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Here's the story for Elana from this (https://www.patreon.com/posts/winner-25-futa-5532662) picture and this (https://www.patreon.com/posts/winner-24-chomp-5449736) one.  Also viewable (and probably more readable) here: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Majalis/20925/Quicksilver

They'd never had it in the ass. They'd certainly never gotten it in both ends at once.

They looked up at the one with the beauty mark - so alluring, so transfixing. So... cocky. She had been so certain that they'd be down to party with her and her friend... and, well, is it arrogance when you're 100% right?

They'd met at a club named "Quicksilver", and brought the two of them back to their hotel room. The one with the beauty mark, Elana, and her friend, Jen, were regulars there, apparently. When they looked it up online, it had an interesting description.

[i]At Quicksilver, you can check your gender at the door. Be who you want to be, for a day, for a night, forever.[/i]

Reading further, they came to understand that it was a club for gender non-conforming individuals, transsexuals, their admirers and, of course, giggling, gawking idiots - some nights, the femme nights, everyone had to dress as women, some, everyone dressed as men, other nights were for androgyny, mix-and-match (genderfuck night), and casual fridays, when the club, like all clubs in the area with an anything-goes policy, likely became a haven for frat boys and sorority girls with an excess of style and a derth of personality.

And so they'd gone on a femme day, when they thought they'd be most comfortable, putting their hair up into short pigtails and doing their makeup, as they often did, and they had sat alone at a table, not sure what to do with themselves. The patrons ran the gamut from looking entirely like a woman to crossdressers to drag queens and, at the far end of the spectrum, to guys wearing cocktail dresses with sneakers.

A woman with silky light brown hair done in long, loud, pigtails and a very low cut, very flatteirng top sat down across from them, exuding confidence and bravado, and they had to make a concerted effort not to look down at her chest.

"Mmm, don't you look cute, all alone here. Are you just here to eat?" she asked, fanning herself with her low cut collar, showing off her rather sizeable chest and her heart-shaped birthmark located close to her plunging cleavage, which, again, tended to draw the eye.

They mumbled something, and she smiled.

"It's okay. I know why you're really here. Here," she said, pulling her phone out from her bag, and then sliding it over the table. "Send yourself a text," she said, and then got up and walked away, leaving her phone and her bag in the hands of a total stranger. They watched her approach a group of friends - her friends? - and then looked down at the phone she'd left. It was unlocked.

Dutifully, they sent themselves a text, feeling the buzz of their own phone in their bag against their leg. Then, they debated putting down her phone... but couldn't. They tapped on the screen to keep it from locking, and time stretched on and on. They looked up - she'd gone somewhere else, and the group of friends was smaller.

With a heavy, definitive press, they opened the camera app, and switched to her stored photos. The very first one was a selfie with another girl, and they could see themselves in the background, looking morose. The next few were similar, clearly all taken just a few minutes prior. They scrolled through them one by one, their anticipation building.

Soon, they were seeing photos from earlier clubs and bars and... hotel rooms, bathroom mirror selfies that showed off what she was wearing on a given night, and then, eventually... what she wasn't wearing. They stared at her naked body, suddenly realizing they were surrounded by people who might glance over, and then, with a guilty heart, turned the screen off.

Then, feeling the heat in their bosom, they sat, waiting for her to return.


Elana had spotted another cute one among a friend circle, and had walked over to introduce herself. One of them hadn't even bothered; they were just a guy wearing a skirt, with arms like a wrestler. He tried to flirt with her straight up, but she turned him down. She had her sights set.

She leaned against the cutey with the pigtails. She had her type.

"Hey, if you bend over in the bathroom, I can show you a good time," she spoke into their ear.

Their cheeks went red, and they looked around nervously to see if anyone had heard.

"Nobody's listening. Just you. And me..."

The rest of the club melted away, and they fidgeted, hearing her voice and smelling her scent, her face close to theirs. She could tell, right away, when someone was ready to burst, and she hadn't been mistaken. She took them by the hand and led them toward the bathrooms - unisex, of course.

The bathroom was empty when they got inside - much to their relief. Elana spun around once the door had closed behind them, pushed them against it and stole their breath with a kiss with one hand holding the door closed and the other clasped around the back of their slender neck. She pulled away from the kiss and looked down at their body, smiling desirously, her mouth open, breathing heavily.

"Pick a stall for me to fuck you in," she said, stepping out of their way to show them the row of five stalls. Mousily, they walked, pulling her by the hand, to the final stall. "That one, huh?" she asked, and they nodded. She licked her lips, and opened the stall door. If they were walking into that stall an anal virgin, they were walking out not that.

She let them walk in first to see what they would do - sure enough, they bent over the toilet, holding onto the tank with both hands, trembling.

