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Survey link: https://goo.gl/forms/fg7TCXA9d16qXA782

Thank you guys so much for your responses - 71 of them within the first 24 hours.  :O

The big takeaways are:

The majority of y'all (69%) are vaguely aware of the Trap RPG, which is to be expected - we haven't officially announced it yet or given a lot of detail, so unless you've been on the streams there isn't much info out there, but we'll be rectifying that in the weeks to come with a FAQ and as more of the art assets pour in so you can see what the UI will look like, the plans we have for the gameplay, and what kind of encounters y'all will be voting on as it progresses.  :D

There was about a 45/40 split of being extremely or very excited for it, with the remaining being mildly interested.   

A clear majority (66%) want us to be highly focused on the game, but very few of you wanted us to work exclusively on it at this stage, and 27% want us to go slow and steady.  We'll try as much as possible to keep a nice pace, so that there's consistent progress each month - we may even keep a monthly running report of what's been done for the game, so you'll be able to see what's happening.  Like we mentioned earlier, our coder/writer is going back to his full time job this week, so necessarily that will mean that the development and encounter scenarios will only be making progress on the weekends.  ;_;  As our pledged support grows, he'll be able to work fewer hours at work, and devote more time and energy to making this thang happen.  

If you haven't take the survey, please do!  If you're not interested in Tales of Androgyny and don't want us to work on it, now's your chance to speak your peace.  :3  

We'll have another post about the optional results soon.  Thanks for everyone who provided detailed feedback, and thanks to those who provided encouragement - it's really appreciated, and it'll be useful to think back on those well wishes and supportive comments as this project gets underway.  :D
