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By the end of this month, we're going to post up the new Trap RPG rewards here in a post with a full description of how we're going to be transforming things - right now, you can actually view the planned rewards up on our profile page, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us!

Throughout October and November we'll be working through a World Map and Battle overhaul - and, in fact, a lot of the planned improvements are already in the game now waiting to be released, thanks to consistent progress that's been made since the beginning of the month. Thanks for everyone who checked out the game so far and joined us on the streams - your feedback has been enormously helpful.

Once we're done with those two overhauls, we'll be posting up a version of the game on itch.io that will be the last public version available for a long while - until we release an alpha demo of the game sometime next year. In the meantime, content will be built out according to patron voting, which we'll talk about in a later post, but a quick summary here: basically, we're doing for the Trap RPG what we did for the sketch factory, but with some neat twists that we hope you'll all enjoy that'll make this your game as much as it is ours. :D

Here's our plan for the rest of the year in terms of what's going to be implemented and what the roadmap looks like - Bunny+ patrons have already received the actual doc that we use as an action plan, but we'll lay out the high level details here so you know what to look forward to.

October -

- World Map overhaul

* Showcasing our art assets

* Doing a bit more literal world building at map gen

* Give the first "goals" the game will have to offer

* Including reaching the first town and implementing it

* A lot of this has been done!

* Creating a world map with actual textures, forests, rivers, and paths

* More info about upcoming encounters, and scouting for info

* Displaying a UI and a character info screen from the world map

* Animation - clouds, wind, etc.

- Battle overhaul

* The goal of the battle overhaul is to make the combat more understandable, more strategy rich, more balanced, and more tangibly erotic

* Make it much clearer what's happening - how stances work, what abilities and when will cause you to fall over, what abilities do, etc.

* Animations - idle animations, attack animations, the works

* Big UI improvements - tooltips and visualizations

* Implementing character growth and greater customization - the initial build out of the levelling system, perks, skill upgrades, etc.

* More systems that will contribute to balance and the depth of the system, like:

> Characters getting weaker as they grow tired and injured

> Attack interactions (low attacks missing jumping/flying characters, high attacks missing characters that duck, unblockable attacks, counter attacks, etc.)

> Skills that can be modified to be more powerful by spending extra stamina or stability or in certain scenarios

> Armor and armor sundering

> Grappling

* Sounds and Music

* Initial balancing to give it a better grounding in how the game will eventually play

November -

- Finishing up Battle overhaul

* Anything that didn't get finished in October

- Options and Replay screens

* Video options, toggles for content, volume, among others

* Replaying scenes that you've seen, so you can try other options that you didn't the first time

- UI/UX overhaul

* This should make the game feel more like a professional made game

* Sounds, music, performance and UI look and feel all factor into this

- Starting on new encounters

* We'll select the first winner at least of the encounter factory

* New encounters that show off gameplay features will be built out

December -

- Major refactoring and new encounters

* We'll be doing a major refactor to make the game more stable and extendable

* Should make it much easier to add new stuff, including importing custom built encounters (ie the basics of mod support!)

* The encounter factory should be in full swing by now

* Going through everything that's been built out and scaffolded and making it more extensible, easy to test, bug fix, and bug fixing anything that's already known by that point

We'll see what happens beyond that, but right now, this is the plan for 2016. If you're wondering about what's going to be in, let us know - patrons will be voting on what features get implemented first as well. :D



Russ Long

Exciting update


Not that I'm not excited about this but I miss the stories abit.


The encounters in the game will basically be stories themselves - some of them will be quite lengthy. I'll still be doing stories, as well, regardless, and there'll be a few cameos in the game, as well. :D


Very exciting! I love the passion you two have for this.


Is awesome all the love and energy you are investing on it, looking awesome duo


Much appreciated - hoping to have more exciting news at the end of this month. :D


Thanks much - we're really excited that this if finally happening.