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Full story here: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Majalis/5857/Convallaria

They walked hand in hand - the bed and breakfast was on the other side of town, and they decided to take the scenic route.  There was still a few hours of daylight, and once they checked in, they would have plenty of time to take each other to pound town - a scientific term referring to the place where new, horny lovers go when they first get a hotel room to themselves - so they visited a park together, feeling emboldened by their potential en flagrante delicto in the movie theater.  After all, if they were hypthetically  willing to be seen together in the throes of seated anal sex by strangers, it stood to reason (kind of) that they'd be willing to be seen holding hands by people they might know - even if Rosalyn would have vehemently disagreed with that logic.  She wasn't on their date with them... and that would have been very awkward indeed.

Rich had been to the park often, and, thinking back, he realized that he must have seen Lily at one point or another running through it, but he felt like he certainly would have remembered that.  Lily did say she avoided public places when she was running, but until the fateful day earlier that week that he walked into house and into her life, he had never really noticed her.

"How long have you been running?" he asked.

"Oh, well, I kind of stopped when my husband died.  I'd been running for twenty years before that.  I just started again a few weeks ago."

Twenty years... longer than he'd been alive.  She'd started when she was younger than either Rich or Rosalyn were now, in a world he'd never seen - his path hadn't crossed with Lily while they were both alive, much less before half of him was even a sperm.

"Ah.  That makes sense," he said, and Lily started to turn red in the cheeks.  "What?"

"Rich... you can say it.  I promise I won't be mad," she said, although she looked like she might fall to pieces instead.  

"Say what?  I was just curious."

"Mmm..." she said, hesitant to come out and say it herself.  "It's... if this is going to be a long-term thing, we've got to be... honest with each other.  Okay?" she said, squeezing his hand, and he squeezed back, although he didn't really know what all the squeezing was about - he just knew that if Lily felt like she had to squeeze his hand, he would squeeze back.

"O...kay.   Lily?"

"I know.  I'm sorry.  It's just, since having Rosalyn, and then... I wasn't really looking for a relationship, and... I understand, you're a young man, and you were attracted to Rosalyn, so my body probably isn't your ideal, but..." she said, trailing off.  

Rich pieced together what she was talking about, and when it finally clicked, he scoffed, then put his hand to his mouth to try and stifle that reaction, worrying she might take it the wrong way.  Then, he froze - he didn't know what to say.

"It's not that funny!  Ohh... I've gotten fat, I know.   I've lost weight since I started running again, though, and I don't think... what?" she asked, as she suddenly stopped her gesticulations, meant to convince her more than they were meant to convince Rich.

Rich had stepped in front of her, his arms around her waist.  "Hey," he said, and she truly stopped.

"H-hey," she said, feeling a little better already.

"You are one-hundred percent my ideal.   Lose weight if you want to, but... head to toe, you're... beautiful.  I wasn't trying to hint at anything.  Like, really."

When she didn't respond, he leaned in and kissed her lips, and she reciprocated.   "Oh... well, for the record, I'm not insecure about that."

He squeezed her side.  "Of course not.  Why would I ever think that?" he said, teasing her, and she rolled her eyes.

"You really are a smooth talker.   If you tease me about my body, I am going to hold it against you, though," she said, pressing herself against him, feeling his stirring erection through her sundress.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said, taking her hand again.

They walked for a bit longer in silence - a good silence, a comfortable silence, before Lily spoke again.  "You should come with me sometime.  That would be nice."

"You mean running?" he asked, and she nodded.

"We could meet up in the morning, right before the sunrise..." she said, a little wistfully.   Rich didn't see why that thought would dampen her spirits... and then, like waking up in a hospital bed shorter than you last remember, the realization crept in, though he wished it hadn't.  He choked back tears, turning away from Lily so she wouldn't see.  Before she could even ask him what the matter was, he cleared his throat.

"Or... we could just roll out of bed and put on track suits together," he said, wiping a tear while simultaneously showing Lily a grin that he couldn't feel.

"That... would be nice too.   Although I would really like to run, and I worry that if you see me putting on a sports bra, you'll want to tear it off," she said, folding her arms under her breasts to show them off in her sun dress, which was an invitation Rich did not need to stare at Lily's cleavage.

"If you think I don't want to see you in a sports bra, then I think you weren't listening earlier," he said, putting his hand on her neck, and pulling her close.  Their lips touched, and they didn't care who saw it.