"Well, someone's ready," she said, disrobing - revealing rather risque undergarments that didn't really cover much of her nakedness. She knelt down, then tugged down their skirt, letting her fingers rub against their ass, thighs and calves as she did, taking their panties with it.

She cast aside their skirt - didn't really matter to her if it got dirty - then rose to her full height, resting her stiff mast between their cheeks, letting her precum dribble onto their back. It was already coated with lube from an earlier encounter.

"C-can you take it slow?" they asked, desperation creeping into their voice.

"If you tighten up enough," she said, pressing it against their puckered hole. She pushed it in right away - there was no point in delaying the inevitable, and she enjoyed hearing the surprised yip from someone who hadn't realized foreplay was over and the time to fuck was now until they realized the thing that just penetrated their ass wasn't a finger.

Elana could tell when they had bitten off more than they could chew by the way they groaned and shook their hips to try and catch less of it - that's when she knew to hold firmly on, spread their cheeks with her fingers, and steadily feed it all the way in.

"Mmm... nice to meet you. I'm Elana," she said, once she had her entire length up their ass. She found that people rarely forgot her name when she told it to them first in that circumstance. For most of them, it was the first time they'd ever been stretched open ten inches in, and that was a hard thing to forget, as her method of entry made it pretty uncomfortable at best.

Since she wasn't wearing a condom, she got to feel every inch of her cock getting stuck to and clenched by their rectal walls, a very intimate thing to feel before she knew their name or they knew hers. She usually held it like that for a count of ten, one for every inch, so that she could pick their rectum out of a line-up and they could likewise pick out her fleshy anal plunger. It also let her create a pool of precum deeper inside of them than any other person would ever experience, which was something Elana cherished. She didn't really consider it marking her territory; taking her full length up the shitpipe was all it took for her to do that.

The truth was that Elana was a pervert who loved nothing more than stretching a person's asshole pointlessly and beyond reason. Her favorite tool to do this with was conveniently located between her legs, of course, but she wasn't picky - a fist or buttplug or dildo or a dog's dick all worked in a pinch. That being said, when you're packing 9 inches of thick meat and someone will volunteer eagerly for you to stretch open their anus with it, that's pretty much the most likely scenario.

She was practicing her technique - not that she really needed to "practice", per se - by swinging her hips side to side as she went in and out, pulling their cheeks apart and giving it to them every which way.

"This isn't what a toilet is for," she'd say, while ignoring that she was currently using their asshole for something that it wasn't for, and, indeed, was making it less and less likely that they'd be able to use it [i]right[/i]. Really, she just wanted to give them something to her remember by, that thing being a constant reminder of their rendevouz in the form of a permanent awkward stretching and distension of their anus. It wasn't enough to take their anal virginity in a way that they would never forget. She had to take it in a way that their body would never forget, and if that meant a trail of slightly fucked-up assholes in her wake, all the better.

She tried to picture herself bent over a toilet, ass in the air, getting hammered away at by someone with a dick as big as her's, and she just couldn't. She couldn't imagine implicitly saying "get me off with my shithole, and if you stretch it out permanently, so be it." She was glad not everyone was like her - otherwise, her dick wouldn't have been in such a hot, tight, dry place, dribbling precum into their bowel furnace, preparing to spew whatever she wanted deep into their unprotected, unsuspecting guts. It would probably be semen, of course - her balls weren't full of silly string, after all - but once or twice she had noticed that she was standing in front of a toilet and... well, let's just say that her dance partner caught a lot more in their aching, full guts that they bargained for.

Elana was like a tapeworm - she had no concern whatsoever what sat between your legs, only what hid between your cheeks. Despite her countless anal conquests, she couldn't possibly tell you how many were male and how many were female - although the % of those who acted like a bitch in heat was near 100.

She didn't even know their gender, so when some liquid audibly splashed down into the toilet water, she didn't know if it was salty, sticky jism, flung unprovoked, or a squirt that got the better of her raven-haired cohort. She liked to think that a hundred million sperm just suffered an awful fate, since that would mean the "male" she was fucking had just put his enduring legacy exactly where it belonged, but she didn't really care much either way. If someone came while she violated their asshole for her own penile and, particularly, testicular comfort, that was on them. The important thing was that they understood that, male or female, once they came, that didn't mean that the ass-fucking stopped - not until she had blasted her own genetic material so far up their intestines that they burped. Some "males" complained, their now-limp dicks no longer interested in the kind of anal revalation she was offering, and their no-longer cum-drunk brains much less interested in the idea of letting a total stranger shoot a hot load of unwrapped semen in their ass with no real benefit for them.

