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Heya, bit of a save compatibility issue for certain saves - if you've already booted the game since the patch, when loading the incompatible saves, if it gives you an error encounter, then the game will have created backup files in your .toa-data folder. Download the hotfix version (v0.3.12.3), and then take associated backup file and rename it to the appropriate name: save0-backup.json -> save0.json, for instance. That'll restore the save.

If you haven't booted v0.3.12.2 yet, then download v0.3.12.3 before doing so and everything should be fine as is.



Do I have to download the entire game again, or is there a seperate download for the fix? I already checked the dropbox folder, but there no mention for a Version. All I can see is version Or is this Hotfix just for the weekly builds?


This is for the weekly build - the weekly released today was the version, but it's been replaced in the weekly downloads with the version.


Well if you did this to introduce the crash encounter character, that was a cool way to do it xD


question how do i install the new update im not the best at computers?