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New Raquel update?  Sketch factory, you so crazy.  There's a cum version for you Dragons out there - featuring Raquel with the appropriate toothy grin.

As for a story snippet - well, Raquel doesn't really need a story snippet, but I decided to write (a long one) anyway!  That's below this text.


You've got some time to spare before your flight departs, and just before you reach for your phone to get an uber, you spot her. She's gorgeous. She's wearing jean shorts and a top that leaves very little to the imagination;

she's got dyed purple hair and matching lipstick offsetting her dark complexion, big, full breasts that don't seem veryt shy, tanlines that suggest even more scandalous beachwear, and she's looking at you with a knowing smile on her face.

You roll your luggage over to the outdoor seating where she's sipping on a cocktail, knowing full well how pointless that is.

"Hey there," you say, unsure.

"Hey you. Got someplace to be?" she says, eyeing your luggage.

"Flight takes off a little over an hour, but I just had to walk up and say hi."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

"Well... I've seen a lot of good looking women during my stay here, but none have..."

"I get it. Mmmm, you're in luck. My boyfriend's working overtime. Apparently one of his coworkers set a world record. Why don't you have a seat with me?"

Obediently, you sit across from her... and feel her foot, free of her thong sandal, running up and down your lower leg, but she doesn't call any attention to it.

"So... you're about to fly a few thousand miles away, and you strike up a conversation with a pretty girl? You must be pretty quick to the punch."

You avoid saying that she seems... even quicker. "I... don't really know what I was thinking," you say, and she smirks.

"I can guess," she says, running her foot over your crotch, which is rather prominent. "I'm guessing you haven't scored at all, huh?"

"N-no..." you admit, as she rubs you with her bare foot over your khakis.

"Like I said, you're in luck, then... as long as... I'm in luck."

She flicks her gaze downward, then back up at you, then down again, then up again, and you piece it together. Working off one shoe with the other, you graze her leg with your sock-clad foot, up to her tiny shorts... where you find that your

reciprocation is a bit more symetric rather than reciprocal than you thought.

When you don't remove your foot, she smiles, a rosy blush coming on to her face, visible even against her dark skin. "Well, I suppose lucky lucky is right. Sorry, my poor, overworked boyfriend," she says, then kills the rest of her glass.

She bids you to follow her into a nearby cluster of trees that winds between two buildings, giving little visibility to either street, then tells you to kneel against one. As you look down at the place where she's telling you to kneel, you hear her pants button snap undone.

"Here?" you say, a little disbelieving.

"I wouldn't want you to miss your flight, cutey. Hurry up, before someone sees us."

You feel a rush of heat in your cheeks as you imagine that, then, feeling short of breath, kneel in front of her - of course, given that you're the one kneeling, you basically know what to expect.

"Mmm... how do you feel about smuggling something of mine on your way out?" she says as she zips down her fly. You expect her to pull herself out through it, but instead, she hooks her thumbs by her rear and pulls them down partway, underwear

and all, and she flops out in front of your face and... yep, that's a dick, alright. It's bigger than you expected, but it doesn't smell bad at all - still, you can feel a phantom pain in your jaw.

"Are we... really doing this?" you ask her, the suddenness of it all giving you a headrush.

"Well, you're not dreaming, honey," she says, rubbing it against your cheek. "Wish I had time to really give you a good time, but some things can't be rushed," she adds, and the thought of kneeling on the ground in the dirt getting fucked

in the ass for the first time without any preparation does sound like something better left avoided. When you look back up at her, she seems expectant. "Well... it's not going to kiss itself."

"I've never done this before."

"I know - I'm about to fix that. Open wide, cutey."

You hesitate, as she gets harder and longer in front of your eyes.

If she was trying to reassure you, she had an odd way of showing it - repeatedly thwacking her hard meat on your face impatiently. You'd seen enough porn to know what that meant. "Open up," she says, plainly. There's no force in her voice, but it's obvious that she knows she's about to get her dick sucked better than you do.

You're surprised with the deftness with which she inserts herself into your mouth as soon as your cockhole is made available - that is, you open it slightly and her dick goes right inside, just like that. She must have a lot of experience

getting fellated on a deadline.

As she places it rather without pomp or circumstance in your mouth, she shudders, then puts her hand gently on your face as she begins to fuck it. Your lips experience their first taste of her dick, although it could be more accurately called

a sensation - the smooth skin of her penis sliding roughly against them.

"There we go. I was really worried when I heard that your flight was in an hour that you were gonna be the one that got away."

...although, you think, since you're still leaving on that plane, the only thing she's going to 'get' out of you is a big, fat, doesn't-even-know-your-name beej.

"Suck it hard, honey. Clock's ticking."

You hesitantly obey, even as she starts to pull on your hair, forward and back. She moans, loudly - probably too loudly given the covert oral sex you're engaging in.

You settle into a rhythm of hoofing her boner as she... checks her phone. When you spit our her dick to complain, she slips her phone back into her pocket. "Sorry, was just letting my boyfriend know where I was."