"Even more reason that we should get dressed separately.  Now, when we get back from the run..." she said, her finger running circles on his chest, making his breath tight.  

"Hmm... I'm not sure this is the kind of future planning we should be doing," he said, and that made Lily blush.

"You're right.  I'm the... more adult here.  I shouldn't just be planning rendevzous... but... that doesn't mean we can't also plan rendevzous."

Rich cleared his throat, and looked around.  "Why just plan?" he said, and then, Lily found herself looking around also.

They arrived at the park road to the bed and breakfast with little on the agenda that didn't involve some serious fucking.  Rick still had the lube he'd used to bang Lily's ass in the movie theater drying on his cock, and Lily still had a glazed rectum from all the semen he'd illegally shot inside of her during said movie.  She let it out discretely and discreetly as they walked together, trying to stay on  side-roads, a constant reminder of what he'd done in her backroads, and since she hadn't had a chance to cum during that encounter, Rich was well aware of her growing desire, even as she played with his hair and made up new pet names for him.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't be acting like this," she said, feeling guilty.

"Well, we are going to a bed and breakfast so we can spend the night together.   I don't think either of us expect to sit around playing cards all night."

"But... still... I'm going to meet your parents tomorrow, and we literally just started dating.  I feel like maybe we should... get to know each other better.  Not that way!" she said, defiantly, as Rich gave her a raised eyebrow.  

"We have the whole night to talk.  We can't possibly spend all of it going at it."

"Maybe you can't," she said, grabbing his chin playfully.  "Okay... maybe I can't either."

"I'm not planning on sleeping a wink," he said, pulling her close to him by the waist.

"I wasn't planning on letting you," she said, kissing his cheek.

They were within sight distance of the bed and breakfast when Rich pulled her off the road into the brush.

"Before we check in..." Rich said, and he nodded at a little gap in the undergrowth that would conceal them from rare car that passed by, and Lily's ears became red.

"Why would we do it out here and risk getting arrested when the bed and breakfast is a few minutes away..." she asked, while ducking under a branch to get in there without even letting Rich respond.

"Because I know you want to.  You like to do taboo things, don' t you?"

"And you like to make me feel embarassed.  Don't think you're the only one who's figured out what turns the others crank," she said, demonstrating her understanding by getting on the floor on all fours, sticking her sizable rear up at Rich, so that her dress hiked up it.  Her knees pressed into the dirt, but Lily didn't seem to mind.

Rich still had the lube, and she felt it on her already slightly-open, slightly lubed butthole, and then she felt Rich push it inside, and just like that, they were having anal sex on the side of the road.  Lily dug her fingers into the dirt as Rich thrust it up into her just a bit too quickly for comfort, and she groaned a long, prolonged groan that kind of slid into a sweet moan at the end.  Rich knew she hadn't gotten off in the movie theater - so she wanted it, badly.

"You okay?" he whispered, and she looked over her shoulder at him.

"Never been better, hon.  Although I think that was a bit too eager an entry.  I'm not a buttsex pro, you know."

"Not yet," he said, and Lily felt his hands on her big cheeks, his cock sliding out of her tight ring, but she knew it wouldn't be long before she had all of it back up stewing in her rectum, where, she had to admit, it belonged.

But rather than the sudden crashing off his hips against her ass that she'd been expecting, Rich slowly slid it back in...making her shudder.  He used his thumbs to pull open her hole - or as open as it could get stuffed to the brim with his dick - making her tight ring just a little less tight around him.  

Lily could read the signs - if her lover wanted her to get on her knees in the dirt on the side of the road and take it up the ass, she was gonna have to hunker down and take a hard ass-fucking like the good little anal piggy she was.  Or so she thought - Rich was easing it in and out, really slowly, saying her name, kissing her back, running his fingers down her... she had prepared herself for a rough fuck and had gotten a sweet sexin'... which made her all the more aware what they were doing and where they were doing it.  Her face turned red.

"Rich, honey... can you not slowly, lovingly fuck my ass... while I'm kneeling in dirt on the side of the road?!"

Rich ran his hand across her big, full rear, soft and yielding to the touch, knowing that Lily loved to feel his hand on her ass - and then, with a firm, concise motion, he raised his hand high into the air, and Lily felt her hairs stand on end from the electricity of the anticipation, until finally, it came crashing down on her big, jiggly cheek, and even if someone couldn't recognize the thunderclap for what it was, Lily's sultry moan would have given it away.