She could avoid such complaints, of course. As soon as she felt someone's sphincter tightening up, about to ejaculate, whether they were "male" or female, she could simply follow suit and cum herself soon or immediately after, before such protests surfaced. But she intentionally didn't - riding through a potential "males" own pathetic ejaculation and subsequent softening of the dick, then continuing to pound away as if nothing had changed, forcing them to stew in their own shame, embarassment, and worry.

Most became silent after she offered the alternative - a bathroom blowjob to finish her off, after she thoroughly worked her penis in and out of their ass repeatedly. Some went for that, and amused her by holding their own nose while they fellated her to completion on their knees in a filthy bathroom stall. Most didn't, opting to put their head down and await the anal creampie that they had no one to blame for but themselves.

Sometimes she opened the stall door behind her to give everyone in the restroom a view of her pumping away at her companion for the night - removing any plausible deniability about what had occured in their private lovel hotel bathroom suite. Elana wanted as many people as possible to know, when they walked out, whose dick was wet and whose asshole was gaped and oozing cum.

This time was one of those times. She reached behind her to open the stall as soon as she heard people come into the bathroom - which was accompanied by a tightening of the sphincter around her cock that only tightened more when she flung the stall door open.

Her audience was receptive, at least, as they hooted and jeered and cheered her on.

Elana shuddered - she was going to cum soon, as much as she wanted to do some more innappropriate and unfortunate stretching. She knew she was going to squirt a heavy one inside forcefully even if she didn't edge, but she wasn't in any rush, unlike her terribly embarrassed fuckhole. She would hold out as long as she could, using their hole to masturbate while onlookers watched her tight ass thrusting to give her bottom a serious plunging, until she couldn't hold out any longer - and then blast it all inside, an explosive ejaculation that no one involved would soon forget.

From behind, their audience could see Elana's full balls pressing up against her bent over lover, clearly about to pump them full of her sauce. She moaned as her orgasm hit - but still, she tightened up and held her ejaculate till the very last possible moment, so that her toy had time to anticipate the sudden explosive pressure in their bowels... and then, unable to hold it in any longer, she spewed her first shot inside with some force and giggled while she anally creampied them. If one listened closely, they could hear a dull thud in her catcher's abdomen indicating that Elana was mostly definitely not wearing a condom, and that she wasn't lightly sprinkling her seed inside.

It sounded sloppy - even with her warning moan, they twisted to try and not catch all of her heavy, thick shots, so she followed them with her hips to make sure they caught every last sperm. She felt the backwash as their rectum filled, which was how she knew she just forcfed them a real gusher up the ass, confirming that her testicles weren't exaggerating their predicament.

"I came so much..." she confessed, more for her audience than her cumdump. Her audience had seen her holding her hips forward, her round ass tight as she upended her cup inside, so they didn't really need verbal confirmation either. There was no one in that bathroom that didn't know that Elana had just flung some serious goo up a seriously abused and drenched tailpipe.

She finished pumping every ounce of her load in their ass, and gave them a playful slap, then pulled out and made sure to give their audience a nice view of her big plunging dick and her latest conquest's turned-out asshole, drooling cum and visibly fucked good, before they could hide their shame by pulling up their pants, as if anyone hadn't just seen a huge dick slide out of them, after the person wielding it had been pumping her hips against their ass for the last ten minutes, like an asshole you can't see isn't fucked silly.

Elana pulled her own shorts up, stuffing her wet, stinking dick into them and buttoning them up, deliberately leaving the zipper down. She put her arm around her fuckbuddy, who seemed ready to die of embarassment, and left the bathroom with them like that, but then, once they'd left it, gave them a kiss on the cheek and a big swat on the rear and pushed them in the direction their friends had been in, without checking to see if they were still there.

She watched her latest conquest rejoin their group - which burst into laughter at the sight of them walking slightly bow-legged, and then, she returned to the table with the even shyer and mousy little mouse.


"You're still here," she said sitting down, and then she reached over the table and took back her phone. "Were you waiting for me?" she asked, looking down at it, and lazily scrolling through her messages.

"You... left your phone," they said, in a non-answer. "And your bag."

"Aw, how sweet. How should I say thank you?" she said, glancing up at them for a moment, the light of her phone shining on her face, before looking down at her phone.

They felt their phone buzz, and reflexively reached into their bag. She had texted them under the table as they sat across from another. "i have a *eggplant emoji*" came the text, and upon looking up at her, her smirk was electrifying, her eyes widening suggestively, and as the stare lingered on her face, she licked her canine tooth like a fang, and smiled widely, showing more teeth than warmth, although somehow, the room got that much hotter. After a moment, another text arrived. "wanna touch it?"

The response to that was a dumbfounded look, much like a deer caught between the glowing eyes of its approaching end. Elana scooted over around the couch surrounding the table until she was sitting directly next to them.