"You told him... you're getting a blowjob?"

"No, I showed him."

"You... took a picture?!"

"Yeah, sorry. I thought you noticed. Come on, hurry up, before you miss your flight," she says, and you're too stunned to protest as she pushes it back between your lips. With both hands on your head, now, she shoves it in deeper, and deeper... until you're gagging.

"Don't feel bad about choking on it - just means you have a working gag reflex. Though I guess that won't be for long, once you find a nice girl wit ha dick back home, huh?" she asks, and you just sputter around her cock in response. The sloppy sounds of irrumatio fill the alleyway as you slurp, sputter, and gag around her chocolate popsicle.

Eventually, you hear footsteps, and panic, but she just takes a step forward and buries it down your throat. "If we're close like this, no one can tell."

If she means no one can tell what you're doing is illegal - fat chance. It just looks like you're eating her out, instead. All it really hides is that her big dick is throbbing in your mouth and throat. You don't think the police

will care much for whether you're gulping down her meat-kebab or her fish taco when it comes time to slap the cuffs on.

Saliva is dripping down your chin, so her big, full nuts are coated in it as they slap repeatedly against it - you've never gotten a BJ this sloppy, but you sure are giving one. And the amount of salty dick in your throat is starting to make you feel queasy.

"You're not going to throw up. You've got this," she says, assuring you, even as her hips keep doing the one thing that will really put that theory to the test. She rolls them forward, bottoming out her cock between your lips just barely,

then back, pulling it out smoothly, then back in again - a surprisingly elegant way of fucking a mouth. Each time she does, her dyed purple pubic hairs tickle your nose inside and out, which isn't helping, and you wonder if the person

sitting next to you on the plane is going to notice a purple pubic hair sticking out of your nose or mouth and piece it all together like a forensic scientist.

You reach up to cup her breast under the top, and she moans. You play with her nipple as she plays with your tonsils, until finally she grabs your hand and pulls it down, bringing it underneath her intermittently disappearing-into-your-face schlong, where it finds itself cupping her balls, and she gives you a little nod, as if to say, "all for you." You had felt them slapping into

your chin, but now you can really feel their texture, warmth, and fullness. She's going to cum in your mouth, you realize, and as you look up at her, you see that she's thinking the exact same thing.

"Look up at me," she says, somewhat hoarsely. "I'm going to give you something to remember me by."

You do, staring up at her lips as they quiver, and her eyes as they stare fixedly at you, feeling, but not seeing, as she pistons herself in and out of your mouth. You can taste the increased precum volume, and you can tell based on how pointed her thrusts are that she's trying to gum up the works in a bad way.

She bites her lips, then blows you a kiss as her dick twitches in your mouth... and a second later, the first part of you to know what's happening is the back of your throat as something hot, wet, sticky and thick splats against it, and as the bitter stuff runs

down your throat into your stomach, you recognize it as the first rope of her hot, uncaught cum. Right, no condom.

Getting it sprayed onto the back of your throat makes you retch and gag, so she pulls back some for the second blast all over your uvula - and the third, which gives your tonsils an emasculating saucing. She runs her cumming cock

over your tongue while drooling spermgoo all over it, shooting rope after rope into your mouth while coating your tastebuds in her tangy flavor. Any hope that she'd baste your face with the rest of it is dashed as she turns your head

to the side to give your inner cheek a good scrub, filling it with creamy genetic material as she does.

"Wow, my dick's clean. Good job," she says, looking down at you, your cheeks full. You motion to spit, and she puts her fingers to your lips. "Now now, don't be a quitter. That's all you, cutey. Swallow it."

You gulp.

You've already swallowed some inadvertantly, but swallowing that much at once really brings out the cum texture and flavor, a hot, goopy mess of her nutbutter sliding down your throat slowly, salty and slimy and bitter. You gag dryly and shudder

as you gulp the payload, and she smirks down at you as you struggle to swallow her cum and keep it down. You burp lightly, and she slaps your cheek with it as it deflates.

If anyone heard the very sloppy sounds as she came and you swallowed it all, they didn't bother to investigate further. She pulls up her pants and zips them up. As she fastens the button, she pauses to look down at you.

"Nice to meet you. Now go hurry up and catch your flight, cutey."

Later, you do a breath check as you wait in line to take your shoes off, and, yep, smells like her cum. After swallowing that much, you'd be more surprised if you didn't have a major case of cum-breath.

As the plane takes off, you suddenly remember what she'd said - as you smuggle her DNA, still cooling in your belly, out of the country.




Oh look who it is.


I never knew voting could be so... fulfilling.


My dream girl! Lol


Raquel always deliver, good story and good pic, thanks


I've been a follower of yours over on Hentai Foundry. I really like the Raquel character, and the related stories. This is an awesome image, and a fun story. I look forward to seeing more of Raquel and your art/stories in general.


Well there will be plenty more; glad to have you on board. :D