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  • New Character Art - Gloryhole POV
  • New Animation - Centaur Orgy 
  • New Scenario - Doppelganger Communication
  • New Feature - Nakedness/Armor Weight Interactivity

New survey results!



Not what I voted for but can’t complain about centaur orgy


What does the weight penalty do?


Centaurs AND blowjob action in the same poll! You spoil us :)


Ouhou centaur ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️


Its about your domage and your balancé the less weight you have the stronger you deal damages and can attack many Time sry for my bad english Hope you Underdtand

Princess Raven

I love everything you guys do, But I would also like to see a chart of what has been voted on in the past and how much of those votes have been put into the game so far. Like the vote we just did, Is it going to be incorporated in a few weeks? months? or years? in the future? We've done alot of voting but how fast are those votes being put into the game? (Not complaining just curious)


They're all pretty much implemented by the next month (and therefore survey) consistently - some of the features get deferred if there's a better time for us do them or there's like prerequisites that need to be done first, but everything else is sometime during the next month.

Princess Raven (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 09:57:01 What an informative and quick response back. Thanks for answering so fast <3 Please do keep up the amazing work and your wife or g/f too <3 You both make SO many ppl feel good. Thank you.
2022-05-29 01:09:25 What an informative and quick response back. Thanks for answering so fast <3 Please do keep up the amazing work and your wife or g/f too <3 You both make SO many ppl feel good. Thank you.

What an informative and quick response back. Thanks for answering so fast <3 Please do keep up the amazing work and your wife or g/f too <3 You both make SO many ppl feel good. Thank you.