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Encounter Exerpt:  

You accept her invitation with a nod.
            "Ah, you're a boy, but you're into butt stuff? I can get behind that," she says, the word "literally" merely implied, as she approaches you. "I'll fuck ya in the dirtbox in the dirt, like a good forest wench," she declares, as she pushes you to the ground.
            You land on the ground, and begins to uncinch her plate, then she offers you her boots, and insists that you pull them off. That being done, she bends down to pull off her trousers, revealing a lack of undergarments and a big fat schlong, then goes to work on your clothing, pulling your underwear off while you wriggle in the dirt.
            "I like fucking in the ass while face to face, so I can see all the slutty faces yer making," she explains, "although, admittedly, there are usually fewer little pricks that might squirt on me in that configuration", she says, flicking your quickly hardening penis.
            The casual contact makes you start to shiver... although you're primarily fixated on her rather busty figure. You wonder how she manages to fight with a pair that large... but as your eyes track downwards, there's another pretty large pair that holds your attention...




Something i loved about this one is that while most things force fuck you, the brigand sort of convince the hero to be fucked


Definitely digging this one. Always lovely to see a mix of consensual and non-consensual options! :p


Indeed! We're going to try to include a bunch of consensual stuff as well, although we've front-loaded it with very hostile encounters, it seems.