovely toys - and she'll demonstrate their effectiveness for you, free of charge! Just be careful around those cages - they're pretty devilish traps.

Our animator made this, and it's lookin' real good. It's a few different animations that we're mixing together on the code side, and we're hoping to have more of that now that she's full-time and can dedicate extra care to each animation.




Why is a metal cage flopping around like that though?


Some cages with multiple rings like that may not have a kind of hard spine (you can see the thing I'm talking about at the top of the cage) but just prevents you from having an erection. Plus, that's kinda cartoonish and the animation becomes really fun to watch :p


Something feels...off. Like it doesn't quite fit the established art style in a way.


You can peg away all day just don't cage me plzzz....

91 Gear Head

yeah, this one feels really janky


Seems a little stiff. Lovin this anyways. [Edit] Wait where'd the cage go? I thought it was fine.


love it. Especially the bulging on the Heroes part ;)