"Mm... sounds to me like you want it harder!" he said, giving her a good spank as he did, and she shivered.  Despite that, he didn't give it to her any harder and faster.  Instead, he gave her another spank, then went back to being gentle.

A wry smile crossed Lily's face.  "I... I know what you're doing.  You're going to make me ask for it."

"Ask for what, Lily?  What do you want?"

She reached back and grabbed her ass, her hands covered in dirt, and spread her cheeks for him.  "I... I want you to fuck my ass!  Hard!"

He spanked her again.  "How hard?"

"As... as hard as you can!" she said, and then saw stars.  Rich had slammed it all the way in, his hands on her hips, and nearly knocked her over.  He followed it up with another hard thrust, and another, and another, at a rhythm that made Lily lose her air.  She had to steady herself on her hands again, and Rich spanked her one after another on the same cheek as she moaned without reservation.  She could hear it going in and out of her ass, and just when she thought it couldn't get any more intense, she felt Rich gather up her hair, and then, felt a tug, while he pressed his hips as hard as he could against her fat rear.  

She felt him pushing it all up into her, holding it there... and then, he pulled it out halfway and immediately replaced it in her rectum, taking her breath away.  And again.  And again - all while pulling back on her hair.   She could feel her orgasm building in spite of everything...  and then, she heard something that made the color drain out of her face.

"I'm... cumming!"

"Wait, Rich, I haven't..."

"Lily, I love you!" he exclaimed, then pressed his hips against her fat ass one last time   and exploded inside.  Lily felt it rushing into her guts in a panic.  I didn't cum!

She held her breath as she felt him dump it all inside, not wanting to deny Rich as she'd just been denied.

Once he finished, he pulled her sundress back into place as he withdrew, then helped her to her feet, only to find her looking sternly at him.

"Rich, I didn't cum," she said, her anus drooling cum.

"I know.  Let's hurry up and check in!" he said, offering his hand to help her up.  She took it, and stood, patting the dirt off her knees.

"You... cheeky little... did you just fuck my ass in the bushes to tease me?"

"Yep!  Did it work?"

She grabbed his arm, and pulled him in close.

"Rich, I know you love to tease me, but I want you to understand something.  If we're going to spend all night in that bed and breakfast, not only am I going to cum, but I am going to ruin you for other women.  Got it?" She took him strongly by the hand, and pulled him along, picking up the pace.  "So let's hurry up and get there, so I can teach you a lesson about teasing a woman in her sexual prime."

Rich felt his heart racing, and though he'd just got his satisfaction, unlike Lily, his pants began to tighten.  "Just... try not to break it, okay?"

"No promises," she said, flirtatiously, and Rich wondered which of her holes were about to twist off his cock.

The sun was nearly setting by the time they arrived at the bed and breakfast, which was as quaint as could be imagined.  The old woman running it eyed them suspiciously, asking them if they were from out of town as she showed them the room.   Lily explained that they were, a lie that was that much more difficult to give convincingly when Rich had his hand up her sundress, and his fingers up her butt.

The room on the second floor that they were given was rather cozy, with a king sized bed in a nook and a rather floral theme to it - and although Lily liked it, she had come to find that floral motifs often hinted at a much less innocent character than one might expect, but, overall, the place seemed on the level.   Presumably, it was a family-run affair, although the old woman had been alone when they met her.

Lily was eager to get on the bed, and lifted up her sundress after climbing on top to give Rich a view.  He ran his hands down her inner thighs, and she hoisted her rear into the air.  

"Before we start... is it okay if I make you cum with your ass?" he asked, and she looked at him over her shoulder.

"I don't care how you do it.  You fucked me in the ass twice in public no less without getting me there, so you better have something sweet planned for me," she said, and Rich was beginning to get the sense that if he didn't make Lily cum soon, she was going to figure out a way to squeeze it out of him.  

