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Encounter Excerpt:

"You collapse to the floor, unable to withstand the harpy's attacks. You anticipate the killing blow, face-down in the dirt, but it never comes. Instead, you can sense the harpy stalking around you, inspecting you closely. Finally, with a squawk, she rears up, takes off into the air, and grabs your clothes with her talons, hoisting you into the air.,
            You're terrified that her talons will finish ripping your shirt and send you plummeting to the ground as she carries you, mostly immobile, high into the air, over the countryside. The view is startling, but breathtaking - as the sun visibly sets below far off mountains, a shadow is cast across the land, and the sky dyes itself in vivid orange and purples.,
            While she carries you, she flies in the direction of the distant mountains - and a dark premonition settles in your fight-hazed mind - is she bringing you back to her nest as a fresh kill?,
            Looking up, you can make out her still-stiff willy, buffeted by the wind as she flies..." (continued in Trap RPG ;)




beautiful as always


Pretty cool description, will be incredible