"Hi. My name's Elana," she said, and hadn't even gotten through that sentence before she put their hand subtly between her legs, onto a long, lively bulge that ran parallel to her leg inside of her shorts. Elana was quick to stroke her nails around and down the back of her new target's neck, paralyzing them like a kitten. "You come here often?" she said, making sure that, much like a kitten, their desire to pet her coincided with actual petting, even before she knew their name - not that she would ever know their name.

"N-no," they answered, pointlessly.

"Do you come often?" she asked, and they wondered if they were going to die of heat stroke right then and there.

"I... uhm..."

"With other people, I mean. Like.. me and my friend Jen. She has an eggplant too. Would you like that?"

They didn't pull their hand away from her crotch - which was steadily growing, but they also didn't look at her face.

"We were about to call it a night... but we don't have anyone to bring back to our hotel room to really close the night out. Do you want to be that someone?"

They didn't answer. Not verbally. Eventually, Jen made her way over to the table, and they saw that she was gorgeous also, and looked at them in a way that made them feel... well, desired.

They nodded, and the two women exchanged a smile. They'd found the meat to complete their sandwich.


Between Elana's thigh's gripping them tight and forcing herself deep down, and Jen behind, doing unspeakably ruinous things to their shithole, it all came together as a symphony of penetration, the smooth muscle in their throat experiencing almost the same thing as the smooth muscle of their anal sphincter - that was, degradation, humiliation, stretching and soreness.

Elana wiped away their tears. Was it sadness or sensation? Had they learned the truth, or been tainted by her? Either way, she would slide in and out of their beautiful, tarnished, painted lips until either their soft cheeks or hopeless stomach was inundated with her semen. They'd have to brush their teeth to prevent her sperm from staining them. Of course, on a more fundamental level, her sperm would stain them - like a white dress, or an undeveloped photograph. Boring perfection giving irrevocable rise to intricate complexity.

She had no doubt they would have preferred a more gentle lovemaking than either the violent face-fucking and insistent, throat-reaming deep-throating she was making them endure, and she was absolutely certain that what Jen was doing to their previously out-hole-only was ten times worse - rough, deep, hard, fast, all the ways in which a newly-minted anal queen could be broken in and forged without any remorse or hesitation. The initial, harsh penetration had a marked effect on a type of person - the very type of person currently acting as the meat in their threesome sandwich, and the very type of person who wakes up the following morning, realizes that their asshole won't close, and still starts making plans for their next haphazard anal reaming.

The double-ended fucking reached a fever pitch, and Jen gripped tightly onto their ass while Elana pulled their head forward by their pigtails. Despite that, when Jen came, she came audibly - she stopped thrusting, instead pressing her hips as tightly as they would go into her bitch's fat ass, and then, after a moment, the sound of air and liquid barely escaping from the nearly sealed orifice, as her cum backed up and forcefully escaped the pressurized environment that she'd just created in their jury-rigged pussy.

It would have been impossible to tell which of the bang sisters came first, not because they came particularly close to one another or there wasn't an obvious ordered sequence of events - Elana clearly waited for their bowels to be full and truly bloated by hot, sticky goo before she emptied her own down their gullet, slapping their cheeks when they filled with cum one after the other, calling them names while maintaining eye contact - but because afterwards, they couldn't remember a time before they'd been blasted in the face and ass holes by two women whose nuts were clearly overstuffed, a time before their bowels were a cramping, soaked, waterlogged and likewise overstuffed mess, and they could taste and smell something that wasn't Elana's vengeful semen that was almost thick enough to chew, or when their throat didn't have her mucus sliding down it, or when their stomach wasn't full of Elana's hot goat-cheese semen for no other reason than because Elana didn't think it mattered enough to ask them if their stomach was game for insemination. Despite everything, they still had two pulsing dicks in them, one at either end, and the women they belonged to didn't seem too eager to give their throat and ass some alone time. They knew, logically, that Elana and Jen's semen hadn't met in the middle, but if there was any part of their digestive tract that didn't look like the inside of a pussy after a hundred-man gangbang, they didn't know where it was.

Elana reached over for her phone and snapped some pictures - Jen had taken a few during the act but didn't seem like indulging in amateur porn photography at the moment. Instead, she leaned forward and gave Elana, whose softening cock was still in their fucktoy's mouth, a high-five.

"Mmm... do you wanna go again?" she asked, looking at Jen rather than at the piece of meat between them.

"Sure... in a minute," she said, her flaccid penis still caught in the anus belonging to the only person involved that didn't seem to get a say. When they went to spit our Elana's dick to give their lips a break, Elana gently grabbed a fistful of their hair and held them.

"When we're finished," she explained, helpfully, and they nodded, almost imperceptibly, but Elana didn't notice.






Thank you!


We were looking forward it, you never dissapoint