He climbed onto the bed, spread her cheeks, and his tongue found her recently-used hole faster than it possibly could have just a week prior.   His hand came up to meet her sex, and he found it almost too easy to slip a finger inside, making Lily clench around his tongue and shudder.   His other hand roamed her body, running along her side, tweaking her nipple, caressing her rear as he plumbed its depths.  Lily was clearly on a hair trigger, and it didn't even take long to get her to build to what he knew was going to be an overdue orgasm.   Rich, ever the picture of youthful exuberance, was quick to get up to the matter himself, and, while still rubbing his finger up and down her slit, he pulled his tongue out, hoisted himself up behind her, and let his full, throbbing hardon rest between her cheeks.

"Mmm... put it in..." Lily whined, reaching back through her legs to stroke his hand as it stroked her.   Instead, he rubbed his thumb around it, making her shiver, and continued to tease her fully aroused labia, his finger occasionally venturing to tease her clit long enough to get her on the verge, but no longer.  When he was pretty sure touching her there any more would set her off, he pressed the tip of his cock to her still-drooling funhole and then, without hesitation, pushed inside.

"Gwuh... hnnn... oh..."  Lily gripped onto the sheets, as did her toes, and before Rich had even hit home, she came.   Her voice rose in pitch and intensity as Rich started to slam it in and out, her climax cresting several times before she could return to her greater senses.  Rich had never heard her sing out like that - in tears, she looked over her shoulder and rolled her hips back at him, crashing them together at an uneven pace that Rich could tell was much more for her benefit than his, no matter what she thought, but that he wasn't exactly in a position to chastise her either way.   She pressed firmly back, and Rich firmly forward, burying himself in her fat ass, and she groaned... but it was Rich who followed it up by blasting his cum inside, to the surprise of both of them.

"Ah.. shit!" was all he could say, and Lily moaned hoarsely in response.  Well, in response to getting another anal creampie, anyway.

"Don't... mmm... worry about it.  I don't mind... at all..." she said, and Rich pulled out of her, then collapsed onto the bed next to her, and she flattened herself off next to him, and ran her hand up and down his hip and thigh.

"Was that good?" he asked, a little eager.

"Mmmhm...  Rich, honey, if that was all you could give, it'd be enough for me," she said, running her finger then down his softening, wet cock.  "I think we both got a little carried away."

"I'm not... down for the count.  Are you?" he asked, and Lily rolled her eyes.

"You wish, hon.  I'm just getting started."

Rich thought about it, and then somehow managed to climb up onto his knees, his semi-hard member hanging in front of Lily's view.

"Think you can help me back up again?" he asked, showing it to her.

"Rich, I love you, but that thing has been in my ass three times since it's last been washed.  If you want me to put that in my mouth, you're either going to have to wash it or ask me nicely."

"Uh... please suck it?" he asked, and she smirked.

"Mm, don't mind if I do," she said, taking him into her mouth.  She didn't even care that it had been in her ass.  Rich had asked politely.

Lily soon shifted gears, taking off all of her clothes, giving Rich the time to do the same, and getting down onto the floor, and letting Rich hang his legs off the bed.   Lily was completely naked on her hands and knees on the floor with Rich's cock poking into her cheek, rock-hard and more than willing to give it up in her mouth, and Lily wouldn't have had it any other way.    She was determined to give him the blowjob that would make his peers melt - that would make him weak in the knees and cum in her mouth without any second thoughts or worries.  She wanted him to know that his dick was welcome inside of her, even if it was in her face, and even if it had just come out of her ass.  It should be noted that by this point, Lily wasn't so much 'thinking' any of this so much as she was incoherently having thoughts pop into her head while she had two fingers knuckle-deep in her own hotbox, staining the carpet with her clear, runny wetness.

Rich seemed a little reluctant to cum in her mouth, probably because he didn't want to take a break after, but Lily was having none of it.  She was going to swallow it down and burp, and Rich was never going to be able to get another blowjob without picturing her face or remembering the feeling of her lips.  She stopped playing with it in her cheeks or with her tongue, and started to give him a long, affectionate sucking, the kind that triggers a man's reproductive instincts, or at the very least signals to him that his cum is absolutely delicious and you want to eat it all like a cum-hungry slut, which has a similar effect.

