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Surprise!  Or, if you've been on the streams, less surprise!  We're going to start streaming a few times a week now, so look forward to that.  :D  

If you haven't voted, please send us a message with your sketch factory vote!  If your card got declined, please let us know when you get it fixed so we can send you the dropbox links!  If you want to read the story for this, there's a snippet below in the link below!

There's a hi-res image for Bunnies in the hi-res folder, and there's also a cropped, UI-less version for Dragons up in the alternates folder. 





So whens the kickstarter for the game?


Man, now I'm kind of curious what her cock would actually look like, given how you described it. And hey, hero, gods have even given birth from their foreheads before...are you really so sure it can't happen~? ...though, would it be rude to point out that when you write, "Mmm, yes… I can mate with this. I’m sure it will bare me many strong children.", it should be "bear me many strong children"? Also, when you write, "She may not really be a goddess, but her thing is as big as god’s would be.", it should either be "a god's" or "God's". And when you write, "Then ten month’s pregnant, as a seconds, equally powerful eruption sears your insides.", it should be "as a second,". And when you write, "but even if you had the energe to crawl away, her spines are still lodged inside your rectum", it should be "energy". And finally, when you write, "You still haven’t released all of the nagas old, cooling sperm before she penetrates you again.", it should be "naga's". I apologize if pointing out a few minor typos is more annoying than helpful, if you'd rather I not I won't do it again. ...mmm, would love a picture with the hero all cumflated, possibly still impaled on her cock~


Pretty cool, you have a great ability for VG, thanks


Hmm, I think (s)he's royally "fucked".

Dark Side

Haha, he can target her dong directly FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE!


Yeah, finished this one kinda last minute... that's what I get for not copy editing. D: I also don't notice my typos as easily on a mechanical keyboard - still getting used to it. Thanks~