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  • New Character Art - Demon King/Dark Knight Spitroast
  • New Animation - Warlock Oral
  • New Scenario - Dullahan Mystery Box
  • New Feature - Character Erection Animations (First Batch)

New survey results! DK/DK spitroast is gonna be fun one, as is the Warlock Oral animation.  I have some lovely plans for the Dullahan Mystery Box as well, but I'll keep them... under wraps, for now.

With Character Erection Animations (First Batch) we'll be adding in a survey question to determine which characters should get erection animations first, and we'll be doing a few of them and then adding in the Second Batch option into the feature survey again. Since this is the first batch, we'll also be handling the generic implementation of having the erection animations appear in combat, for instance. Currently, only the Demon King has one.



what does Dullahan Mystery Box means?


Maj, I realized that Ella, when we beat her we can choose between a Dominant or Receiving position, but in the dialogue when we choose to play with Ella's O-Ring, it indicates that she doesn't ejaculate and just have a slight sense of fun, but in battle if we manage to get Hiro to fuck her O-Ring, her Flesh Pole animation indicates that she Ejaculated, I know it's something trivial for anyone, but I still decided to inform you.

Joseph Klubi

what do you mean by warlock oral? is she receiving or giving


For the animation category of the survey it makes existing scenes or art pieces into an animated one. So in this case, they are animating the still image or scene whenever Hiro give's the warlock a blowie