She debated giving him a surprise deepthroat, making him cum directly in her stomach while she looked up at him with her emerald grene eyes lustily, truly ruining him for any garden-variety woman, but decided against it for three reasons, as she lightly sucked it out of him, looking up at Rich's almost pained o-face, feeling his ejaculation starting to work its magic.  First, she could save that particular trick for later, which gave her something to look forward to and a good reason to give Rich another seriously affectionate tongue bath.  Second, she wanted to taste it. And third, she wanted to show him exactly how much he enjoyed it, and wanted to see the look on his face when his horny little housewife lover swallowed it all down of her own accord.Rich watched her cheeks blow out with some amusement - he didn't want to look down on Lily, but after such an eager and insistent display of fellatio, she sort of had it coming, literally.  Lily, for her part, took it with grace, albeit a bit of embarassment - after all, she did want a faceful, and she got a faceful.  She sucked gently on the tip as more of it spewed into her welcoming mouth, over her tongue and teeth and some into the back of her throat, and put a single fingernail on his right testicle, as if to lay claim to it.

When he'd finished, or so he thought, she pulled her lips off of it softly, keeping them pursed, then opened her mouth to show him where it had all ended up.  She showed him the deep pool on her tongue, and under it, and then took hold of his cock more firmly and began to to tease out what remained into her open mouth, a strand of cum and pre dribbling down onto her tongue, which accepted it eagerly, for no reason other than to say "this is where it goes."  Then, when he was spent, she sucked on the tip a bit to remove the last of it, closed her mouth, and, with her eyes watering a bit and a little shudder, she swallowed it all down.

She put her hand to her mouth to stifle a burp, then opened her mouth wide to show Rich that her stomach was now Semen Town.

Rich stared at her, dumbfounded, until finally, he put his hand on her face, and wiped away a cum-taste tear.  "That's... a weird way to propose," he said, and Lily flicked his leg.

"You would be so lucky.  So... how was it?" she asked, although his sentiment of 'I want to marry you now' made the answer pretty obvious.

"Eh... I've had better," he said, and then smiled.

"Mmm, you won't mind if I just... bite it off, then..." she said, nuzzling underneath it to bite the underside softly.  Rich just watched her, only flinching slightly - he knew it was safe with Lily.  She looked up at him from under his cock, and said, quietly, "hey."

"Hey," he responded.

"Just want you to know...  I've had a great time on our date."

"I... I would hope so, since you're saying that from under my penis," Rich said, runnig his fingers through her hair while leaving his penis resting over her face, "but... I did too.  All this aside."

"Yep... that's what I mean.  So.... is it a good look on me?" she asked, letting it run aside her nose.  

"I may be a bit biased, but I think so.  I can think of two better looks on you, though."


He kneeled down himself, and Lily watched him come down to her level, and then, he gave her a kiss.  When he pulled away, his face close to her's, he said, "that's one."

She smiled, and, well, that's the look that Rich actually meant.  It was as radiant as ever - if he had never seen Lily's smile, he wouldn't have felt the way he did.  Eager to please as Lily could be, all he really needed from her was her sweet voice, her kindness, and that smile.  

"I... I think I know what the other is.   Should I show it off and get him back into the fighting spirit?" she asked, while tapping a finger against his mostly limp noodle between his legs.

"I won't stop you," he said, and he was pretty sure they were on the same wavelength, even before Lily pulled him up with her, took him by the hand over to the bed, then climbed on top of it, on her hands and knees, facing away from him, and threw her hair over her shoulder.  

"Like this?" she asked, legs apart, "or like this?" she asked, putting her legs together and hiking her ass in the air, "or should I put my face in a pillow?" she asked, still looking back at him.

"No... I definitely prefer seeing your face... but, I can think of some other looks on you that look good too."

"Oh?  You sure you don't want me like this?"

"Maybe... in a bit," he said, climbing up onto the bed with her.   He placed his hand on her hip and rolled her over onto her back, then situated himself between her legs, and felt the heat from between them as he brought his face near enough for her to feel his breath.  "This is another one," he said, looking up at her, and Lily ran her fingers through his hair, fighting the urge to pull him down into her waiting honeypot.

"Mmm... I like this one.  But it sounds like you're saving the best for last."

"Heh, is it that obvious?" he asked, and then motioned for her to flip over again, after giving her a teasing little lick down her slit, which made her entire body tense.   Now that she was flat on the bed, face-down, her big rear sticking out prominently, Rich spread her cheeks slight with his thumbs and dove in, making Lily giggle as he gave her a quick motorboating.  

