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So, just wanted to give some announcements - first one is about voting, our changes to it, and how it will now work.

We've been working on internal improvements to the voting system - once the website is up you'll have a live interface for queuing up pictures to vote for and viewing the current vote totals.  For now, though, we'll publish the current totals periodically like the one attached, and if're curious about how many votes a picture you're voting for has accumulated, feel free to ask us in a message - which is also how you should vote!

Attached is a document with all the current images and their vote totals - any id# number that is skipped is a sketch that has already won and is either in the works or already released (in Finished Images > Sketch Factory Winners) .   You can view the images in the Sketch Factory folder on dropbox in "All Releases".  

How the numbers work - 

Each sketch factory entry has a four digit number and a name.  The one above, for instance, is 0080 "Loob the Fist".  Following the name are three numbers - the first is the big one, the number of accumulated votes.  Whenever we finish a sketch in the sketch factory, the one with the highest number of votes wins, it's removed from the selection, and we start working it up into a full color picture.   At that point, every picture remaining in the factory has a number of votes added to its total equal to the second number - the velocity.

The velocity is just the combined vote power of all patrons voting for a picture (the number of which is that third number).  So if two patrons are voting for 0056 Transform (as is the case), and one gets 5 votes, and the other 3, it has a velocity of 8.  Every time we select a picture that isn't Transform, it will get 8 votes, until it wins or one of its supporters leaves (at which point their votes stay, but no new votes are generated for them), or changes their pledge reward up or down, or changes which picture they're supporting, or if another patron chooses to support Transform.  

In reality, it's you, the patron, who gets more votes every time your chosen sketch isn't selected, even if you haven't selected a sketch at all!   Some of you have so many unused votes that if you select a sketch now, you can easily bump it up to the top of the pack by your votes alone.  In total, we have 2891 untallied votes from current patrons - and the last few sketches won with  82, 74, and 73 respectively.  

So use those votes!  Look through the sketch factory and if something catches your eye, let us know.  :D




Great, pretty interesting, thanks for sharing


Hey it says that there is a document attached with the current numbers, I can't seem to find it!


Yeah, Patreon doesn't make it obvious at all - just took me a minute to find it. It's under the picture and the share link, called Current Votes.txt, right above the post carousel.