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Story below - and Raquel up this weekend!  Just a reminder - the next sketch factory winner is Dog Lover.  

We're going to have our 1st of July Dragon+ only patron request stream tomorrow, the 1st of July.  We'll send the private link out on here for those who are eligible.  :3


She had her harem of young, effeminate men would cater to her whims in girl's clothing, but she unfortunately found that even the most spoiled and headstrong among them quickly came to enjoy their treatment, no matter how she tried to torture them. She didn't want them to quit, of course - after all, they were, to the last, positively exquisite - but at the very least they could be ostentatiously petulant and existentially horrified at the perceived lost of their masculinity and/or dignity or identity. In the last several months, she'd had maybe one or two break down into tears and demand for her to do her worst, because they could take it.

It was two, she now recalled - one was now entertaining all (male) comers for the right price, and had quite grown to enjoy it in place of his mistresses "affections", and the other spent her days in the kennel, being bred mercilessly by a dozen dogs, big and small, and she seemed to enjoy her new calling well enough.

Still, seeing what became of those two had emboldened, or perhaps terrified, the remaining boys, such that none of them would even show her a hint of rebellion or pride, and as a result, they'd been tamed, and learned to love the lash. That put an undue strain on her - it is much easier to shatter glass, after all, than putty.

But her salvation came, one day, in the form of a new hire - an absolutely adorable blonde little thing that insisted "he" was a "boy"; she wondered how many dinner dates and dicks in the pussy it would take to disabuse her of that notion. She got to work immediately, feminizing them to the best of her abilities (which were considerable) via careful reminders and the occassional spanking - nothing too extreme. She kept the fates of Alexa the newly minted prostitute and Terri the truly proper bottom bitch from them, in case the thought of copulating with men or male dogs was so unnappealing that they left before she had a chance to convince them that a life being owned by an eccentric prince or as a professional pig semen extractor was exactly what they wanted - and deserved.

While she took a relatively light approach overall, the same could not be said of the bedroom. She convinced "him" that he was a very special one indeed, and that she didn't mess around with any of the others... in the ass. That was a lie, of course, but it did make him frightfully ashamed, especially after on the very first night, she didn't let him sleep.

After eight progressively larger plugs, some inflatable, buzzing toys, various hot and cold lubes, and no stimulation of his penis whatsoever, she woke up from his dreamlike reverie in the morning with a rather thick, if short, strap-on, and fucked him until he came in the only way that he would from now on, with one hand on his dick and a big latex dildo in his ass.

She told him to keep it a secret from the others, and, on the second night, she got right to business. The door to her master bedroom was barely closed before "he" found himself sitting and bouncing on the same thick strap-on from before, and, like before, cumming wildly while barely being touched. Of course, after a day of wearing one of the buttplugs inside of himself, he was too overstimulated for any other outcome.

She offered him other strap-ons, ones that were longer, in particular, and thinner, or even just as short and thinner, but he didn't want any of those. She would never come out and ask, of course, "do you like thick things up your butt", but that was basically as good as an outright confession. She chose one of the vibrating ones with ridges, that night, to show him that thickness wasn't everything, but still, "he" certainly had his type.

His only real responsibility around the manor was washing the toys that had been up his butt - which made it rather difficult for him to hide what was happening, as he scrubbed a thick, latex strap-on dildo in the kitchen sink, before hiding it in a towel and bounding back to the mistresses' bedchamber where it could be hidden from curious eyes.

That didn't stop her, of course, from making him turn beet red by obliquiely referencing his anal training - or explicitly referencing his anal training - in front of others. She asked him once or twice or half a dozen times, strictly out of the blue, if he had a problem closing his hole, and each time, she did so when his hole was clenched firmly around the thin bit of an otherwise rather large butt plug, holding the very fat part in his stretched rectum, which would later that night be visited by a particular strap-on dildo that she'd taken to calling his boyfriend. As he stood there, dumbstruck, unable to respond, his anus remembered this fact, and gripped even tighter, holding the big fat thing in, and giving a gentle smooch to the flared bit that she would be gripping as she pulled it out, long after the conversation was over, but not long enough that the redness in his cheeks had become pale again.