"You're crazy, nnh..." she started to say, before being cut off by the sensation of Rich really diving in - with his tongue.  She felt it wriggling around inside of her, and hknew what she wanted - she wanted to be fucked in the ass, again.  Only this time, they had all the time together alone they needed, and she wanted to cum from it - and to let Rich know how she felt, even if it wasn't the "right" time to say it.  She always felt a little guilty when Rich went down on her, particularly on and in her backdoor, since having sex with a guy half her age was iffy enough by itself, but having him tongue around in her poopchute was a level of hedonism that she had a hard time justifying.    She really felt that guilt slipping away though as she hugged the pillow, her cheek resting on it, and got royally tongue-plunged by Rich in the fudgebox, his face buried between her cheeks - if police DID break down the door, Lily hoped that Rich would keep going until they finally dragged them apart,  because every moment that Rich spent anally servicing her was another moment she knew pure bliss, the kind that she often didn't feel she deserved and seldom got to feel, and, sex aside, Rich doing that for her meant more than he could possibly know.  It was also going to make her cum, hard, in about seventeen seconds.  She started the countdown in her head, and decided not to let Rich know about it - when he felt her sphincter squeeze the color out of his tongue, he'd know.   And though it was a bit selfish, Lily fully intended for him to continue after that - for as long as possible, maybe even the whole night.  If she drifted off to sleep with Rich's tongue in her butt, she'd drag him to city hall the next afternoon, after letting him do it wherever he wanted the whole of the morning.  In addition to her ensuing throes of ecstasy, it was paradoxically relaxing - Lily didn't imagine she would tire of it soon, if ever.

She felt it building and building, closer and closer, and got ready to explain to Rich why his tongue had been permanently re-shaped by the confused muscles in her butt... and then, Rich pulled away.  She almost cursed - that had been her fault.  He didn't know she was about to cum, so he took a break at just the wrong time.  At least that's what she thought.

"Not yet," he said, running his finger around her wet, teased out hole.  

"Rich, honey... if you put your cock in my ass right now, I'll give you something better than an engagement ring," she said, knowing that he wouldn't last long if he was inside of her when she came from anal.

"Not ready yet," he explained, and she longed for his tongue to return.   "Here, sit up," he said, and Lily reluctantly sat up.

"I thought you were saving the best for last?"

"I was.  But that wasn't the last."

"Mmm... you want me to sit on your face, don't you?"

Rich was taken aback by that.  "How did you know?"

"Ass or face, hun.  I know what makes you tick by now."

He laid down, and she threw her leg over his - she didn't know why she even bothered to ask.  With her fat cheeks in his face, Rich wasted little time finding out her brown hole and sticking his tongue inside of it, and Lily let her weight drop down onto it, and settled into a rhythm, riding on his face, building back to the orgasm she'd been denied.

Rich tried to say something from underneath her, but it didn't sound urgent, so Lily responded by tightening her anus around his tongue and having a full-body, wracking orgasm.  When it finally died down, she lifted off of him to hear what it was he was trying to tell her.  

"I love you," he said, and she smiled.   

"I love you, too," she said, dropping her hips down on him, and only feeling slightly guilty about it.  

After several minutes of that, Rich was ready to go again, and Rich slipped out from under a reclining Lily, leaving her on her back, to get between her legs, and inserted himself, making her toes curl, and then began to give it to her in earnest.

Rich pressed into her and Lily received it all, her legs in the air, bent at the knees, giving him unrestricted access to put his cum wherever the fuck he wanted to.  As she rubbed herself to orgasm, she felt it surge inside, and far from being embarassed by it... okay, still being embarassed by it, but more importantly, it set her off in a big way.  She loved having Rich cum in her.  She loved having Rich cum in her ass.  She loved Rich.

Their night in the bed and breakfast was long.  With no chance that Rosalyn walked in on them, they went about their business loudly and boldly.    Lily kept insisting that Rich's tongue and her backdoor weren't made for each other, but whenever Rich suggested that she could use a little loosening up in the rear, she had the same idea, and whenever Rich asked for her to sit on his face while he was between erections, she put her recently-repurposed donut hole in coincidentally the best possible spot for it to get an eager tongue inside of it.

"Not to sound like a mom, but you're a real naughty boy, you know that?" she noted, the second time he asked her to sit on his face, having just cum in a condom that he'd worked in and out of her for the last few minutes.   "Even when you're soft, you want me to sit on your face," she continued, not waiting for a reply... while sitting down on his face, perched atop him on the bed of the bed and breakfast, positioning her rear entrance right where his tongue could easily reach it.  "Now be a good boy and... nnh... don't have to tell you twice..." she said, interrupted by a sudden intrusion up her bum.

