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Hey guys - so as some of you know, we had some technical difficulties* over the weekend (._.), but the good news is that both of us have done clean installs and just about everything is back up and running, so we'll be able to stream today!

The less good news is that 4 hours ago for no reason whatsoever (?_?) most of our files were deleted off of Dropbox. Thankfully, we have two local copies and all of the files backed up on an external drive (since we did clean installs) so nothing was lost, and we should just be able to recover the files in Dropbox.com since we've got Dropbox Pro. That does mean that the links are almost all down and we'll need to resend them once the recovery finishes, so sorry about that. We're going to purchase another external hard-drive so we have double redundancy for our backups, since apparently Dropbox will sometimes delete 48000 (!!!) files for no good reason! Good to know. Only slightly angrier than the core of the sun is hot right now, so the even better news is that apparently no matter how high my blood pressure gets, I will not die. Also good to know.

We're going to have some more updates at the end of this week, so look forward to that - we'll have the next sketch factory update on Thursday, which is Jewel, for those who are a fan. :3

*If you're curious - the artist (Alis) had a bad sector on her harddrive that caused her OS to fail, so we had to purchase a new harddrive (and memory for good measure, just to be safe) to get it back up and running, and last week my chrome got jacked up and was resistant to fixing, so I also did a clean install. On the brightside, this proves it is completely impossible for us to lose data at this point, because just about everything that could go wrong, did, and we've still got absolutely everything. The system works! *cries tears of blood*



Oh man! Well I'm glad everything turned out okay and you guys didn't lose years of work! Also 48k files. Hmm mm how much of that is unreleased sketches and half written stories? :p thanks for the update. And again glad you guys got everything back and weren't forced into a double suicide.

Dark Side

Called it on the bad sectors. :P Glad everything's okay now. Weird that Dropbox just up and died like that.


A large number of those files are probably versions of the same image - and many, indeed, are unreleased sketches, some more done than others. Definitely going to add a lot of the old jpegs to the dropbox once it's not, you know, all DUMB and stuff.


Little strange - the timestamp puts it when I did a clean install, but by that point A) I had stopped dropbox syncing B) I had UNINSTALLED dropbox C) I had deleted all the dropbox files yesterday. I can only guess that somehow dropbox reinstalled itself when I booted this morning? Then saw the empty dropbox folder and assumed "oh, hey, time to delete everything! kekeke"


Glad everything went OK, maybe the files were linked to local, or something like thet, anyway glad it went ok