Finally, she enacted her plan. One night, she did not call him into her bedchamber. And then another. And then another. With his strict instructions not to masturbate, she knew that he was either cheating, and would be severely punished, or he was full to bursting - exactly what she wanted.

A cursory inspection of his bloated testicles daily was enough for her to rule out the former. She wondered if he was just truly obedient, or if masturbating normally no longer did it for him. He wouldn't be the first of her boys to become so twisted by her anal training that they couldn't cum without a thick one in their bum, but he would probably be the cutest.

When finally, after two weeks, he broke down, and begged her to fuck him, she hushed his feverish soul, wiped the tears from his eyes, and told him he would have his satisfaction... on the morrow. She had expected a bright smile to fashion his face into a parody of submissive femininity, but, apparently, he still had enough decorum left in him to collect himself, and he stood up and walked away, without another word, still sniffling pathetically.

She made arrangements with the chef - a meal, just for the two of them. On the evening of the next day, she summoned him into the dining hall, where there were two plates, each one set out across a dining table made for twenty from one the other, and asked him if he liked the meal that she'd had cooked for him.

"It's... it looks really good."

"Good, good," she said, cutting into her own steak, before sliping a bite into her mouth, chewing, and swallowing, all while he watched, anticipating something. "Mmm, it is very good. Why don't you sit and have some with me?"

He hesitated, but, after several seconds of deliberation, he sat down, flattening down his skirt once he had. She watched him as he picked up a knife and a fork, and just as he was about to cut into the steak, she cleared her throat.

"Ahem. Aren't you forgetting something?"

He looked up at her, frozen. "I... um... thank you for the meal, mistress."

"You're very welcome. But that's not what I mean. I thought you were ready to burst... do you want dinner, or... to fulfill another need? I may not have time to join you for both."

His eyes widened once he realized what she was suggesting. "I'm... I'm not that hungry..." he said, almost too quietly to hear.

She tapped her finger on her glass, and glared at him. "Well, well then. I suppose you want your dessert before dinner then," she said, tapping her glass twice more. She leaned over, picking something out from inside her purse, and then slammed it on the table.

It was his boyfriend.

"This is what you want, yes?"

He stared at it, and then, barely perceptibly, he nodded.

"Are you wearing anything under that skirt?" she asked, but she wasn't asking if he was wearing underwear.


"And you're sitting on it, like it's nothing, aren't you? My... just a month ago, you'd never had anything up there. Now you have a buttplug made for anal queens up there, and I can barely tell," she said, getting up from her seat. She let her dress fall off her shoulders, to the floor - and suddenly, she was naked.

She picked up his boyfriend from the table, and as she walked around the table towards him, slowly, she fastened the harness around her. He watched her approaching, absolutely still, until she was right next to him.

"Stand up, and bend over the table."

He did as was commanded - his skirt riding up his backside, the fabric clasping against the flare of the plug. Her hand founds its way under it, and around the flare, and then, she twisted it, swivelling the entire plug in his rectum, making him moan hoarsely, unabashed.

Bent over his dinner the way he was, he worried that he was going to be pressed into it... or worse, that he would leak onto it. Indeed, a single strand of precum began to fall, to dribble, down towards the steak. He didn't dare to say anything, but in a moment, he was about to taint the steak with his own pre-seed. Just as the dewy droplet at the end of the strand was about to touch down onto the steak, she caught it on her finger.

"Ew, gross. Don't get precum all over the food you're about to eat just because the plug in your ass is making you want to cum like a girl." She took the dollop and brought her finger to his lips. "Here, suck on it."

He obeyed, reluctantly, and then made a face at the taste.

"See? Doesn't taste very good, does it. Now imagine if it was full of bitter sperm. You might think that sounds disgusting, but girls like you drink it all the time. They don't usually spread it all over their food, though, so I suggest you forgot about cumming this time unless you want to spray two weeks of old cum all over your dinner."

She twisted the plug again, then started to twist it back and forth. He looked down, and could just barely see the dinner she was threatening to ruin.