Having not cum recently (albeit, after cumming several times a few hours prior, when the sun was still just settling in for the night) she drove her hips down on him, grinding her big cheeks into his face and enveloping him, probably a bit more roughly and insistently than she would have if she hadn't been chasing the big O.   Her breasts exposed to the cool air, her clothing scattered across the room haphazardly, she felt a bit self-conscious, knowing that if anyone walked in on them, her fat ass boldly riding Rich's face was not the sight she wanted them to see if she was going to argue that she wasn't a corrupting influence, as she was basically fucking her ass with his tongue.

When they resumed their love-making, it was again of the anal variety, but now lust had given away to something else entirely.  Entangled in each other, face to face, lovingly whispering each other's names to each other when they weren't moaning into the other's mouth.  Rich felt a little tinge of naughtiness as he realized they were making love in quite the traditional sense, and anyone who saw them would think that they were two young lovers eagerly trying to make a baby, even as he felt Lily's pleasure cove wrapped around him, squeezing him tighter than any woman who'd already had a child likely could, with a dry heat surrounding him that he would never forget.  But even though they weren't using a condom, and they were so intensely and passionatley making love in such a traiditional position, there was that little secret that only they knew.  Lily's pussy was vacant.  She was taking all of Rich's lust, affection and youthful exuberance right in the asshole - and only Rich had ever touched her there.

Lily was thinking a similar thing as she lifted her legs in the air to give Rich more angles to penetrate her, or wrapped her legs around him while he gave her a fucking she wouldn't soon forget either.   She wasn't even embarassed about it - this was Rich and her's way of making love.  She loved the way Rich would lose his breath if she squeezed down on him, or how, if she wanted to, she could make him cum while looking in her eyes.  She admited to herself that it was a little raunchy - but aside from the occasional reminder that he wasn't where one might expect based on their positioning, she'd mostly accepted that chocolate was their vanilla.  And even if, in the throes of passion, Rich did occasionally say she had a "fat ass",  it made her feel sexy to know that Rich wouldn't trade ten seconds in her ass for anything in the world.  Locked together like they were, with plenty of lube in all the relevant places, they could go and go... and Lily knew the only restraint on that was her young lover unable to hold it in any longer and explosively filling her with lust.  That she would receive it all in the poopchute didn't matter one lick.

Rich slapped into her cheeks from behind, her ass in the air and her chin on the bed, her hands outstretched like a cat, and she gave him all the ass he wanted in exchange for getting all the cock she wanted right up her middle-aged asshole.   If this was a mid-life crisis for her, which she doubted, at least it was one that she'd remember fondly.  Rich pounded it into her and she wanted nothing more than for him to cum inside.

"Yeah... cum in my ass, honey... 

She could feel Rich's pubic hair tickling her, and his cum pumping into her.  She tensed her anus tightly around him, trying to make it feel as good as possible, and also to ensure he understood that as long as he was turning her into a backdoor mom, she got to use his cock like a buttplug, as was good and proper.

And that as it - they both needed a break.  Lily collapsed onto the bed, and was covered in sweat, as was Rich, and she could barely move anymore.  

"I figure... we can start again in fifteen minutes," Rich said, and Lily giggled. 

"Make it a half hour and you have a deal, young man.  We should probably shower."

"Why?  We're just going to get dirty again," he said to her, as she lay face-down on the bed, her fat ass sticking up and looking inviting.  When he looked to her face, expecting to see a grin, he saw that she looked somewhat melancholy.  "You okay?"

"I'm fine.  Better than fine.  I just... don't know if I can handle meeting your parents.  They must think I'm the worst."

'I told you, it'll be fine.  Even if they think bad things now, they'll come around once they get to know you."

"I hope so... Rich, I know this might seem premature... declarations of love aside... but I really don't want to lose you," she said, and he could see tears in her eyes.

"I... I can't promise that this will just all work out.  I know... I know it might not.  But it won't be because my parents don't approve.  I promise that."

"You can't promise that either," she said, rolling over onto her back, her hand reaching for Rich's face, "you love your parents.  If they hate me... you won't choose me over them.  Would you?"