"It looks good, doesn't it? Hm... I think it could use some... mayonnaise," she said, tapping her palm against the back of the plug.

He shook his head. "No, stop... don't make me... that's gross!"

"I'm not making you do anything, sweetie. If I were you, I wouldn't cum... unless you're particularly hungry for hot semen. You... aren't, right?"

With that, she began to tug on the plug, until it popped free, and then she dropped it to the floor. She flipped up his skirt, got between his legs, and pressed her hips forward, and he felt the thick thing he hadn't felt in two weeks slide uncomfortably up his bum.

She put one hand on his hip, and the other under his drooling cock, and began to force it up into him, in and out.

"Don't worry, I'll catch your precum, that wouldn't be fair otherwise. Can't say the same for your spurts."

She thrust it up into him, and felt his precum pooling in her hand.

"C'mon, it's not done until you've added your special sauce!"

"It's not... sauce!"

"Mmm, well, it's going to be coating your dinner, so what else could it be? C'mon, spew your gross sauce all over it before it gets cold."

He clenched his teeth. The pressure on his prostate and the full state of his... arousal made it difficult to hold back.

"C'mon, shoot it out... go on..."

She grabbed onto both of his shoulders, pulled him up, and shoved it in deep, making him groan. With both of her hands free to hold onto his hips, she could really drive it up into him, and he subconsciously stood up on his tippy toes to give her the best angle for her to do that. It was so thick that even after all of his training, his sphincters offered plenty of resistance, and it rubbed the walls of even his rectum, which had been distended not too long ago by a big plug.

"Think I've got you aimed just right. Gonna splat it dead center," she said, and his free precum strand was dribbling all the way down to the floor now, but the thick, white sauce he'd been saving up for two weeks was where it belonged... mostly.


"No? Think it'll be a bit off to the side? We'll see. After two weeks of saving up, I think it would be the entree either way."

She repeatedly thudded it into his rectum, and he held up his skirt daintily while she did, his precum starting to pool on the floor.

"Are you going to spew?"

"I'm going to spew! I'm definitely going to spew!"

"Really? You're going to cum with your ass?"

"Yes! My butt's gonna make me cum!"

"Even though nothing's touching your dick?"

"Even though... just with my butt... it's gonna come out..."

"Say 'Mistress, you're making me cum with my ass' in your girliest voice, and I'll aim your little cumming cock away from your dinner."

"Mistress, I'm cumming! Mistress, you're making me c-"

Spurt spurt. Splat. Splat.

With each shot, more of his dinner was coated in wasted cum, each rope turning a tasty morsel into a semen-strewn inedible mess.

His once appealing steak was now glazed with a thick, inconsistent coating of mucousy semen that formed a pool and dribbled onto the plate. His thick, slimy sauce coated every inch - greasy and runny and just overall unnappetizing. One look at this jizz-soaked food made him queasy.


"Oho... bad girl. That's very un-ladylike. "I need a bit more warning than that, silly. Well, I tried to be nice... hrm, and you certainly emptied your balls. How gross. I've never seen any of my little girl pets let out so much greasy, sticky milk. I feel kind of bad. How long were you saving that all up?"

She picked up his fork and prodded at the bed of greens and the steak, oily as they were.

"Oh, that's going to taste awful. I can smell it from here. Mmm, that's a lot of sperm. Trying to get your dinner pregnant? You know... soon all this sperm will be in your belly... as a girl, that must make you very excited. Don't worry, though. You won't get pregnant like that."

"Ew, ew! Please don't make me eat that!"

"I'll make you clean the plate with your tongue. Eat it quickly before the sauce gets cold."

His face turned green as he forked it into his mouth, and she watched him cut and eat his soiled steak with a certain fascination. She took the seat next to him and stared at him, her hands folded under her chin.

"Your breath smells like you just gave a nice young man a very nice time. If anyone asks you, I introduced you to a nice boy, understood?"

He nodded, gulping down another bite.

"Lots of cum in your belly. From nut to gut. Better get used to that taste," she said, rubbing his stomach under the table.




I already know the story is going to be good.


Nothing like a good dressing story