Rich held his tongue.  Giving a hasty answer seemed... stupid.  He didn't think Lily was testing him, but it was a question worth serious consideration.  "I don't think I'd have to.  Even if they dislike you, neither of them are the type to try and control my life like that.  Well, my dad might try to scare you off, maybe.  But even if... and that's a big if... they kick me out... I would still love them, and I would still have a relationship with them.  I don't think you're going to break my family apart, Lily."

Lily smiled at that, for a moment, but then became sullen again.  "Although... you might break mine," she said, and Rich felt the sting, but he knew Lily wasn't blaming him.    "Rich, can you promise me something else?"

He nodded.  "What is it?"

"If I have to choose between you and my daughter... and that might be the case, even if it's not with your family...  promise you won't hate me... if I..." Lily said, although she didn't seem to be able to finish.

"I promise," he said, taking her hand,  "I love Rosalyn too, remember?  Or...  I was in love with her, anyway.  I don't think it would necessarily be the end, either.  Do you?"

"I hope not," she said, squeezing his hand.  "But... for now... we should really get in that shower.  I stink."

Rich smiled.  "You smell like lillies, Lily."

"Oh, you," she said, running her thumb over his hand, "I know pretty well what I smell like - ass and sweat.  Let's get in the shower before the room becomes unsalvageable, and open the window while we're at it."

They showered together - and though both seemed to be getting back into the swing of things by the end, they left the shower unsullied, if for no other reason than to not clog the drain.  

Before they even dried off, Lily pushed Rich onto the bed and straddled, then mounted him.  She rode on top, her massive breasts bouncing heavily, her shoulders heaving from the exertion, dropping her hips down on Rich as Rich drove his hips up to meet her, driving his hard, fully erect cock up into her hot, recently repurposed shitpit.

Despite her weight, he lifted his hips up to the point of almost forming a bridge, and Lily sat, shivering through an orgasm, on his butt-plugging cock in the most dignified manner she could, her hands balled into fists as she suddenly felt her rectum fill with Rich's hot nut, the result of their anal congress and the proof that Rich's sperm wasn't too discerning of smell.  It was hot, and surprisingly thick given their previous activities of the day.  Rich's body definitely wanted to get her pregnant - if she didn't have her anus pinching tightly around the base of his cock,  he might have succeeded.   As he flooded her bowels, Lily knew exactly what it was that had started to love about it - if Rich was fucking her ass, that meant she was fucking just to fuck, and so was he.  She gave him a little squeeze as he spurted a thick glob up into her half cock-shaped, half flooded spooge fudge tunnel, and Rich groaned.  She'd gladly trade a little cute romance and the sanctity of her brown hole for the ability to do that alone.  She was Rich's little anal whore, and she had the nutter butter in the butt to prove it.

She leaned back and spread her legs, and Rich could see three things - she was sopping wet, her anus had a tight grip on his still submerged cock, and Lily was covered in sweat and water from the shower.  Rich pulled out, and was breathing heavily, and Lily reclined.

"When... I'm good to go again..." he said, and Lily shushed him with a finger to her own lips.  

"I'm... good for the night I think, but..." she said, spreading her legs slowly, and spreading her hole with her fingers, "...if you want a nice tight hole to cum in one last time, I've got ya covered."

It didn't take long at all for Rich to take her up on that offer.  She took him in her arms, and spread her legs for him as he penetrated her again, and they kissed in a tight embrace.  After a few minutes of close, intimate sex, Rich reached down to fondle Lily, and she took his hand gently. 

"Don't worry about me.  Just cum if you want to."


She wrapped her legs around him.  "Inside," she replied, giving him bedroom eyes.  Rich didn't wait very long to grant her wish.  She kept her legs wrapped tightly around him as she felt it surge up into her bowels, a sensation that she was growing to like more and more, her bigh thighs squeezing him as tightly as her anus squeezed his cock.

Neither of them moved much, and she smiled pleasantly at him, sweating, but otherwise relaxed, as he spent his seed in her brown eye.  Rich pushed her hair out of her face and stroked her cheek affectionately while he offloaded in her repurposed fudge tunnel, again feeling a weird mixture of sentimentality and raunchiness that, no matter what happened, he would always associate with Lily.




I haven't read any of the others in this series but by god this was fucking adorable.


Looking good, pretty good, i love how each of the big series are so different among them